Chapter 183 They throw mud at you

"Kasili, if you don't go and make love with your groom, why are you here acting bad?"

Yan Shaoqing entered the room sarcastically, "Isn't the City Lord's Mansion preparing to hold a happy event?"

"Ah!" Cassili screamed when she heard the groom.

"Yan Shaoqing, I'll go with you to Liangzhou. Yan Shaoqing, please marry me. I don't want to marry a groom!"

Kasili immediately hugged Yan Shaoqing's arm and cried.

Shen Ru and Dunzhu were dumbfounded, but they consciously avoided it.

"Sister Shen, the women in our grasslands are all loyal. If I... would never do such a thing while licking my face!"

Shen Ru smiled noncommittally and stopped commenting on the matter between Kasili and Yan Shaoqing.

The noise outside gradually stopped. Shen Ru and Dunzhu poked their heads out and saw Yan Shaoqing with a look of disgust on his face.

"We will leave Innocence City tomorrow. If you two want to buy anything, buy it quickly!"

Yan Shaoqing's words were filled with impatience, and he didn't know where the anger came from.

"No need, we have no shortage and can set off at any time."

Shen Ru replied, assuming that Yan Shaoqing was angry with Kasili.

Yan Shaoqing's irritability was caused by both Kasili and Shen Ru's previous words. Is he so unattractive to Shen Ru?
No, it was the man Shen Ru didn't like!
Finally, Yan Shaoqing thought to himself.

"Let me tell the people below before I leave. I don't want to see the current city lord again when I come next time!"

Yan Shaoqing told his subordinates quite domineeringly.

Someone has completed the loading and unloading of the goods, and Yan Shaoqing has explained all the things he should explain, so he simply stayed in the inn to recuperate and avoided all visits.

The next morning, Yan Shaoqing and his party left Sinless City directly.

As she walked through the grassland, Dunzhu became nervous. The road was still the same, but could she still see her family?

"Sister Shen, it would be fine if the clan members just migrated, but I'm also afraid..."

Dunzhu said worriedly: "What if I am swallowed up by the people of the Boji tribe? What should I do?"

Shen Ru didn't know how to comfort Dunzhu. Whatever she said was possible.

"Aren't you prairie people all open-minded? If you want to get out of the prairie, your grandpa asked us to take you out, so don't think too much about it!"

Yan Shaoqing's comfort did not seem to really comfort her, but instead deepened Dunzhu's worry.

"Dunzhu, at best, your tribe has just migrated; even if it's not good... maybe one day, the grassland will indeed have multiple tribes to unify?"

Shen Ru thought for a while and said.

"But who would want their tribe to become someone else's?"

Dunzup said sadly: "I can't do anything. I can only pray in my heart that our tribe will last forever."

Even though Dunzhu was worried, she didn't see anyone from her tribe until she crossed the grassland.

The paths leading into Liangzhou and the intersections must be watched by the Yan family.

When several people arrived, they were blindfolded again just like when they arrived. When they opened their eyes again, they were already in Liangzhou!
"Dundup, please come home with me!"

Shen Ru took a deep breath, she finally came back.

"My family is big. You don't have to be restrained at all. You can treat it as your own."

"Well, Sister Shen, then I will follow you!"

"Shen Ru, I'm afraid you've forgotten that our two families are next to each other?"

Yan Shaoqing saw Shen Ru looking like he wanted to go home immediately, so he couldn't help but remind him.

"Oh, I forgot, then... Dunzup, let me go first. My house is next door to his house. You follow him first. Well, you can also help me deliver my things."

As Shen Ru said that, he immediately rode away.She could see the convict digging into the river from a distance. Even though they were far away, so many people were still looking at the darkness from a distance!

"Ms. Shen, did you go to the wrong place? This is not where you entered the city."

Yu Tai said kindly, wanting Yan Shaoqing to remind Shen Ru.

"Oh, whatever she wants!"

Yan Shaoqing was in the carriage before and didn't notice that Shen Ru was going to the Zhuohe River. He was tired and didn't have time to care about Shen Ru. They were already in Liangzhou, where could Shen Ru run?

"Dunzhu, follow me."

After admonishing Dunzhu, Yan Shaoqing went back to the carriage.

I haven’t seen you in a few months. The river is quite wide!
Shen Ru led the horse on the river. She just wanted to see how the river was dug. If it could be connected to the moat, as the weather got hotter, water from the snow-capped mountains could flow into the city. Then she You can grow cotton!

Hey, why do you see someone fighting on the river embankment in front?
Shen Ru couldn't help but be curious, and immediately got on his horse and hurried over.

Faced with a hit of mud, Shen Ru immediately turned away to avoid being hit in the face.

But she also discovered that those surrounded were actually Xiao Wujin and guard Lu Yi. Moreover, Lu Yi was covered in mud and it seemed that he had not been smashed several times.

Surrounding Xiao Wujin and Lu Yi were a group of people wearing strange clothes and with patterns painted on their faces, including men, women and children.

Moreover, he spoke plausibly in a language she did not understand.

"Hey, Xiao Wujin!" Shen Ru shouted while sitting on the horse.

"What are you doing? Do you want to go with me first?"

The moment he saw Shen Ru, Xiao Wujin felt his heart shake violently, and he didn't care to think about why Shen Ru was here.

Shen Ru riding a horse was like the sun rising in the east, dispelling the haze in his heart.

"Lu Yi, I leave this to you!"

Xiao Wujin took a deep breath and spoke.

When Lu Yi saw this, he immediately stood in front of Xiao Wujin and squeezed the people in front of him for him.

Shen Ru stretched out her hand, and following Xiao Wujin's hand, she pulled him onto the horse, turned the horse's head, and left quickly.

"Xiao Wujin, what's going on? Who are these people? Throwing mud at you."

When they reached the open space, Shen Ru stopped his horse, and Xiao Wujin behind him also dismounted immediately.

"It's the residents at the bottom of the snow-capped mountains. To say that the river was dug out is to be disrespectful to the snow-capped mountains and to accuse me of blasphemy!"

"I see. I haven't seen you for a few months, but the river channel has been opened up a lot. Master Xiao, I'm very happy to congratulate you!"

When Shen Ru heard what Xiao Wujin said, she was not surprised and understood.

"If these people cannot be persuaded, I'm afraid they will interfere with the construction of the river."

Xiao Wujin said worriedly: "It's just that their ancestors have lived under the snow-capped mountains for generations. It is really difficult to convince them."

"If the water from the snow-capped mountains is diverted to the river, will it have an impact on the lives of these people?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but ask: "Maybe we can move the village."

"Move the village?"

Xiao Wujin asked seriously: "It is not easy to give up the land that has been held by our ancestors for generations, not to mention the place where the ancestors' spirits are buried."

"So, move the tomb first, and then move the village, Mr. Xiao, it all depends on people!"

Shen Ru never thought that she would meet Xiao Wujin when she came back. She was very optimistic about the benefits that the river would bring to Liangzhou after it was dug!
"It's easy for you to say. You are back. Where is Yan Shaoqing? I have to ask him how the sales of this fine salt are going!"

Xiao Wujin frowned and said seriously: "My money is also in it!"

(End of this chapter)

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