Chapter 12 She seems to have done something very novel
Shen Ping's face turned red at Shen Ru's words. Her grandmother bit Shen Ru to death and sold her body, and she wanted her to go too. Didn't she also see Shen Ru at Master Chen's door?

Hearing other prisoners agreeing with Shen Ru one by one, Shen Ping felt sad, why did Shen Ru have such a good life.

"Zhang Fucheng, do you dare to say that you don't know me?" Feng was jealous of the treatment he received from the whole family and shouted to Uncle Fu.

"When the old Marquis was here, I was also half your master!"

Uncle Fu ignored the Feng family. They were all prisoners here, and he, who was white, was no longer anyone's slave.

"Rest right here. Do you want to continue the quarrel, or go into the forest to find food?"

Chen Qing spoke up. This old woman from the Shen family was too much of an influence on them to drink and eat meat.

There were nearly 800 prisoners in total, and there were also hundreds of official officials. Words were passed on one by one, and no one could sit still.

Shen Ru jumped off the carriage and let his family get on the carriage.

"Uncle Fu, what delicious food did you bring us?"

"It's all what the eldest lady wants, and it's all in there." Uncle Fu said respectfully.

"That's it, then I'll get into the carriage too." Shen Ruchong challenged Shen Ping.

"I won't stand in your way. I'm afraid you won't be able to eat and feel uncomfortable after seeing it."

"Miss, I will keep an eye on you." Uncle Fu also said.

Mrs. Feng's eyes were fixed on Uncle Fu. She was also Mrs. Hou. This old slave... was so annoying!
"Mom, what should we do? Are we going to dig wild vegetables too?" Shen Tong was already well and his stomach was growling.

"Grandma, I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I want to eat meat." Shen Feng was no more than a child. There was a sweet smell coming from the carriage over there, and the smell of meat wafted from the food the officials were eating. Why wasn't he hungry?
"You go and rob, you make a fuss, do you still want me, an old woman, to go?" Mrs. Feng urged her two sons, "You should also have a share of the things in the big house."

Shen Tong and Shen Fu swallowed.

"Mom, Uncle Fu followed dad to the battlefield. If he takes action, we..." Shen Fu said bluntly, "We... let's go dig wild vegetables!"

"If grandma hadn't had such a quarrel with my uncle's family before, he probably wouldn't have treated us like this!" Sun Shenming, the eldest son of the third room, muttered, "They have good food to eat, but we can only dig wild vegetables."

"That's right, who had to separate the family in the first place, hey!" Shen Ming's mother, Yang, also complained.

The concubine of Prince Jing's Mansion was right in front of the Shen family, so she naturally knew that the Shen family's servants had sent something.

"Mother, how about I go ask the Shen family to sell us some food?" The person who spoke was Princess Zhao, the second daughter-in-law of Princess Jing. "We can still bear it. If Chongguang is so young and doesn't have enough to eat every day..."

"Go, the eldest lady of the Shen family is a transparent person." The old concubine nodded.

This large carriage is very open, and several chopping boards are put together to form a small table.

Several members of the Shen family were sitting around, and dishes were placed one after another in the food boxes on the table.

"Ha, they are all my favorite food. Cuixi and the others must have bought them."

After chewing the steamed buns and dry food for several days, Shen Ru was very satisfied with this table of food.

"Is it really okay for us to be like this?" Shen Yan obviously enjoyed the meal, but he still asked.

"What's wrong? I gave Chen Qing 300 taels of silver back and forth. And today's table, with so many drinks and food, probably costs 500 taels of silver."

"Dad, as the old saying goes, money can make the world go round."

Shen Ru bit into her favorite meatballs, the juicy feeling, oh, so satisfying!
"Miss, someone is looking for you." Uncle Fu gently clicked the door of the carriage outside the door.

"Miss Shen, I am Mrs. Zhao from Prince Jing's Mansion. Can you sell us some hot food so that the concubine and the children can eat some?"

"Where is the bowl?" Shen Ru immediately went to open the box at the back of the carriage, reached out and put some things in his space into it.When Shen Ru turned around and took out two bowls, she took the initiative to add rice and vegetables.

"I don't know what you want to eat. I'll pay for it myself. You can pay it yourself how much it costs!"

It's not that she is stingy. If she gave it away for free, how many people would want to ask her to give them something to eat. Even if she has no shortage of space, her wealth should not be exposed, right?
Seeing that these two bowls of food were very delicious, Mrs. Zhao swallowed her saliva immediately.

The money on hand was hidden in every possible way, but in this exile, the money seemed so valuable, yet so useless.

Mrs. Zhao took the bowl and handed over some broken silver.

"Miss Shen, I don't know if this is enough."

Shen Ru accepted it and said with a smile, "That's enough."

Shen Ru seemed to have created a new way of being exiled. Seeing that they could exchange money for food, some people also came to Shen Ru to exchange money.

But the meals were all ready-made, and Shen Ru couldn't give much, so she exchanged some of the dry food she had stored before.

The officials who saw her operation were a little dumbfounded.

"Boss, the eldest lady of the Shen family is really not afraid of us!" the official beside Chen Qing said in a low voice. "How can she be exiled?"

"Don't worry, this money will still fall into our hands when the time comes."

Chen Qing said, "Is there anything she can't finish eating along the way?"

"If she begs us once, she will be filial to her once. Everyone will get an advantage, isn't it good?"

"It's better to be sensible. It saves effort and money to escort him like this."

During the day, the prisoners were escorted, and the prisoners were allowed to find food on their own during the rest. At night, when they arrived at the inn, they were allowed to cook wild vegetables and eat steamed buns in the place where they were detained.

This escort trip opened the eyes of Chen Qing and other officials.

After walking like this for two or three days, during the lunch break, Shen Ruye and her younger siblings went to the roadside to look for wild vegetables.

It’s not that they ran out of food on hand, their family couldn’t give people the impression that they had too much food!
"Xuan'er, this is shepherd's purse. The wontons made with shepherd's purse and meat are delicious. Come on, let's dig some."

"You can also eat this. This is called wild chrysanthemum. Although it smells bad, it still tastes good."

Shen Ping followed Shen Ru unhurriedly all the time, and remembered what Shen Ru said when she heard it.

Shen Ru is the eldest lady of the Anguo Hou Mansion, why is she so familiar with wild vegetables?
Shen Ping looked at Shen Ru suspiciously, she was not normal!

"Shen Ru, what's the matter? All the food we brought has been eaten, and you still want to dig wild vegetables?"

Shen Ming, the eldest son of the third bedroom, also walked up to the Shen siblings.

"Don't you have a lot of money? Otherwise, give me money and I will help you dig it out."

Shen Ming had no money, so when he thought that Shen Ru had a lot of money, he got an idea.

Shen looked at Shen Ming as if he were a fool and said coldly: "No need."

"Shen Ru, don't go too far. I know you are capable, but aren't you afraid that something will happen to Shen Xuan and Shen Nian?"

"With so many people on the road of exile, can you guarantee that the two of them will always be fine?"

"Shen Ming, are you threatening me?" Shen Ru's eyes sharpened, "You weakling dare to say harsh words in front of me. Do you want me to kill you first?"

(End of this chapter)

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