Chapter 132
The two people were stunned by Shen Ru's beating, but they immediately resisted.

It's just that the skills of these two shrimps are not enough to be as heavy as a heavy one. In just a moment, the two of them were lying on the ground wailing.

"Shen Ming said that you two bullied his cousin behind his back, and then brought me to you. Why don't you tell me, is this the case?"

Shen Ru stepped on one of the men's feet and spoke.

"It's Shen Ming who farted. Shen Ming wants us to scare his cousin. He also said that from now on, we can play with this little girl from the capital as we please."

"Bah, shut your stinky mouth!"

Shen Ping felt ashamed and hateful, so she stepped forward and kicked the man hard.

Just when Shen Ping was about to take action, Shen Ru pulled her back.

"Shen Ming, it turns out you want to harm Shen Ping!"

"No, it's not me, I didn't, it was the two of them who got interested, it was them!"

Shen Ming immediately pointed at the two men and said.

Shen Ru took Shen Ping back a step and said to the two men:

"Which one of you is lying? Shen Ming said it was yours. If your hand touched her today, I will keep that hand."

"It's Shen Ming, Shen Ming said it all!"

The two men knew how powerful Shen Ru was, so they immediately stood up and pointed at Shen Ming.

Shen Ru pulled Shen Ping back a few steps and continued to fan the flames: "Shen Ming, didn't you say that these two are hooligans and it doesn't matter if they die?"

"I didn't, I didn't say it." Shen Ming immediately denied it.

"Then let me see who is lying."

The gangster was eager to blame the incident on Shen Ming, and Shen Ming lied in front of the gangster again. He didn't know who touched whom first, and a fight broke out between the two sides.

After Shen Ming's crutch was knocked off the ground, he couldn't stand at all. He was quickly knocked to the ground and was beaten on one hand.

"Shen Ru, will something happen?"

Shen Ping's scalp felt numb when she saw it, and more people gathered around her.

"It's none of our business, it's them fighting each other."

Shen Ru said, Shen Ming deserves it, and these two ruffians are not good people either.

"Then...should we go?"

Shen Ping whispered, she was afraid that things would get serious and they would be involved.

"Don't you want to see the end? Don't you want to chop off their hands?"

Shen Ru asked, she wanted to find a permanent solution and was thinking about how to do it.

Suddenly, one of the gangsters screamed and sat down on the ground.

"Dead, he... is dead!"

Shen Ming was on the ground, his eyes wide open with anger, still retaining the same expression as before, but his body was motionless.

Another ruffian stepped forward to check Shen Ming's breath, and immediately fell to the ground, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Dead, dead!"

Shen Ru was also shocked, she hadn't taken action yet!

"The officers and soldiers are here!"

Someone shouted, and the onlookers immediately gave way.

In fact, the officials from the yamen were always following him, and when Shen Ru was teaching the two gangsters a lesson, they kept a close eye on him.

The county boss is also afraid that the government servants will join forces with the local gangsters to collect protection fees from vendors.

As soon as someone said someone was dead, the government servant who was staring at him immediately ran out.

There was an extremely sharp stone on the back of Shen Ming's head. The cause of his death was that he hit the stone during the fight.

"Miss Shen, we took him away. Please express our condolences."

"We have also taken away the murderer. He hurt people in public. Whether it was a mistake or intentional, the county magistrate will find out."

"Thank you, officials!" Shen Ruqian smiled as he watched the officials take him away. The way things turned out was a bit strange and unspeakable.

"Shen Ru, tell me, is this... the so-called bitch's destiny?"

Shen Ping murmured, Shen Ming died just like that!
"Yes, you bitch will be rewarded!"

Shen Ru said seriously: "I haven't made a move yet, even God can't stand it, right?"

"Let's go home. Hey, if you tell me, your parents may not believe it."

"Mulqin, you saw it too. I really didn't do it, he was just beaten to death!"

"Yes, Miss, I saw it. He fought with those two gangsters and hit a stone and died."

Mulqin was sure. This was the first time he had seen such a way of death. It was mysterious.

"What, Shen Ming is dead? Aru,"

After returning home, when he heard that Shen Ming was dead, Father Shen's first reaction was that Shen Ming was too cruel, but he couldn't bear to blame his daughter.

"Dad, it's not me. I didn't touch him."

Shen Ru immediately yelled, "If you don't believe me, ask Shen Ping or Mul Qin."

"Uncle, it is indeed not Shen Ru who killed Shen Ming."

Shen Ping looked very strange.

"You may not believe it when I say it, but Shen Ming was taken in by God. People have done so many evil things that even God can't stand it."

Father Shen and Mother Shen looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

"Ping'er, you...don't scare me, you...what's wrong with you?"

Qian pulled Shen Ping nervously and looked her up and down, "Didn't you say that I was just taken advantage of? You... don't scare me!"

"Mom, what I said is true, that is..."

When Shen Ping saw that everyone had misunderstood, she was a little anxious and immediately looked at Shen Ru.

"Shen Ru, tell me how Shen Ming died."

Shen Ru explained what happened simply and comprehensively.

"This... this is too mysterious!"

Mother Shen was shocked, "Is it really destined?"

"Anyway, I really didn't kill Shen Ming. Shen Ming's death will ultimately be blamed on those two ruffians."

Shen Ru said with an innocent face: "Shen Ping, please feel relieved. Both Shen Ming and those two gangsters have received the punishment they deserve."

"Well, thank you Shen Ru for taking out this bad breath for me!"

Shen Ping nodded heavily and said, at least she won't have nightmares!

"Then tell me, who will tell the third child about Shen Ming's death?"

Shen Yan was a little worried. Although this matter was really mysterious, it was estimated that the third room would blame Shen Ming's death on Shen Ru.

"This is not something we worry about anymore."

Shen Rukai explained to Shen's father: "Dad, at least you don't have to worry about whether Shen Ming will do harm when you go out in the future. If the third uncle and the third aunt are sensible, they will know that Shen Ming is to blame; if they blame me or the second aunt and Shen As for Ping, let’s see if they can leave the quarry!”

"Miss, Mr. Yan is here to visit."

Just as he was talking, Mulqin came to report.

Yan Shaoqing is here again?

Shen Ru was surprised, but still said to the others: "Since the neighbor next door is here, we have to see him. Mom and dad, you can go and do your own business."

Father Shen and Mother Shen nodded. Although they were elders, Shen Ru was really the head of the Shen family.

The Yan family has spies in many corners of Liangzhou City. Yan Shaoqing knew about Shen Ru going to the county government office and breaking down the door.

Moreover, he also knew about Shen Ming's death. He was just curious, how could Shen Ru kill someone in public?

(End of this chapter)

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