Chapter 173 The Prince in Distress of Gaochang Kingdom
The yellow sand filled the sky, and Shen Ru and his party walked without any danger.

"There will be an old city ruins ahead. We will stay there for the night. We will walk another day tomorrow and reach the small country on the border of the Western Region at sunset."

Yan Shaoqing wiped the sand mixed with sweat from his face. No matter how noble the young master was, he looked tired at this moment.

The others were naturally not much better. Shen Ru covered his head and face tightly, but he still felt like his breath was filled with sand.

"Let's go quickly. We'll get there in one fell swoop. Our horses will be exhausted!"

Shen Ru urged, even if she had enough water and supplies, she would still be exhausted in this desert.

The group of people stepped up their pace and finally arrived at the ruins of the old city that Yan Shaoqing mentioned.

Surprisingly, there are actually people here.

The six men with completely foreign looks also looked at Yan Shaoqing and his party with caution.

Yan Shaoqing stepped forward and told him his identity as a businessman, and the men breathed a sigh of relief. When they saw the two women Shen Ru and Dunzhu, their expressions obviously relaxed.

Shen Ru saw Yan Shaoqing chattering to the other party, so he didn't interrupt.

Yan Shaoqing's guards also took out tents from the carriage and prepared a place to sleep at night.

After a while, Yan Shaoqing also came over.

"They are from Gaochang Kingdom in the Western Region, and they are also going to Sand Dune City."

"They said there are often bandits in this area and they hope to join us."

"Is it believable?"

Shen Ru asked back, she didn't think Yan Shaoqing had such a kind heart!
"They have camels, and one of them is the prince of Gaochang."

Yan Shaoqing's lips raised in awe.

"Because they were chased by bandits, they were separated from the escort. If we can escort them to Dune City together, they will thank us."

Let’s just say, it’s the nature of a businessman not to be too early if there’s no profit!

"It's up to you to decide." Shen Ru said casually, becoming her qualified bodyguard.

Soon, several tents were set up, and Shen Ru and Dunzup shared one. Naturally, they couldn't be pretentious while traveling.

In the middle of the night, among the whistling wind, there was also a voice calling for help.

Shen Ru woke up with a start and immediately came out of the tent to check.

But not far away, he saw several people from Gaochang Kingdom jumping up and down as if there was something on the ground.

And Shen Ru also heard the low music in the wind.

Walking over quickly, Shen Ru's heart tingled when she saw the dense scorpions on the ground.

"Get out of the way!" Shen Ru shouted, immediately sprinkled some black oily water on the ground, and then threw down the fire seal.

With a "boom", the flames suddenly rose, and along with the crackling sound, the air was filled with the aroma of barbecued scorpions.

At the same time, Shen Ru also saw a figure in white standing high up, and she immediately rushed over.

Under the moonlight, high up in the ruins, a masked man in white was playing the flute.

Shen Ruzheng was wondering whether others would understand him when he spoke, but the man in white had already jumped down from a high place.

"Did you burn the scorpion with fire?"

"Can you speak Middle-earth?"

Shen Ru immediately asked, "What do you want to do?"

This person in white is actually a woman!

"I received the money to kill those Gaochang people. If you know what I'm doing, get out of my way."

Shen Ru hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Who are they and what crime have they committed?"

"Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters, regardless of whether it's right or wrong!"

The woman's indifferent tone forced Shen Ru to think about it.

"Shen Ru, this man is a killer sent by Queen Gaochang. This is their battle for the throne of Gaochang Kingdom. If you help the prince of Gaochang Kingdom escape from pursuit, he will repay us in the future."

Yan Shaoqing shouted from behind.You know that Yan Shaoqing's agreement to go with that group of people is not that simple!
Shen Ru cursed, but then he still said to the woman in white.

"You heard it, so I can't let you kill anyone."

"Then it's up to each other!"

The woman in white said and attacked Shen Ru.

In an instant, the two of them fought together.

This woman’s kung fu is pretty good!
As soon as Shen Ru fought, she knew the opponent's skill level, which in turn aroused her desire to win.

"Master, do you need help?"

Yu Tai and others came to Yan Shaoqing's side and asked nervously.

"The roasted scorpions there smell quite good."

Chen Mo also added.

"Let's see what Shen Ru says!"

Yan Shaoqing said, Shen Ru seemed to have never wanted to help.

After a few consecutive moves, the woman in white took advantage of the situation to retreat, and then said loudly: "You are very good at martial arts. I won't fight you. If you have the ability, you will protect them for the rest of your life!"

The words were scattered in the wind, and the woman in white disappeared into the night.

Shen Ruyi was still unfinished, but she had no opponent, so she could only regretfully turn around and walk towards Yan Shaoqing.

"Yan Shaoqing, everything you said was hidden. You didn't say it during the day."

Yan Shaoqing smiled and then asked, "You didn't even ask!"

"These people will attract killers. Are you sure you want to take them with you?"

Shen Ru asked again.

"What I just said is true. It is indeed an internal fight among the Gaochang royal family. The prince is going to Sand Dune City to find his grandfather. In short, Shen Ru, take them with you. There are risks, but the rewards will be great. "

This time, Yan Shaoqing spoke truthfully.

"Yan Shaoqing, you are truly a businessman!"

There were so many guards around Yan Shaoqing, so he couldn't do it alone, so Shen Ru accepted it.

"I probably won't come again. Can you rest?"

"Miss Shen, please rest, we will be careful."

Yan Shaoqing's guard said.

Shen Ru nodded and returned to the tent.

Dunzhu had woken up a long time ago, and she was watching from a distance because she was afraid that she would be delayed.

"Sister Shen, what's going on? Why does it smell like meat?"

Shen Ru sneered, the smell of meat was the smell of barbecue.

She told Tong Dunzhu what Yan Shaoqing said, and then said helplessly: "Since he agreed, he will only protect others."

"This Western Region is really full of talented people. The female killer is good at music and can drive scorpions, which is an eye-opener."

Shen Ru said with interest, "You might even surprise me next!"

Setting off the next day, the caravan had grown again. The men and Yan Shaoqing were chattering among themselves, and Shen Ru could only stare.

"Dundup, can you understand what they are saying?"

Dunzhu shook his head.

"Sister Shen, what they said is still different from the grassland."

Therefore, Yan Shaoqing has the final say in everything!

Shen Ru felt a little regretful. Yan Shaoqing was a thief. He just talked about things, but they were the ones who took action!
I just thought about the huge wealth I got this time, and I felt relieved.

Forget it, since Yan Shaoqing made such a huge fortune with her, let's help him escort this group of people!
(End of this chapter)

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