Chapter 95 I won’t save people I don’t like
Chen Qing led the exiled team with difficulty, and finally arrived at the inn when it was dark, but he estimated that it was only twenty or thirty miles from the river.

At this rate, it’s really hard to say whether we will be able to go to Liangzhou before the end of the year!
Because of the cold weather, Shen Ru was afraid that his younger brothers and sisters would get cold, and he didn't care whether other people had any objections.

She just took advantage of her good relationship with the official and let her family stay in the guest room of the inn.

"It's a cold day. I'll go to the kitchen to make a bowl of ginger soup for everyone to warm themselves up."

After Shen Ru settled her family, she said that there was still ginger in her space that came out of the kitchen on her wedding day!

"I'm going to help too."

Aunt Lian immediately said, "Sister, please stay here with Xuanxuan and Nian'er!"

Soon, Shen Ru and Aunt Lian were busy in the kitchen.

The unique spicy flavor of ginger is also very obvious after the ginger soup is cooked.

Shen Ru made the big pot on purpose. After pretending to be a family member, Shen Ru specially greeted Chen Qing.

"Master Chen, we've made some ginger soup in the kitchen, and there's still some left. You guys have worked hard, and the rest is for you!"

Shen Ru was just doing it casually, and Cui Ti happened to hear it.

Ginger soup, Shen Ru and ginger soup?
For a moment, the resentment in my heart welled up.

Jade survived falling into the water. Isn't what he needs most the most is ginger soup?

"Shen Ru, you are going too far!"

Cui Ti stormed down from the guest room upstairs and said angrily to Shen Ru.

Shen Ru asked Aunt Lian to bring the ginger soup back to the room first, while she kept it to face Cui Ti's inexplicable accusation.

"Cui Ti, please make it clear. Why did I go too far?"

"You clearly know that what Jade needs most is ginger soup. Why didn't you say anything when I asked you for help?"

"It's just some ginger shreds. You are stingy. No, you are not stingy. You are deliberately displeased with us."

Cui Ti looked very angry at Shen Ru.

Shen Ruqi smiled.

"Who are you!"

Shen Ru asked back, "Let me put it more bluntly, what does your maid's life and death have to do with me?"


Cui Ti was so angry that she clutched her chest, feeling like she was suffocating.

"Not to mention that the thing I dislike the most is your gossiping maid, even the other people, I don't have the obligation to help you!"

Shen Ru then said: "Miss Cui is a little too self-righteous. Do you think everyone should follow suit and support you?"

"Or why are you so ignorant of yourself? We are at odds with each other. You can't stand me, and I don't want to spoil you. I'm not your mother, so why should I try to please you?"

"" Cui Ti pointed at Shen Ru, gasping for breath.

"Shen Ru, you are really a selfish, evil-minded villain!"

"No, I'm just a little girl. Unlike some people, I insist on doing something righteous and benevolent."

"Yes, I'm selfish. I only care about the snow in front of my house and don't care about the frost on other people's tiles."

Shen Ru said frankly, and she looked directly at Cui Ti.

"You can do as much work as you have the ability to do. Let professional people do professional things."

"Your maid is sick. She is looking for a doctor. She wants to take medicine. She is looking for a doctor. Why is she looking for me?"

Shen Ru attacked Cui Ti in front of Chen Qing and other officials.

Seeing Cui Ti's face turn red and white, as if she was very angry, Shen Ru snorted coldly.

"I hate people who have no sense of boundaries. I don't like your maid, and I don't like you either. I don't want to interfere with your affairs. What's wrong? Can't you?"

After saying that, Shen Ru went directly back to the guest room.

Chen Qing listened to Shen Ru's words and felt that they were rough and unreasonable.

It’s not that you want to be a Bodhisattva and save all sentient beings, so what can you do with good intentions?
"Thank you for your hard work. Since there is ginger soup, let's take a few sips!"

Chen Qing greeted his men and said.Cui Ti held her chest and was angry.

Although she was not taken seriously in the Cui family, only her mother privately trained her to take charge of the Qin Ling store.

But no one would state his personal preferences so confidently like Shen Ru!
Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Cui Ti went back to her room angrily. With Shen Ru, all dignity was lost!

After learning that Cui Ti had quarreled with Shen Ru because of her, Jade felt even more grateful to Cui Ti, but also became more disgusted and jealous of Shen Ru.

"Miss, I heard that the governor of Liangzhou is someone whose eyes cannot melt with sand. If he knew that the Shen family was treated so favorably on the road to exile, I am afraid he would be dissatisfied with the Shen family. Even in Liangzhou, they would not Live a good life.”

Xiao Wujin had been among the exiles before, and his identity was not known to many people.

Cui Ti would not have thought that the person riding in the carriage with Shen Ru was the governor of Liangzhou.

"I didn't want to do anything to Shen Ru, but I'm really angry that she is so selfish. When we get to Liangzhou, we will reveal this to the Liangzhou governor."

Cui Ti made up her mind.

"Cough~" Jade coughed again after finishing speaking. It was dark and the station was far away, so it was difficult to call the doctor.

"That's all, I'll go to the kitchen and ask, this ginger should be there."

"Miss, thank you for your hard work. It's not worth it for me."

Jade was extremely moved.

Shen Ru's family sat around drinking ginger soup, and also gave it to Shen Ping, mother and son next door.

"Aren't you ridiculous? Why do we, Aru, have to be such good people?"

Aunt Lian knew that Cui Ti was looking for Shen Ru and couldn't help but tell her.

"Although Mom always teaches you to be willing to help others, you should also do what you can."

Mother Shen was afraid that the two children would not behave well after hearing this, so she educated them in front of everyone.

"Mom, I know, they are not nice to my sister, and they also say bad things about her. It's normal for my sister not to help them."

Shen Xuan understood very well, "I don't like to act friendly to people I hate either."

"I dont like it either!"

Shen Nian immediately agreed: "Sister Aru is right in whatever she does."

Shen Ru couldn't help but laugh, touched his brother's head and said, "Not really, your sister and I, it's just my personal preference."

"Hey, we are going to Liangzhou anyway, so the Cui family girl will always go back in the future, so there will be no problem of getting along badly in the future."

Shen Yan looked at his daughter and said, "Aru, as long as you are happy!"

"Well, everyone should be happy."

Shen Ru said cheerfully.

Only at night, Jade's coughing sound disturbed many people.

At dawn the next day, Fang Jin took Jade to find the doctor.

When going out, Cui Ti and Shen Ru met again.

Shen Ru thought that the relationship was broken and there was no need to maintain superficial harmony, so he just pretended not to see it.

"If there is anything wrong with Jade, Shen Ru, it's all your fault!"

Cui Ti said angrily.

"No, don't put your ideas on me."

But Shen Ru didn't want to suffer Cui Ti's accusation in vain.

"I am not the one who pushed people into the water. What happens to her has nothing to do with me."

"Or... we can investigate. Who is she, a maid, going to catch fish for?"

Shen Ru said this casually, but Cui Ti was obviously startled for a moment, and then her expression changed drastically.

It was so interesting that Shen Ru couldn't help but look at Cui Ti a few more times. This was such a touching master-servant friendship!

(End of this chapter)

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