Chapter 182 The body is dirty but the heart is still clean

"We, Kasili, have always admired Mr. Yan. She has been practicing today's dance for a long time. It must be because she soiled Mr. Yan's robe. She felt bad and wanted to apologize to Mr. Yan, so she did not return to the table. "

The Lord of Innocence City used their words to speak to others.

But he was deliberately loud because he was afraid that others wouldn't hear him.

Yan Shaoqing, who was lying on the wall, heard clearly, and then saw the maid who had introduced him into the room running over in a panic.

In front of everyone, he said that Kasili entered the house and did not come out for a long time.

"This this……"

The city lord looked anxious, "Go and ask, what are Kasili and Young Master Yan doing inside?"

"I didn't dare to ask. I only heard strange noises in the room."

"Is something wrong?"

The city lord pretended to be surprised and led everyone to the door of the house, neither entering nor retreating.

At this time, Yan Shaoqing, with the help of the guards, jumped off the wall and walked into the courtyard.

"Everyone, why are you here? It's a dry day. I don't need to change my clothes. I'm just dry. I want to go back and continue drinking. Unexpectedly, there's no one in front of me."

Yan Shaoqing asked curiously: "What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Yan, it doesn't matter if you're not there. Mr. Yan, let's talk when you are free. We all like some things in China. I heard that there is a kind of embroidery in China..."

"Mr. Yan, I am Maimaiti from Sand Dune City. Have you ever thought about letting other caravans transport your goods..."

"Master Yan, I can find a carpet from Persia for you. You Chinese people will definitely like it when you see it."

Before the city lord of Innocence City could speak, other wealthy businessmen of Innocence City who were afraid that Yan Shaoqing would leave immediately came up to him and surrounded Yan Shaoqing.

This enthusiasm surprised Yan Shaoqing.

The turn of events surprised the Lord of Innocence City.

"Master Yan, if you are here, who is there?"

"I don't know. How about the city lord go in and take a look?"

Yan Shaoqing said with a slight smile, but there was no smile in his eyes at all.

The city lord really wanted to go in and have a look, and vaguely heard Kasili's cry.

"Where's Kasili? She's inside. She's not asking me to apologize. I'm right here. City Lord, let her come over!"

Yan Shaoqing looked at the Lord of Innocence City with a half-smile, obviously seeing through everything.

"Mr. Yan, maybe Kasili has gone back to her room..."

The city lord said bravely.

"But I seemed to hear her voice. This city lord's mansion is quite lively at night!"

Yan Shaoqing said deliberately, "It seems...Kasili is shouting, maybe she twisted her foot inside!"

Yan Shaoqing wanted to watch the fun, and others who wanted to join the Yan family also deliberately cheered.

Everyone shouted to the city lord to open the door and take a look.

"No need to bother City Lord, Chen Mo, open the door!"

Yan Shaoqing sneered and ordered directly.

"Master Yan..."

The city lord wanted to ask Yan Shaoqing to stop, but Chen Mo had already kicked in the door.

Ever since...Kasili's white body was glanced at by everyone present.

"Pull away, pull away quickly, water, pour water on him, who is he!"

"Father, he, he seems to be the groom in the house!"

The son of the city lord said, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"I'm sorry for disturbing Kasili's good things, City Lord, please close the door!"

Yan Shaoqing looked disgusted: "I thought that Kasili really admired me, but I didn't expect... Well, I have wronged her before. She has a lover in her heart, and she still tries hard to please me. No wonder she gets angry every time ." "That's not the case, Mr. Yan..."

The city lord couldn't argue, his daughter was actually with a groom... It was over, it was over!

"I won't disturb the city lord's family anymore, farewell!"

Yan Shaoqing was obviously unhappy. After saying a few words, he turned around and left.

"Master Yan, Master Yan, wait a minute..."

Behind Yan Shaoqing were several wealthy businessmen.

On the way back, Yan Shaoqing couldn't help laughing.

"It's so happy, so happy. After seeing Kasili, she still dares to jump up and down in front of me."

"Young master, you are quite a loser, why did you choose a groom!" Lin Yang couldn't help but sigh: "Although this Kasili has a bad temper, she is still the daughter of the city lord. Isn't this a slap in the face of the city lord?"

"As long as he is not the city lord, that's fine!"

Yan Shaoqing smiled and said, "Notify the Yan family tomorrow and I'm going to hold a meeting!"

Knowing what Yan Shaoqing was going to explain, all the guards were ready to go!
Yan Shaoqing returned to his residence and saw that Shen Ru's room was already dark, so he could only go back to rest without interest. He really wanted to share it with Shen Ru.

The next morning, Shen Ru was woken up by someone, and the whole inn was noisy.

After she finished dressing up and came out, she saw Kasili making a lot of noise outside.

"Sister Shen, you're up. Mr. Yan is not here, but Yu Tai and Zhao Yi are here."

"What's the matter with her?"

Shen Ru looked at Kasili and asked.

"Something terrible happened last night!"

Dunzup got up earlier than Shen Ru and had already heard about what happened at the banquet from the guards.


After hearing what Dunzhu said, Shen Ru felt a little chilly.

She had seen this method many times in her previous life, but she didn't expect that Yan Shaoqing would encounter him and kill him in the end!
"Now that everything has happened, what else does she want to do?"

"She said that even though her body is no longer clean, her heart still belongs to Mr. Yan."

Dunzhu said with a look of disgust: "Sister Shen, I have never seen such a shameless person!"

Shen Ru was also surprised by Kasili's magical brain circuit, or was it that the customs and customs of this innocent city were different from what she knew?
When Kasili saw Shen Ru, she suddenly seemed to have great strength, pushed Zhao Yi and Yu Tai away, and quickly arrived in front of Shen Ru.

"It was you who confused Yan Shaoqing, and it was you who snatched him away from me. I curse you!"

While talking, Kasili wanted to step forward and attack Shen Ru.

"Who gave you the courage to show your teeth and claws in front of me?"

Shen Ru sneered and when she saw Kasili rushing towards him, she kicked him away.

"Don't worry, I'll hold back my strength!"

Seeing Yu Tai and Zhao Yi looking over, Shen Ru explained.

"Otherwise, throw her out!"

"Miss Shen, we can't do anything. This good man doesn't want to fight with women."

Yu Tai wondered why, it was really hard for him to touch Kasili.

This woman from Innocence City was dressed coolly and her figure was really impressive, which made it inconvenient for Yu Tai and Zhao Yi to do anything.

"Shen Ru, you will definitely be abandoned by Yan Shaoqing. He is a heartless man."

Kasili got up from the ground, pointed at Shen Ru and cursed: "I want you to end up in a worse end than me!"

Shen Ru sneered: "Sister, you are really good at thinking. Yan Shaoqing and I are incompatible. We will neither be together nor be abandoned!"

Yan Shaoqing, who came back from outside, happened to hear Shen Ru's words.

(End of this chapter)

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