Chapter 172 Why can Sesame open the door?

Yan Shaoqing sneered and cursed in front of Kasili:

"Kasili, has your brain been caught? Shen Ru's grandfather is Shen Fang, the coach who used to guard the Liangzhou border. If you dare to make random arrangements again, you will be beaten by the Shen family one day!"

When Kasili said those words, it was a little impossible when she thought about it.

"Then she knows the descendants of the forty thieves."

But Kasili still said reluctantly: "Yan Shaoqing, she must have come out of seclusion with you just for this castle."

"If I remember correctly, it was the city lord who invited me there; originally, we should have left the Innocence City at this moment!"

Yan Shaoqing said coolly, "Kasili, your thoughts are getting more and more poisonous. Be careful of the day when your intestines will burst into pieces!"

Kasili yelled at Yan Shaoqing again angrily.

The lord of Innocence City ignored his daughter's madness and looked at Yan Shaoqing.

Even if she thinks what Shen Ru said is okay, she still has to search the house where Shen Ru is.

Yan Shaoqing was naturally displeased, but Shen Ru had already agreed, could he still stop him?
The result of the search was naturally disappointing to the Lord of Innocence City. There was indeed nothing there at Shen Ru's place.

"My dear nephew, is this Miss Shen really who you say she is?"

"If the city lord doesn't believe it, he can send someone to Liangzhou to check."

Yan Shaoqing straightened his back and said.

After severing relations with the Yan family because of a woman, the Lord of Innocence City thought better of it.

It wasn't that he was afraid of Yan Shaoqing, but he thought about it. Currently, the Yan family is the main force in trade with China.

If Yan Shaoqing falls into his hands, Sinless City will lose a lot of supplies, so...

"Nephew Yan Xian, Kasili's hatred towards you is out of love, so don't worry about it so much."

The city lord's expression softened a lot, "Miss Shen, this is all a misunderstanding, it's really too bizarre."

"No, it's because you have too little experience. When you have time in the future, go and see Middle-earth!"

Shen Ru sneered seriously, she had already taken advantage of her, so she didn't care about them!

"Father, there must be something wrong with her."

Kasili didn't give up, "She must know where the treasures of the forty thieves went."

"I don't know, but Lord City Lord, your daughter is so messy, I even wonder if she has other intentions for me."

Shen Ru deliberately teased: "Perhaps you are willing to walk out of Innocence City with me and go to the Western Region to have a look. Do you know where those jewels are?"

"Father, I won't, I won't leave Innocence City, I won't go anywhere!"

Kasili immediately grabbed the city lord's arm. In Sinless City, she was the supreme city lord's daughter!
The city lord was very troubled by this daughter.

"My dear nephew, when you pass by Innocence City on your way back, how about I hold a banquet to welcome you and cleanse you from the dust? How about this as an apology?"

"Then wait until we come back!"

Yan Shaoqing did not agree directly and said perfunctorily.

The city lord led his people to retreat, but Yan Shaoqing and Shen Ru were notified.

"Shen Ru, in the Sinless City, you can only keep them low, so don't take it too seriously."

Yan Shaoqing comforted him: "Let me change you to a guest room!"

"Okay!" Shen Ru responded readily. She really didn't want to live in the searched room.

Yan Shaoqing glanced at Shen Ru from the corner of his eyes. He didn't think Shen Ru was such a kind person!

However, Yan Shaoqing didn't intend to point it out. He would have to go the same way later, so he could take his time and watch.The next morning, Yan Shaoqing and his party left Sinless City.

The spies who were secretly following him followed for a long time before returning to Innocence City to report.

"Lord City Lord, they didn't bring anything more than when they came."

The city lord frowned and said to himself: "Does that mean they really didn't take anything from the castle?"

"Impossible. I have never heard of this castle appearing in all these years. Where did the things inside go?"

"Father, why don't you take down Shen Ru? The results will come out under torture."

Kasili said angrily.

"Kasili, if you can capture Yan Shaoqing, why would I bother to search for the wealth of the Forty Thieves?"

The city lord was very dissatisfied when he looked at Kasili.

"Innocence City is rich, but our city lord's mansion is about to run out of gas. The Yan family's wealth is enough to bring us back to life. Kasili, you are so useless. When they pass by Innocence City on their way back, I will You climb into Yan Shaoqing's bed."

"Father, Yan Shaoqing wants his daughter to marry in Liangzhou. She doesn't want to leave her homeland or her father!"

Kasili started crying: "Liangzhou doesn't have the pure land of bliss of Sinless City. I don't know why the Yan family chose to stay in Liangzhou."

"If you can't take down Yan Shaoqing, our family will lose its position as city lord. By then, you won't have any wealth or enjoyment!"

The city lord said seriously: "Kasili, for the sake of this family, you must make sacrifices."

Yan Shaoqing, who was already on his way in the yellow sand, naturally didn't know that the city lord had already made up his mind to give Kasili to him.

He was still secretly observing Shen Ru and felt that Shen Ru was too happy along the way.

Of course Shen Ru was happy. With so much money, how should she spend it?

"Sister Shen, when I arrive in Liangzhou, can I go to your school?"

Suddenly, Dunzhu said: "I think you are right. The lord of Innocence City just has too little knowledge."

Shen Ru was stunned, haha, after walking so far, Dunzhu only mentioned this matter!

"School doesn't teach that."

Shen Ru smiled and said, "At least the schools in Liangzhou don't teach simplified Chinese characters, nor do they teach Arabic numerals."

"What?" Yan Shaoqing was stunned for a moment, "What are you talking about, Arab... what does this have to do with this Arab uncle?"

"Pfft!" Shen Ru laughed, but then she stopped smiling and started making nonsense again:

"When I was a child, I went to the countryside with my grandfather and met some people. That simplified character was the text they used."

"Their one, two, three and four are different from what we wrote."

"I didn't understand it when I was young, but my grandfather said that there are all kinds of wonders in the world. Learn more and you will be able to use them in the future, so I learned it."

Yan Shaoqing was stunned for a moment, then remembered what Kasili said. Even though Kasili was a little unreasonable, he couldn't help but wonder if those forty thieves had descendants in China?
"You told me that story, do all the kids over there know it?"

Yan Shaoqing couldn't help but ask.

"Children in the city naturally don't know about it. I'm also a child in the country. I've forgotten all the places. My grandfather took me there."

Shen Ru used the late Mr. Marquis as an excuse and said it smoothly.

Open sesame, why can sesame open the door?

Yan Shaoqing was puzzled. This story was really a bit confusing. Did the forty thieves die in that castle, or did they escape and go to China?

Why did Shen Ru meet him? ——
The second update is here. Happy Labor Day holiday, dear friends. The author is still working hard on coding!
(End of this chapter)

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