Chapter 11 Whose body is so valuable?
After the arrow was fired, a horse came outside the inn soon. The man on the horse announced his home and was brought in by the official.

Shen Ru came to Chen Qing again.

"Uncle Fu, it's you who is here."

The visitor had white hair and a weather-covered face, but he had a naive smile on his face and bowed to Shen Ruxian.

"Miss, why did you just tell those three girls to do things and forget about this old slave?"

"The situation was urgent, and there were only three of them around me at the time!"

Shen Ru said in an innocent tone.

"Uh-huh, Miss Shen, are you in such a hurry to do things in the middle of the night?"

Chen Qingcai fell asleep and was woken up again, feeling angry.

A 100-tael banknote was thrown in front of Chen Qing, making Chen Qing swallow and shut up!

"Uncle Fu, I want a carriage. It's getting colder as we go. I'm afraid of the wind and sun."

Shen Ru said directly.

Faber nodded.

"Then...Old slave, come and drive the eldest lady!"

"If Mr. Chen allows it, this is not impossible." Shen Ru responded, then looked at Chen Qing.

After stuffing 100 taels of silver notes into his chest, Chen Qing was locked in two gazes.

"Miss Shen, don't go too far!"

Bringing a carriage and its own driver, this is exile!
"Master Chen, it's better not to send officials to drive the carriage for my family."

Shen Ru felt that Uncle Fu's proposal was very good. Uncle Fu had been with his grandfather and had returned to his hometown for the past two years.

Chen Qing looked at Shen Ru and then at Uncle Fu, who was already very old.

"Are you serious?"

"Mr. Chen, the money has been given away. Do you think I am joking?"

Shen Ru smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, I am not trying to repay the favor, but Mr. Chen, I am short on taking advantage of others, so you just have to accept it."

"Uncle Fu, please go to the city tomorrow and buy some rice and vegetables to reward you. The road down there is more difficult, so you must be full."

"The eldest lady is right, so let's settle it. If the eldest lady still lacks anything, I will buy it together and deliver it in a carriage tomorrow."

Chen Qing is a veteran. Although he said he took Shen Ru's money and was saved by Shen Ru once, he turned a blind eye.

But he was also staring at it along the way. Tan Hwa Lang's death always seemed to have something to do with Shen Ru.

Picking a random herb can help relieve the cold.

Now that I want to send them food, there seems to be no reason to refuse!
"Miss Shen, let's start with the dirty talk. Chen Mou suppressed this group of people for you, but when it comes to the next level, if the escort officer can't stand your behavior, Chen won't stand up for you."

"Master Chen, don't worry. If you can't stand it, I will convince you!"

If money doesn't work, then use fists. If it doesn't work, then use the law!
Who said you can no longer ride a carriage in exile, and who said you can no longer receive preferential treatment in exile?
In the exile team of 800 people, she was not unaware of the dirty things some officials did, but the prisoners committed themselves in order to survive. What could she do?

If you are too lenient, you will be killed by others secretly as a Holy Mother.

She just wanted to protect her family and take care of the poor women and children in Prince Jing's Mansion.

Chen Qing acquiesced, and after Shen Ru left with Uncle Fu, he also told his confidants about the matter.

"Sir, the Shen family is so arrogant, I'm afraid something will happen!"

"The big tree attracts the wind. If the Shen family dares to show off, she will have to endure it!" Chen Qing said lazily, "Everyone, please go to sleep. Maybe there will be meat and wine tomorrow!"

The next day they went on the road as usual. At noon, the large army came face to face with a large carriage with two horses.

"Thank you for your hard work, gentlemen. I am a servant of the Shen family. I have prepared good wine and good food for you. From now on, I will work with you. Please take care of me."

The officials who had been greeted by Chen Qing a long time ago all knew it well, and the rest, with good wine and good food, they didn't say anything.

"Uncle Fu, going on?"

Shen Yan was confused as to why Uncle Fu, who had retired from old age and returned to his hometown, was here.

"Master Marquis, I'm late. I'll walk the rest of the way with you!"

Uncle Fu bowed heavily to Shen Yan.

"Uncle Fu, you have anything to eat?"

Mrs. Feng walked up quickly, "Do you still recognize me?"

The big carriage treats the officials and servants to delicious food and spicy food. How can they be left out?They are all members of the Shen family. There is no reason why only the big house is given to them but not to them!
Uncle Fu looked Feng up and down, pretending not to know: "I wonder who the aunt is?"

"Uncle Fu, don't you recognize my mother? What about me? I am the second young master Shen Tong, and this is the third younger brother Shen Fu!"

Uncle Fu looked cold and only said to Shen Yan: "Master Marquis, this old slave was paid by the eldest lady to drive the carriage."

"Uncle Fu, I am so virtuous and capable, but if I say this, the official..." Shen Yan was horrified, such preferential treatment was really too ostentatious!

"The eldest lady has taken care of everything. The Marquis and Madam can just feel at ease."

"Shen Ru is shameless. Don't your uncle and aunt know what you are doing as an official?"

Shen Ping stood up and said loudly.

"Everyone, come and see, this family sells their daughters for glory. They disregard the law and their loved ones. They only want to enjoy themselves. Everyone is here to judge. How can she still have the face!"

Shen's mother Yu Hui listened to Shen Ping's nonsense and stepped forward and slapped her in the face.

"Shen Ping, if you, a junior, dare to slander A Ru like this, a slap from me would be considered a light thing."

"That's it, what do you think of making our A'ru so miserable?" Aunt Lian said angrily.

"You're really a frog in the well. It's hard to say it. If your body is so valuable on this exile, then come on!"

"Is it inlaid with gold or silver, stupid!"

"What are you doing? Why don't you let me tell you? If Shen Ru hadn't done anything embarrassing, the officials would have allowed you to ride in a carriage, and now they can also let you ride in a carriage?"

Feng immediately stepped forward and shouted, "Shen Yan, the murderer of a thousand swords, is selling his daughter. If the old Marquis is still here, he will definitely be pissed off by you!"

"Shut up!" Shen Ru jumped on the cart and shouted loudly.

"Master Chen, gentlemen, please come here and listen. Are you trying to throw dirty water on me, Shen Ru, or are you saying that you all have no brains?"

Shen Ru didn't hide it, and shouted loudly, "Everyone, listen to what I have planned for you!"

"Dear lords, your mission is to take all these criminals to Liangzhou. We and other sinners are condemned by the Holy Spirit, so naturally we dare not resist.

"We have a common goal, which is to reach Liangzhou well. By then, all the officials will have completed their duties to the court, and we and other prisoners will do what we should do!"

"However, there is a shortage of food and clothing on this road. I am very poor, so I have to be supported by my old family members so that my family will not suffer too much. But I know that everyone is not as lucky as me, so I and Chen The adults have agreed that along the way, everyone can pick wild vegetables and find food by themselves."

"Hey, I'm also thinking about everyone. Two steamed buns a day are not enough, but my family has too much to take care of, and I can't keep everyone fed and drunk."

"It took a lot of effort to convince Mr. Chen to let everyone relax on the road, but he was slandered by his second wife's relatives for selling their bodies." Shen Ru sighed, "Let me ask everyone, whose body is so valuable and can be exchanged for so many things? "

(End of this chapter)

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