Chapter 114 Why don’t you keep the Pei family?

"The criminal Shen Ru has met all of you."

Shen Ru said openly: "These are my parents, aunts, younger brothers and sisters; here are my cousins, my second cousin, and my second aunt."

Xiao Wujin nodded and glanced at Shen Ping. He remembered that at that time, the two of them were at odds with each other!

"that's it?"

General Zhao looked at the Shen family up and down, and finally looked disappointed.

"That's it? It seems that no one has the style of Shen Gong in the past. Don't say that I, Zhao Gongming, don't show mercy. When we get to Liangzhou, if any of you can carry and fight, join our army and I will protect you!"

Able to carry and fight...

Everyone's eyes fell on Shen Ru.

"Look what I'm doing, my daughter's family can't go to the camp."

"Does this general have any friendship with my grandfather? My father inherited the title, and I also have two uncles and a cousin... Well, why don't you take a look at those people!"

When Shen Ru said this, everyone who knew about it looked at her in surprise.

There were many puzzled looks, but there were also some happy ones.

After hearing this, General Zhao thought to himself: "It's okay, they are all sons of Mr. Shen, so there can't be no one who can fight!"

"You are an honest daughter. Zhao will not see anyone today, and will test the servant's character later. Da Sinong, after the servant is settled, please speak to me."

After General Zhao finished speaking, he walked away and stopped clamoring for people to join the army.

Da Sinong took out the roster, turned it over to the Shen family, and marked out Shen Ru and others.

"Sir, I'll leave these people to you."

Xiao Wujin nodded and said: "Well, you just have to arrange the rest to do things everywhere!"

"There are still so many people. 500 people will be resettled in the quarry to Yangjiaqiao Town; 100 people will be resettled in Qili Town to farm in the villages there; and..."

Da Sinong flipped through the roster and talked about the arrangements for people.

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru's family, and then asked: "Have you found your destination? When I need someone, you must come as soon as possible. If you are found to have escaped from Liangzhou City, you will be treated as a fugitive." "

Shen Ru nodded and said earnestly:

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, we will stay in Liangzhou City, waiting for you to send us."

"Hey, yo, it's not like you to be so obedient, Miss Shen!"

Yan Shaoqing looked Shen Ru up and down and said.

"My Yan family has several vacant houses in Liangzhou City. If Miss Shen doesn't abandon them, why not..."

Yan Shaoqing said, "After all, you saved me, and I haven't repaid you for this life-saving grace!"

"Some of my people have come to Liangzhou City in advance. I'll meet them first."

Shen Ru rejected Yan Shaoqing's kindness, "Since we are both in Liangzhou City, we will meet in the future."

"Mr. Xiao, look at the difference in tone before and after. It doesn't mean that you were also saved by Miss Shen. What's the difference between you and me?"

Yan Shaoqing deliberately provoked.

"Let's wait and see when you become the governor of Liangzhou!"

After Xiao Wujin finished speaking, he left with his men.

The prisoners were taken away in batches, while Shen Ru and her family stood quietly, waiting for everyone to finish leaving.

"Madam, madam, save me..."

Shen Tong broke away from the team.

"We are a family, we are a family!"

Even if Shen Tong didn't know how Shen Ru and the others were arranged.But anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are being taken to other places, but Dafang and his family do not need to be together.

His wife and children all enjoyed the blessings of Dafang and his family, which made him feel extremely embarrassed.

"Madam, Madam, Ping'er, Feng'er, don't you want us to be together as a family? Dad, take dad with you!"

"Second Aunt, if you want to be with Second Uncle..."

Shen Ru said: "Then follow your second uncle!" "If Shen Ping and Shen Feng are willing, then it would be nice for you and your family to be together."

Shen Tong was stunned for a moment and instantly understood what Shen Ru meant.

Qian was still a little hesitant, but was pulled by Shen Ping, and she looked at her younger son again.

Following her ruthless husband, she either went to the vegetable market or farmed in the countryside. It didn't matter that she endured hardships. Her daughter and son...

"If we can separate, I will definitely separate with you immediately!"

Qian said firmly: "For Ping'er and Feng'er, they shouldn't have a father like you!"

" poisonous woman!"

Shen Tong's hands were trembling, and he pointed at Qian and cursed fiercely.

"Let's go!" The official came and took Shen Tong away.

"You are unfilial, Qian, you are unfaithful, Shen Ping, Shen Feng, you are unfilial, the ancestors of the Shen family will not let you go!"

Shen Ru saw Qian's sad expression and covered his son's ears; Shen Ping lowered her head and couldn't see her expression clearly.

Wait until Shen Tong is taken away.

Shen Ru said slowly: "As you heard just now, I did not cut off the second uncle's and third uncle's escape. If they can get into General Zhao's eyes, they will still have a chance to turn around in the future."

"If not, then it can only mean that they really have no merit!"

Shen Ru's words hit Qian's heart hard.

"Miss, ma'am!"

In the distance, Cuixi and others were waving their hands and shouting.

"Our people are here, Mr. Yan, see you later!"

Shen Ru led his family towards Cuixi and the others.

"There will be a period later!"

Yan Shaoqing looked at Shen Ru's back and found that Shen Ru was really interesting!
"Master and Madam, Aunt Lian!"

Cuixi and others saluted Shen Yan and others, and then also called Qian and others.

"Fortunately, the lady has asked us to look for a house in Liangzhou City before. We bought a large house with three rooms, which can accommodate many people."

An Qiao said cheerfully: "Miss, you are here, we are so anxious waiting!"

"Come on, come on, let's go and see our big house in Liangzhou!"

Shen Rucai was about to get on the carriage, but was stopped by Cui Ti who came in a hurry.

"Where is the Pei family?"

Cui Ti looked around, "Why can you stay in Liangzhou City, but the Pei family was taken away?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?"

Shen Ru rolled his eyes impatiently, why did he blame her for everything?

Suddenly, she thought of something and her expression changed. She had arrived in Liangzhou. If someone still wants to kill Pei Chongguang...

"Shen Ru, you are really an extremely selfish person. Since you can stay in Liangzhou City, why don't you help the Pei family."

"The old lady is already old. If you ask her to still work, how can you feel at ease?"

"You girl, you are really ridiculous. If you want to help people, then go ahead and help. What are we talking about, Aru?"

Aunt Lian was so angry that she scolded Cui Ti: "You are the one I hate the most along the way. You can do as much as you are capable of. If you can't do it, don't ask others."

"We, Aru, are not Bodhisattvas. Do we still want to save all sentient beings?"

"Auntie, there's no need to tell her. You go back with Anqiao and the others first. I have something else to do."

For the sake of the money Pei Wenjing gave her, she would just make a trip. Who should she ask for? Naturally, it would be the Governor!

"Miss, I will go with you to Liangzhou City. We are already familiar with each other!" Cuixi replied immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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