Chapter 96: Robbery hits the official

The northwest was cold, dry, and windy. The exile team walked very slowly, but they suffered a lot.

But what Chen Qing cares about is not the prisoner's body, but how long he can reach Liangzhou at the same speed as a turtle every day.

There were holes in the snow on the road. As he walked, Chen Qing suddenly felt a thump in his heart and immediately stopped the advancing prison car.

"Come and see, it's not snowing today, why are there fewer and fewer footsteps on this road towards the front!"

Chen Qing looked at the snow on the ground and said to his men.

"Really, head, there were traces of carriages before, but here...why are they gone?"

"That's right, it hasn't snowed since I went out this morning. Logically speaking, this shouldn't happen!"

"Everyone, stop and pull over. You go to the front to check first."

Chen Qing immediately shouted to the back.

When the team stopped, Shen Ru became curious, jumped off the carriage, and stepped forward to ask about the situation.

"So, Mr. Chen suspects that there are thieves in this officialdom?" Shen Rulai became interested, and the kind of verbal dispute with Cui Ti was really not in line with her style of conduct!

"At present, it seems very likely."

Chen Qing's many years of experience told him that this was not normal.

"Besides, it's not like I haven't encountered thieves before. The northwest is poor, and the so-called poor mountains and rivers breed unruly people, so we must be cautious."

Shen Ru raised his eyes and looked ahead. There were mountains on both sides of the official road. They were white. If someone used the mountains as a cover to commit murder and swindle goods... Well, it's hard to say!

"Boss, look at these!" The official's shout came from the front, and Shen Ru stepped forward together with Chen Qing.

Isn't this a bear trap?
And this iron nail...

Shen Ru saw these things covered lightly with snow and admired Chen Qing's insight.

She looked around and vaguely felt that someone was watching her in the forest.

"One group of people go to the front first to clear the roadblocks, and the others continue to move forward."

Chen Qing immediately ordered.

Although the walking speed slowed down again, Chen Qing's move ensured the safety of the prisoners.

A long trace was soon left on the flat snow.

But it seems that the exile team is being targeted.

Broken wood on the official road ahead blocked the team from moving forward.

Chen Qing immediately asked the officials to work together to move the broken wood away, but the recurring roadblocks also plunged the entire team into panic.

When it got dark, the road ahead was long and there was no sign of the inn.

"Boss, are we going astray?"

Chen Qing also suspected that they had been led into a side road.

"Find a place to camp, something might happen at night!"

Shen Ru and a group of prisoners stopped on the spot following official duties. This happened not once or twice.

Those who should look for branches look for branches, and those who need to light a fire make a fire so that they won't freeze to death if they move.

"Uncle Zhong, why didn't Fang Jin and Jade catch up?"

After stopping, Cui Ti's uneasiness amplified.

Logically speaking, it is not uncommon for Fang Jin to take Jade to find the doctor and then follow their team.

But it's been a day and I still haven't caught up.

Either they went the wrong way, or Fang Jin and the others went the wrong way. No matter which possibility it was, Cui Ti was terrified.

"Miss, please be patient. This exile team is so huge. Even if Fang Jin and the others fail to catch up for a while, they will definitely find us."

Uncle Zhong comforted Cui Ti, but actually he didn't know what he was doing.

Among them, Fang Jin was the most skilled and protected them all the way; Jade took care of the young lady's daily life; and he was responsible for driving the carriage.

If Fang Jin and Jade were missing... Uncle Zhong looked a little solemn.

As the night grew darker, everyone felt that their whole bodies were getting colder and colder. Even with a bonfire, it was difficult to dispel the coldness.The officials all put on thick winter coats, and many of the prisoners also had the warm-weather clothes Cui Ti had provided before. Even if they didn't, they all huddled together and tried to get as close to the bonfire as possible.

There are always some cooing sounds in the woods, and the accident happened at this time.

A group of men wearing thick animal clothing with their faces covered and carrying weapons and torches rushed out of the woods.

A strange roar came from his mouth, frightening the prisoners.

The officers all took out their weapons and made a defensive posture.

"What do you want to do?"

Chen Qingxin raised her throat and asked with a white smile.

"The officer is escorting the prisoner, why don't you leave quickly!"

"Hand over the food and money and let you live. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

The words with a strong accent came from a man's mouth, which shocked Chen Qing.

This is the first time that the exile team has been robbed.

"Are you mistaken? Where do prisoners get food and money?"

One of the officers sneered, "You should also look at people when robbing!"

"Convicts don't have money, but you officials do."

It was another man who spoke. Although his face could not be seen, his words were much clearer.

Chen Qing was shocked. Are these people trying to rob officials?

"Listen, all the prisoners, the world is unkind and treacherous ministers are in power. Do you want to be escorted to do hard labor, or do you want to overthrow these officials and follow us to the mountains to become bandits?"

"Everyone, listen, don't be deceived by others. The court will eventually grant amnesty. If you fall into the trap and become a bandit, you will never be able to look back!"

Chen Qing made a quick decision and shouted loudly.

Shen Ru also heard it. This was the first time she heard a robber talk like this.

"Father, mother, you are both in the carriage and don't go out. I'm going to meet this group of people."

"Aru, be careful, don't show off!"

Shen Yan said worriedly.

These prisoners were all from well-known families in the past, and they knew that what Chen Qing said was true. Although it was disappointing to become a prisoner, they would all be able to go home once the case was overturned, or if God gave them amnesty.

But if you escape, let alone being wanted, you will just lick blood from the knife in the future, and you will not be able to survive this life.

The sensible ones are cowering and not speaking out, but it is obvious that some people are on the verge of collapse.

"Kill them, kill these officials!"

As soon as Shen Ru got out of the carriage, he saw that both sides were already taking action.

"Be careful!" She saw a prisoner actually attacking an official. Was he going to rebel?
While speaking, Shen Ru also quickly fired a flying knife at the criminal. Of course, she did not want anyone's life.

However, the officer who was alerted reacted and killed the prisoner with a knife on the spot.

Shen Ru's eyes widened. It was her hesitation that made the gangster kill the official directly!

The scene was very chaotic, and some prisoners still wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to escape. Shen Ru was about to shout, but she saw a big knife hitting her face.

Shen Ru immediately dodged, then turned over and kicked the knife away.

These gangsters were actually very capable, which shocked Shen Ru.

Seeing that Guan Cha was at a disadvantage, Shen Ru could only help, but her joining immediately turned the situation around.

"With such skill, you are willing to be a prisoner. Girl, what kind of rich girl are you? How can you be so willing to fall?"

"Speak of your nonsense. If you don't leave, then stay alive!"

Shen Ru shouted, this group of people are vicious and are here to kill people!
With Shen Ru's help, the officials were not completely crushed. Seeing that they could not kill the officials, the group retreated and soon hid in the forest.

"Don't chase after the poor!"

Chen Qing called out to Shen Ru, "These are not ordinary gangsters."

(End of this chapter)

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