Chapter 98 Killing officials to save people

The soundproofing of the guest rooms in the inn was quite poor, and Shen Ru could hear coughing at night.

This made it impossible for Shen Ru to sleep well, but for the sake of Jade being a patient, she couldn't say anything.

Shen Ru woke up when it was dark. Not long after leaving the room, she saw Fang Jin holding Jade wearing a mask and preparing to go out.

"Miss Shen."

Fang Jin called out to Shen Ru.

"I have an unkind request."

"Ha~" Shen Ru yawned and said bluntly: "I think what you said must not be to my liking. Are you sure you want to say it again?"

Fang Jin nodded and said: "I want to take Feicui to Liangzhou to rest first. The young lady will still follow the exile team. If Miss Shen is able, she can take care of our girl."

"Take care of Cui Ti, are you serious?"

Shen Ru asked back and sneered: "She is so arrogant that she might not look down on an outlaw like me."

"So this is a merciless request. I don't ask the eldest lady of the Shen family to take more care of me, but just to lend a hand in times of crisis, okay?"

Fang Jin looked at Shen Ru sincerely.

Jade on the side coughed violently again, mixed with words.

"No need to beg her, we...ahem..."

"Excuse me!" Fang Jin whispered to Shen Ru, supported Jade and left.

Shen Ru, who was unhappy when seeing a doctor, swallowed his words.

Not to mention Cui Ti, even if other people are in danger, she will not leave them alone.

Soon, the official servants all got up. This time, they had rested for a long time at the inn. The short-term official servants were also rotated, and it was time for most of them to hit the road again.

On the official road, it can be seen that there are more people traveling on the road, and there are also official officials who are dusty.

It seemed that the local government was taking the matter of someone trying to rob and kill the escorting officer seriously.

After walking twenty miles in one breath, the officials were all out of breath, so they let the large army rest on the spot.

"Boss, I walked a little too hard this time. My legs are shaking."

The official sighed and complained to Chen Qing, "Why are you in such a hurry!"

What should Chen Qing say? He went to the government office yesterday afternoon and learned a surprising news.

Previously, Yingzhuo Shouxin and Earth Dragon turned around. The Heavenly Master who was supervising Tianqin said that the remnants of Prince Jing's palace still existed, and asked him to either get rid of the Pei family child on the road, or rush to Liangzhou and throw this hot potato to Liangzhou.

This child... is only six or seven years old!
Chen Qing really couldn't do it. There were only a few women and children left in Prince Jing's palace. The court couldn't tolerate the only male!'s better to go to Liangzhou as soon as possible. It's not under his eyes, and he doesn't care what happens.

Chen Qing was prepared to keep this matter deep in his heart. He knew that talking too much would lead to misunderstandings, and the court did not want to be known as a person who wanted to eradicate the problem.

"The delay has been too long. I just want to arrive in Liangzhou as soon as possible."

Chen Qing said with an excuse.

"Boss, you have to slow down. It's very tiring in this cold weather."

Why not Chen Qing? It's freezing cold and we don't have much to eat. How can we not be tired if we keep traveling?
"Take off the white steamed buns, eat them, and everyone will be on your way immediately!"

Chen Qing spoke again, "We don't have much time to delay!"

Soon, the large army started again. In the afternoon, there were no people on the official road.

Shen Ru didn't look outside the carriage, but suddenly, the carriage paused, and then he heard Fu Bo's voice.

"Master, madam, eldest lady, there is an assassin!"

Shen Rushu opened the curtain of the carriage, jumped out of the carriage, and saw the escorting officers and soldiers fighting with a group of masked men.

She vaguely felt that this group of people was the same group as that night! "Master Chen, let me help you!"

Shen Ru shouted and stepped forward to help. In this winter, it is better to exercise to warm up!
This group of gangsters really came for the officers. Fortunately, there were many officers and no trouble happened yet.

The addition of Shen Ru has undoubtedly increased Guan Cha's strength.

"Are you a prisoner?"

The man who fought with Shen Ru was extremely surprised and said: "Since you are a prisoner, why do you want to help escort your officials?"

"With such good skills, why not help us solve these official problems and live a happy life with us!"

Shen Ru sneered: "If I don't do good things, will I become a fugitive with you?"

"The days when you hid here and there and ran away when you saw an official?"

"You are also the daughter of a noble family, so you are willing to do hard labor in that bitter cold place?"

Shen Ru saw the opportunity, kicked the opponent on the shoulder, and tore off the opponent's mask.

"A man who covers his head and face is considered that kind of man?"

Under the mask, there is a man's heroic face. This face is really not like that of a mountain bandit.

"Who the hell are you?"

Shen Ru asked curiously.

"I'm also very curious about who you are. You have become a prisoner, but you are willing to be the lackey of an official."

The man's face was exposed and he was very rude to Shen Ru.

"Our group has been walking for almost half a year and endured a lot of hardships. We are about to arrive in Liangzhou. Now that you want the prisoners to rebel, wouldn't it mean that all the previous hardships have been in vain? From now on, we will be wanted by the court. guilty."

"If we really rebel, we will have to hide in hiding and remain anonymous. How can we survive?"

Shen Ru shouted loudly on purpose, just to wake up the excited prisoners.

A group of people who used to live the luxurious life of aristocratic families are really going to run away, and they don't have a visible identity, how can they survive?
"The officials are all lackeys of the imperial court. They escorted you all the way. Your sufferings are all caused by the officials. You just need to let us kill the officials and you can decide the way forward."

The man was persuading Shen Ru.

But Shen Ru felt that her family had not endured much hardship!
"Without official duties, who would give us daily food?"

Shen Ru still said loudly: "We were all exiled after our homes were confiscated. There is no one to take care of the food and we have no identity. Why don't we still die?"

Shen Ru's words hit the mark on many people's minds, but naturally there were also some who refused to accept their fate and wanted to escape the fate of serving hard labor in Liangzhou.

"I'll follow you, save us, save us!"

Shen Ru looked at the prisoner who was causing trouble, and with a fierce strike, he struck at the man even more fiercely.

With Shen Ru here, it was impossible to kill the official. The man took the opportunity to retreat and blew a whistle, seeming to call everyone to retreat.

"You ask the official, can some of you still make it to Liangzhou?"

"It's not us who want to kill people, it's the officials who want to kill people!"

After the man left his ambiguous words, he quickly retreated and ran into the forest.

Chen Qing cleaned up the scene with a heavy heart.

He heard what the gangster said to Shen Ru, so the gangster's purpose was to kill their official servants to ensure that the only child of the Pei family was alive?

"Master Chen?"

Chen Qing stiffened and turned around to meet Shen Ru's probing eyes.

"What do they mean? Do you have any mission?"

(End of this chapter)

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