Chapter 94 Shen Ru, she is unwilling to save her.
There were many people gathered on the shore, mostly to watch the excitement. After all, my family members around me were all well.

"Who, who fell down!"

"It seems to be Miss Cui's subordinate."

When Shen Ru heard other people's comments, her heart sank.

Is she Cui Ti's maid?

This must be a disaster, the cold river water is not enough to freeze people.

"Did anyone go down to rescue him?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"A young man went down, and I don't know if he can be rescued."

Shen Ru guessed that it was Fang Jin. Since Fang Jin had gone down, he should be able to rescue him!

Fang Jin fished the jade out of the water almost a stick of incense later, and both of them were very embarrassed.

Even though Fang Jin has extraordinary martial arts skills, at this moment, his lips are blue and he doesn't move lightly.

As for Jade in his arms, his hair covered his face and he was motionless. He must have been in a coma.

"Give way, let everything go!"

Fang Jin eagerly carried Jade to Cui Ti's carriage, startling Cui Ti who was resting.

"What's going on? What happened to Jade?"

"She went to catch fish, and the ice cracked and she fell. Miss, she needs to change her clothes immediately, Ah Sneeze~"

Cui Ti stood up immediately and said: "Fang Jin, leave the jade to me, and I will change her clothes. You... you should also change your wet clothes quickly!"

Fang Jin nodded with a heavy face.

"Miss, Jade should be drinking ginger soup!"

Cui Ti was also stunned. Where did the ginger soup come from here?
"I... hot water, boil the hot water, Uncle Zhong, Uncle Zhong..."

Cui Ti shouted immediately.

"It stands to reason that we should help!"

The Pei family gathered together and Yang spoke.

"It's time to go help. I heard you need to boil hot water, so let's go make a fire."

Pei Chongguang's mother, Mrs. Yu, also spoke.

"Then go and help!" It was the old lady who made the final decision.

Cui Ti hurriedly changed into wet clothes for Jade and wringed her hair, but when she saw Jade's still cold face, she felt anxious.

A cloth soaked in hot water covered Jade's forehead. Cui Ti would have despaired if Jade's breath hadn't been detected.

She got off the carriage, looked around, thanked the Pei family for their help, and finally looked in the direction where Shen Ru's family was resting.

When Cui Ti came over, Shen Ru just happened to burp and was full of grilled fish!
"Shen Ru, save Jade."

Cui Ti said.

"Cough~" Shen Ru coughed lightly and replied directly:

"I'm not a doctor, and I don't know how to save people."

"No, I know you must have a way. Even if Jade speaks freely on weekdays, it is still a human life after all!"

Cui Ti said sadly: "You must help me save her. No matter how much you ask me to pay, I will pay it!"

"But I really can't help it, I'm not a doctor!"

Shen Ru said, her method of saving people is cardiac resuscitation, artificial respiration, etc. Who can't do this?
It really hurt her heart, what could she do?
"You... Shen Ru, I didn't expect you to be such a cruel person. Even if Jade has offended you, you can't just die without saving her!"

"Hey, hey, why are you so unreasonable!"

Mother Shen became very angry when she heard this.

"Our Aru is not a doctor, why do you insist on putting a high hat on our Aru. When Aru said there was no way to save her, you misinterpreted it to mean that she wouldn't save her. We Aru are humans, not gods!"

"That's right, our A'ru was also raised by the daughter of the Hou family. Why do you think A'ru is a doctor?"

Aunt Lian was afraid that Mother Shen didn't say enough, so she added.


Cui Ti looked at the Shen family sadly.

"If Jade is really dead, you are all accomplices!" Shen Ru and his family looked at each other in shock, looking at Cui Ti's leaving back, very speechless.

"Tell me, should I really go and see..."

Shen Ru asked back: "But... I really don't know how to feel the pulse!"

"Don't go. Don't worry too much about things you really can't do."

Shen Yan said, "Aru, we don't seek that false reputation."

If Jade couldn't wake up, there was really nothing she could do; if she was about to wake up, she could give her some wild ginseng slices to extend her life, but... Cui Ti could buy it herself, too!

Shen Ru felt a little heavy in her heart, but she still hoped that the talkative girl would be fine!

Jade finally woke up with Fang Jin's help, but when she woke up, she was shaking and trembling.

"I'm cold, miss, I'm so cold!"

Jade's teeth were trembling.

"Drink hot water, you girl, why are you so stupid, go catch fish by yourself!"

Cui Ti's words were full of complaints.

"It's just that he doesn't want to go."

Jade glanced at Fang Jin, her hands trembled, and she held the cup to drink water.

"Stop talking about this, it was Fang Jin who jumped down to save you, Jade. If it hadn't been for him, you would have been washed away by the water!"

"Ah, Ah!"

Before Jade could speak, she had already sneezed several times in a row.

"I'm still so cold!"

After drinking the hot water, Jade trembled and said, "Miss, I... I'm not going to die!"

Cui Ti put Jade in a thick cloak and surrounded everyone.

"Don't be silly, it's just freezing. It'll be fine when it warms up."

There were already scoldings from the officials asking to go on the road, Cui Ti comforted Jade and said:

"When we get to the inn, we will go to the city to find a doctor and prescribe a few patches of dehumidifying medicine. We will get better."

"Then...okay!" Jade felt a biting coldness all over her body, even though she was wearing a big cloak, she was still cold. She felt that she was about to suffer a serious crime.

"Fang Jin, go and ask the old lady and the young master to come over. You and Uncle Zhong can sort it out and get ready to go!"

Cui Ti ordered, looking at Jade trembling, she couldn't help but said:

"Although I don't know if Shen Ru can help you, thinking about the scene just now makes my heart hurt."

"Jade, I am too narrow-minded."

"Why did the young lady say this? But what did Shen Ru say to try to bully the young lady?"

Jade's whole body felt cold, but he did not forget to care about his young lady.

"Thinking of Shen Ru's ability and your unconsciousness, I went to ask Shen Ru to look at you and help you."

Cui Ti was angry in her heart, and after Fei Cui mentioned it, she naturally opened her mouth to talk.

"Miss, how can Jade be so virtuous that you should be wronged like this?"

Jade immediately comforted Cui Ti.

"Then Shen Ruben is not a good-hearted person. She also holds a grudge against me. She is afraid that she would like me to drown!"

"Jade, stop talking, it's me who thinks too well of her!"

Cui Ti said lonelyly: "As long as you are fine."

"Sneeze!" Jade sneezed heavily again.

With the support of her grandson, Mrs. Pei had already arrived at the carriage door. She hesitated slightly when she heard the sneezing inside.

"Jade girl...are you okay!"

If she hadn't been old and couldn't stand walking in the cold weather, Mrs. Pei wouldn't have wanted to ride in Jade's carriage.

"When we get to the inn, we can ask the doctor for diagnosis and treatment."

Fang Jin replied: "Old lady, please get in the car."

(End of this chapter)

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