Chapter 97 If it gets worse, it will become tuberculosis
After this battle, no one dared to sleep on the spot.

Three officers died and about ten others were injured. It was so miserable.

Chen Qing also had a cut on his arm, which was being bandaged at the moment.

"Head, there are five or six people missing."

Chen Qing frowned and gritted his teeth without making a sound in pain.

But when he heard that another prisoner had escaped, he spit out a mouthful of blood and said angrily:
"You can't blame others for your own death. Anything can happen in this forest!"

The prisoners huddled together in silence, and no one dared to speak out at this time.

Shen Ru, on the other hand, was still looking around, killing officials and letting prisoners escape. What kind of gangster was he?
"Master Chen, do you have any enemies?"

When Shen Ru saw that Chen Qing had bandaged up, he asked.

"Do you think it's really because of personal hatred?"

Chen Qing asked: "How can a group of desperadoes have any legitimate reasons? If you have money, they will rob you too!"

"I do, but I can beat him!"

Shen Ru answered rather rudely, "There are many strange things these days. He actually dares to rob and kill an official. I don't know when the next attack will be!"

"Do you think you'll still take action?"

Chen Qing's heart sank. If he tried it again, he was afraid that they wouldn't be able to bear it!

"I guess, I hope it won't happen again, and I need to give people some time to rest."

Shen Ru said: "Master Chen, can you rest when you arrive at the inn tomorrow?"

"When we get to the inn, I'm going to report this to the local government. The officials were robbed and killed. This matter is no small matter!"

When Shen Ru heard what Chen Qing said, he didn't ask any more questions.

She passed the crowd of prisoners and walked towards her carriage.

"Dog leg!"

Suddenly I heard someone scolding me in a low voice.

Shen Ru was stunned, was he scolding her?

All the prisoners with their heads lowered were silent at this moment, and Shen Ru couldn't find out who was scolding her!
After returning to the carriage, Shen Ru had not yet settled down, and everyone in her family was concerned and asked if she was okay.

"Of course I'm fine. Even some of the officials were killed or injured, and some prisoners escaped."

Shen Ru simply told what happened, without mentioning her contribution. The concern from her family made her no longer worried about being called a coward!

None of these exiles are from a humble family. They were used to being domineering in the past, but now they despise her. Hmm, that's ridiculous!
"The world is really in decline, how can you rob and kill officials?"

Shen Yan said with emotion, "Instead of being anxious on the road, it's better to go to Liangzhou earlier."

"Everyone thinks so, but on our road, it feels like someone is always causing trouble."

Shen Ru said bluntly, "If you entered this forest today, you must have gone the wrong way."

"But when there are no stars or moon, we can't tell the direction, so we can only wait for dawn."

"Aru, you've worked hard too. Go to sleep quickly. Mom will call you if something happens."

Shen's mother felt sorry for Shen Ru and urged Shen Ru to rest quickly.

After hearing this, Shen Yan immediately blew out the lantern.

"Everyone, please rest. I'll call you if anything happens."

The next morning, when it was almost dawn, the official began to send people on their way.

No one dares to stay here for long, for fear of long nights and many dreams.

After walking out of the forest, the looming morning star on the horizon seemed to be guiding them.

By the time they found the official road, it was already noon, and everyone was hungry. However, the official did not stop, so the prisoners could only drag their tired bodies and continue moving forward.

Finally, he saw the inn in the afternoon, and Chen Qing immediately asked the official to take the prisoners to the inn to rest.

"What, an official was robbed and killed?"

When the Yi Cheng of the post station learned about this, he was also shocked. "This matter needs to be reported to the local county guard as soon as possible. These prisoners will be detained and supervised by Yi Cheng first, and I will take people to report to the official."

Chen Qing said decisively, and it was time for the short-term players to change shifts.

"This is not a problem, but Sir, you think these are prisoners, how can they enter the guest room?"

Yi Cheng was talking about Shen Ru's family.

"The Shen family is different. If Miss Shen hadn't been so skilled in martial arts, all of us officials would have been killed by that gangster."

Chen Qing said: "Let them let it go."

Yi Cheng suddenly realized that at this time, Fang Jin, who had arrived at the station earlier, walked out.

After finding Cui Ti, Fang Jin led Cui Ti into the guest room.

After Shen Rucai had settled her family, she heard Cui Ti's voice in the corridor.

"What are you talking about, if jade's dampness and cold enter the body, it will worsen into tuberculosis?"

"The doctor just said that if you fail to drive away the cold, it will eventually turn into tuberculosis. Miss, if you are tired of traveling and traveling and don't get treatment along the way, Jade is afraid that something will really happen."

"Then you mean..."

"It's faster to go to Liangzhou than to return to Qinling. I think you can let Pei Cui go to Liangzhou to recuperate first."

"That is, anyone who sends Feicui to Liangzhou will worry others and my subordinates."

"But if you escort Jade to Liangzhou, who will protect me if something happens on the way?"

Cui Ti's words were a little anxious, "There was another night attack last night, and several officials were killed. Fang Jin, I didn't sleep all night. I was really shocked."

Fang Jin sent the team to the inn early and wondered why Cui Ti and the others were so slow.

"Fang Jin, let me think about this. I am very tired now and my head hurts a little."

Cui Ti held her forehead, and Fang Jin could only let Cui Ti rest first.

When he raised his eyes, he saw Shen Ru walking out of the guest room.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was just going to the kitchen to get water."

Shen Ru quickly explained that she was not interested in Cui Ti's affairs.

"Last night...wasn't it dangerous?"

Fang Jin took a few steps forward and asked, "If I were here, I should be able to help!"

"It's quite dangerous. Have you ever seen someone rob an official?"

Shen Ru said: "I heard what you said, well, your young lady is indeed very weak and she should be protected by someone."

There was no emotion in Shen Ru's words. Fang Jin knew that what Shen Ru said was the truth. It was just that Jade's situation made it really not suitable for them to be together again.

"Hey, let me tell you, you just need to tell your lady that the girl's disease is contagious. If you stayed with her all night, you might also get the disease."

Shen Ru hooked his fingers at Fang Jin and said in a low voice: "If your young lady is protected by you, maybe you will infect your young lady with this disease on the road. The most important thing is that the elderly and children of the Pei family are incompatible with each other." Weak, more likely to get sick.”

"Do you think your lady will readily let you and that girl go to Liangzhou first?"

Fang Jin was stunned. What he said... the doctor also said that if Jade finally gets tuberculosis, there will be no cure and it will be transmitted to the people around him.

"Miss Shen, are you...really not a doctor?"

Fang Jin asked suspiciously.

"Is this something only the doctor knows? It's not like your lady doesn't know, she just didn't expect it and needs you to remind her."

Shen Ru looked speechless, "If there really is a consumptive person in this exile team, what do you think will happen in the end?"

"Jade doesn't have tuberculosis yet." Fang Jin said with a frown.

"I didn't say she was, didn't you?"

Shen Ru asked back, and then walked away. She just said, if you fall into the water in the winter, there will be sequelae even if you don't die.

(End of this chapter)

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