Chapter 133 It was really an accident
"Miss Shen has done something extraordinary. I believe you will become famous soon."

Yan Shaoqing joked.

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment, then asked: "What are you talking about?"

"Smashing the county government gate or something?"

Yan Shaoqing smiled meaningfully, feeling that Shen Ru's confidence was probably Xiao Wujin!

"I heard that the only son of your third wife in the Shen family died unexpectedly in a fight. Others don't know what you are capable of, but I do."

"So, do you think I killed Shen Ming?"

Shen Rushen smiled and said, not to mention that she was not the one who did it, was Yan Shaoqing here to challenge him or to threaten him?
Yan Shaoqing's look clearly suggested that Shen Rugan did it, but he didn't know how she did it.

"I didn't do anything. It was really an accident. Mr. Yan, are you taking too much care?"

Shen Ruzhi saw that Yan Shaoqing was his next door neighbor and a wealthy businessman in Liangzhou, so he tried his best to maintain the relationship for the sake of possible future cooperation.

"Is it really an accident?"

Yan Shaoqing really didn't believe it. Shen Ru went over so aggressively and ended up unexpectedly?It's impossible to write it like this in the script.

"Actually, this is also a matter of your Shen family. As an outsider, I am really overstepping my bounds."

Yan Shaoqing said apologetically: "But there is something I still want to ask you personally. Are you pickling something in the North Courtyard?"

Shen Ru's heart sank, was this exposed?
"The water from the sewer in your north courtyard probably flows through my house. Unfortunately, the grass in the corner of my north courtyard is all dead."

Hearing Yan Shaoqing's words, Shen Ru was shocked. She was careless!

I thought that if it seeps into the ground and then flows into the moat, no one will know.

But the moat in Liangzhou... has almost no water.

"Is it because of my family?" Shen Ru pretended to be confused and asked, "Maybe it's because it hasn't rained in Liangzhou all this time!"

"It snowed a few times a year ago, and the well water hasn't dried up yet. Do you think it will die?"

Yan Shaoqing asked, "No one in your family lives in the North Courtyard. Could it be that the previous owner left something behind?"

"How about we go and see it together?"

Yan Shaoqing's words caught Shen Ru's attention. How could she let Yan Shaoqing go to her north courtyard to check?

"Master Yan, are you Liangzhou people so reckless?"

Shen Ru still had a smile on her face, "But it doesn't feel good!"

Sincerity is a surefire skill!Shen Ru didn't believe that Yan Shaoqing could still have the nerve to watch.

Faced with Shen Ru's forced smile, Yan Shaoqing really couldn't say anything, but there must be a ghost in the North Courtyard!

"It's my presumption. I don't know what your plans are in the future. If you need Yan, just ask."

Shen Ru politely agreed and sent Yan Shaoqing away.

As soon as Yan Shaoqing left, Shen Ru rushed to the north courtyard.

"Miss, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Put away the dried salt. Don't touch the rest. Move it inside the house. We won't do it here anymore!"

Shen Ru made a quick decision and said, "The concentration of this salt-washed brine is too high. It's salting all the flowers and plants next door to death."

"The neighbor next door will probably come to check."

Shen Ru said neatly and started to collect the unrefined coarse salt into the warehouse.

When Cui Xi and the others heard this, they immediately started cleaning up.

After a few days, I got some fine salt from the sun, which was about the size of a big bag.

The four of them worked until dark before cleaning up the North Courtyard.

Yan Shaoqing suppressed it for a few days, thinking that just after he had said it, he sent someone to check it out. Wasn't this self-inflicted?
After he waited patiently for a few days, the people sent to check at night said there was nothing in the north courtyard.

"There is really nothing, so why is the grass in the corner dead? Is this a hint that there will be another severe drought this year?"

Yan Shaoqing was very puzzled.

Shen Ru also felt that the water in his well seemed to be getting deeper and deeper. It had been almost a month since he came to Liangzhou, and not a drop of rain had fallen in Liangzhou.

"You guys think, if it doesn't rain all the time, how will the people of Liangzhou spend their summer?" Shen Ru said with emotion as he looked at the sky this morning.

"We are all used to it. We use well water on weekdays. When it rains, we immediately get some water to replenish it."

Mulqin, a native of Liangzhou, replied.

"Well, I'm going to go out for a while."

Shen Ru thought for a while and realized that his fine salt refining was interrupted, so he might as well think of another way!

"Why are you out again this early in the morning?"

Shen's mother had just finished her work and wanted to talk to Shen Ru. Unexpectedly, she had already gone out.

"Auntie, where is Shen Ru? I have something to tell her."

It just so happened that Shen Ping was also looking for Shen Ru.

"I'm out. If you need anything, you can tell me."

"Auntie, I want to open an embroidery workshop with my mother. Do you think it's feasible?"

Shen Ping has sold Qian's embroidery twice, but the store's attitude was completely different.

He said that the things Qian embroidered last time were very popular, and he gave him three taels of silver to buy this time.

This gave Shen Ping the idea of ​​opening an embroidery workshop.

Shen's mother was a little surprised when she heard this, but she was very interested. She immediately took Shen Ping to talk to her about how to open the embroidery workshop.

Shen Rushi went directly to the Governor's Mansion. After giving his name, he was quickly taken in.

"What are you looking for from me?"

Xiao Wujin had just finished his official duties. When he learned that Shen Ru was visiting, he immediately had someone bring him in.

"Does it rarely rain in Liangzhou? I see that the water in the wells is sinking. It shouldn't be the dry season yet!"

Shen Ru asked directly, when winter passes and spring comes, shouldn't it be the time when everything revives?

"I heard that you once wanted to dig a canal to bring water down from the snow-capped mountains. Can you take me to see it?"

Xiao Wujin was surprised, not because Shen Ru knew about it, but because Shen Ru, a woman, wanted to see this?

"You really want to see it?"

"Yeah, I don't want to wait until the dry season and suffer the pain of drought."

Shen Ru nodded solemnly, she would be bored if she didn't find something to do.

"Come here, prepare your horses!" Xiao Wujin agreed immediately.

Soon, Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru rode horses and left the city from the east gate of Liangzhou City.

After leaving the city gate, the two of them galloped for almost an hour, and finally arrived at the place where Xiao Wujin wanted to dig a river.

"Did you see that there are still traces of the river channel ahead, but it is blocked higher up."

"What I want is to dig all the way down to the water source and reach Liangzhou City, so that the water in the moat can flow!"

"By then, the grasslands in Liangzhou will be full again, and people will no longer have to take risks for livestock raising."

Shen Ru looked at the mountains far away, and then glanced at Xiao Wujin, who had yet to achieve his ambition.

"Then, why not keep doing it?"

Shen Ru asked back, "Water is the foundation of farming. Whether it is grassland or farmland, water is needed!"

"Drilling the river requires a lot of manpower and financial resources, and Liangzhou's taxes simply cannot afford it."

Xiao Wujin said that he had already put in all his future salary and borrowed a lot of money from Yan Shaoqing.

"Also, how can there be so many people?"

"Yes, aren't there still an army of [-]?"

Shen Ru said, thinking of the farming system in his mind.

"I just don't understand why you arranged to go to the quarry instead of digging the river when the prisoners arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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