Chapter 115 Mention the Pei family

Walking quickly on the streets of Liangzhou City, many of the houses I saw were made of mud and tiles, and there were no tall buildings.

"Miss, I heard someone said that the wind and sand in Liangzhou are strong. The higher the building, the stronger the wind. Over time, this house in Liangzhou City has become like this."

"Well, it's really not suitable for high-rise buildings."

Shen Ru said, "Is this the main street? There aren't many people there."

"There are not many people at this hour. Compared with the prosperity of the capital, Liangzhou is much more desolate. It is the New Year again, and the businessmen who come and go have gone back, making the entire Liangzhou city even more withered. Miss, that aggressive girl is Who is he?"

Shen Ru then told Cui Ti's identity and the reasons and consequences of her appearance in the exile team.

"Even so, she can't yell at you, eldest lady. Who are you? I really don't know how her parents taught you."

Cuixi said angrily: "This Chinese New Year guy doesn't stay with his family, and he does this for the sake of his sister's ex-fiancé. It's simply... simply..."

Shen Ru was already used to Cui Ti's self-righteousness.

"I need to find the governor. They just came this way."

Shen Ru looked forward, why didn't he see Xiao Wujin's men?
"I know where the Governor's Mansion is, Miss, this way."

Cui Xi was already very familiar with the roads in Liangzhou, and soon she led Shen Ru to catch up with Xiao Wujin who was about to enter the Governor's Mansion.

"Master Xiao, stay!"

Shen Ru shouted loudly.

Xiao Wujin turned around and saw Shen Ru coming in a hurry, his eyes darkened.

"Why are you so anxious?"

"I have something to discuss with Mr. Xiao. Can you please speak further?"

Xiao Wujin was stunned for a moment, then let Shen Ru and Cui Xi in.

The people in the governor's mansion were very curious when they saw the two women who suddenly arrived. From the guards at the door, to the yamen servants in the mansion, to the handymen in the backyard, they all looked at these two people curiously.

Shen Ru and Cui Xi both have the faces of Central Plains women, which are very different from the rough appearance of Liangzhou women.

Xiao Wujin took him to the study, but Cui Xi stopped at the door.

"Lu Yi, go boil a pot of water."

Xiao Wujin also ordered his men to go out.

"You don't need to be so polite. I'm here to tell you something. Well, can you pick out the old lady, young master, and two sisters-in-law from Prince Jing's Mansion?"

"Why? Prince Jing's Mansion is the most serious criminal in this escape, you don't know it!"

"All the adult men in Prince Jing's residence are dead, and there is only one single seedling left. Hmm, haven't you received the secret order from the court yet?"

"What secret order?" Xiao Wujin was puzzled. How could Shen Ru, a refugee, know the secret order of the imperial court?
"On the way, a killer has already taken action against Pei Chongguang. Chen Qing was also told to kill Pei Chongguang on the way."

Shen Ru said directly: "I have eliminated a group of killers. Well, Mr. Xiao, you are innocent and naive. If you receive a secret order from the imperial court, will you take action?"

"I would not kill a child."

Xiao Wujin said with a serious face: "How about taking it out and keeping it?"

"That's not a big deal, isn't there someone who will take care of it?"

The person Shen Ru was talking about was naturally Cui Ti.

"Shen Ru, I can give you this favor. It's already the twelfth lunar month, and I won't force you to do anything. But after the new year, you will have to do your best."

"Okay, okay, I understand!" Looking at Xiao Wujin's serious look, Shen Ru responded immediately.

"I heard that you borrowed money from Young Master Yan to buy coarse salt. Let's do this. While there is nothing to do now, I will give you some drawings later. Then you can make some tools and we can refine fine salt."

Shen Ru said confidently and calmly.

"How many people have you let know about this?"

As far as she knew, Yan Shaoqing; what about the ones she didn’t know?

"Everyone who needs to know will know that in addition to the daily needs of the state capital, this batch of coarse salt also needs to be processed by the Yan family."

Xiao Wujin said: "The Yan family has a broad path."

"Is it the merchant king of the northwest? I understand." She will see if she can find a middleman for the batch of salt she has on hand.

After saying this, the two of them became awkward for a while.

"When you were in Ganzhou, didn't you say you would stay for a while? Why did you come back to Liangzhou so soon?"

It was Shen Ru who found an excuse and asked.

She actually still remembers what she said at that time!Xiao Wujin felt some inexplicable emotions.

"I stayed in Ganzhou for a few days, but I didn't know that your exile team would move so slowly."

"Who told this northwest land to be so dangerous?" Shen Ru sighed: "In Suzhou, there are inns every hundred miles away, and horse thieves are rampant. The one inn we just left was burned clean by horse thieves; the inn where we rested again, We were attacked by horse thieves and fire again. All in all, this journey was not very peaceful."

Xiao Wujin was surprised at first, and then seemed to be expecting it.

"Indeed, the northwest is not peaceful. If something happens to Liangzhou City, you can inform the government."

"Generally speaking, I can handle it myself."

Shen Ru waved his fist and said.

"If there's nothing else, I'm leaving!"

"Wouldn't you like a cup of hot tea?"

Xiao Wujin blurted out, but then added: "That's all, come and see the guests off."

Lu Yi just happened to bring hot tea. When he saw Shen Ru was about to leave, he quickly shouted:

"Miss Shen, why are you leaving? Let's have a cup of tea!"

"No, I have to look at the place to stay immediately. There will be opportunities in the future."

Shen Ru said politely, called Cuixi and left the governor's mansion.

"Sir, why don't you keep Miss Shen?"

Lu Yi said in a somewhat complaining tone: "For this tea, I still want the best one in the house!"

"Let me drink."

Xiao Wujin said angrily.

Lu Yi was puzzled, where did this adult's anger come from?
Shen Ru and Cui Xi left the Governor's Mansion and went directly back to the house they had purchased.

Before I even entered the door, I heard a familiar voice.

"I'm waiting for you, Miss Shen. Why don't you say this is fate? Your house is right next door to my Yan family."

Yan Shaoqing walked out of the next room.

Shen Ru frowned and then looked at Cui Xi.

Cui Xi didn't know what to say. When they bought the house, they had seen a lot of things. This house was the first to catch their eye. It was the third big house they had ever entered. Although it was smaller than Anguohou's Mansion in the capital, it was considered pretty good in Liangzhou City. .

"Miss, it's just next door. We bought this house from a merchant."

"A businessman from Jiangnan lived here before. I have long heard that he thought Liangzhou was too windy and sandy and wanted to go back to Jiangnan."

Yan Shaoqing explained: "Originally, I wanted to buy this house, but I didn't expect that you guys got there first."

"This is really fate."

Shen Ru said calmly: "Then please take care of Mr. Yan from now on!"

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk to. I'll visit you more often in the future."

Yan Shaoqing said with a smile, his dignified look made Cui Xi on the side look dumbfounded.

"Miss, he looks very good-looking, just like the actor with makeup."

After entering the house, Cuixi whispered.

"Pfft~" Shen Ru couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, Yan Shaoqing didn't hear this.

(End of this chapter)

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