Chapter 204: Buying road money?

Shen Ru successfully persuaded Hu Tianhu, who had survived a winter but lived like a rat crossing the street.

"My lord, please ask your subordinates to send this person to the nearest county government office." Luneng volunteered and said, "Let the official escort escort this person to Liangzhou."

Luneng naturally wants to create opportunities for Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru. He is very worried about Xiao Wujin's life events!

"Shen Ru, what do you think?" Xiao Wujin asked Shen Ru's opinion.

"Okay, let's ride my horse!"

Shen Ruying said cheerfully, "Luneng, don't worry and leave your family to me. I will also drive the car. When the time comes, you can just follow the official road and find us."

Luneng gave Xiao Wujin a good look and took Hu Tianhu away.

"Can you still drive a carriage?"

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru and asked curiously.

"I know how to do it. I often come with Fu Bo when he is driving on the road!"

Shen Ru said truthfully: "Don't worry, I will never take you to the ditch."

"No, I mean, actually I can too."

Xiao Wujin smiled slightly and said: "I don't want you to stand in front of me, let's go!"

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment, and then felt sweet in his heart, he is quite good at taking care of others!
"No, I can't let the dignified governor be my groom."

Shen Ru joked that neither of them could convince the other for a while, and in the end, the two of them drove together, leaving the carriage empty.

"I don't think the two sides of the official road have their own scenery."

After driving for a while, Xiao Wujin took the opportunity to take the reins of the carriage. Shen Ru did not enter the carriage, but sat in the front room with Xiao Wujin and looked at the surrounding scenery.

"Xiao Wujin, look, there are tweeds on the cliff."

"Huh?" It's just a flower, is there anything strange about it?Xiao Wujin asked with confusion.

"Mountain wildflowers, as long as they have a chance to grow, will strive to grow toward the sun. Even among the cliffs, they will strive to grow. Shen Ru, you want to tell me that no matter how difficult the situation is, as long as you work hard, you can Is it right?"

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"No, I just think the flowers on the cliff are very beautiful!"

It was Xiao Wujin's turn to be speechless. He glanced at Shen Ruhou and concentrated on driving.

"Do you like flowers?"

After a while, Xiao Wujin asked.

"It's okay, beautiful flowers, who wouldn't like them?"

Shen Ru found that Xiao Wujin's reflex arc was a bit long!
"Oh." Xiao Wujin noted down that Shen Ru liked flowers.

On the official road, you can still meet a few business travelers and people on foot, but Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin look a little different.

"You two, don't go ahead. Someone is blocking the road ahead and wants to pay for the passage."

The carriage slowed down, and some passers-by reminded Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin.

"Nonsense. When did officialdom become private?"

Xiao Wujin shouted with a cold face.

"This is already the boundary of Shazhou. If you reveal your identity rashly, will it cause you trouble?"

Shen Ru reminded Xiao Wujin.

"Then you go out and fight!"

Xiao Wujin said it very directly, but it surprised Shen Ru again.

"Shen Ru, you are right. If my identity is exposed, there will be other troubles. You just have to deal with it."

Xiao Wujin said and stopped the carriage.

"How about I get back to the carriage first to avoid it?" He had already thought of it, but he still asked himself?

Shen Ru saw that Xiao Wujin was so slippery. Apparently he was like this when he was out with Luneng.

"It's okay. You get in the carriage and I want to see who is blocking the road to collect money. Isn't this just like the bandit?"

Shen Ru drove the carriage forward and saw that there was already a carriage lined up in front of him. After paying the money, the other party passed smoothly.

"Five taels for carriages and one tael for passers-by. You guys charge them differently!"

Shen Ru said in a teasing tone, "I don't know whose warrant you are holding, are you treating me like today?"

"How dare you, this is the boundary of our Shazhou. If you want to pass, you must pay."

The man in charge said seriously with a straight face. Beside him, there were nearly ten people guarding the official road.

"What if you don't pay?"

Shen Ru said provocatively: "I have never seen anyone who can take the official road as their own. Also, who are you? If it is the Shazhou government, there will be official identification documents; if it is the government, then the money collectors What’s the basis?”

"And I just won't pay, so what, you can still tie me up?"

"Girl, if you don't pay, please go back. You can go another way."

The man said and winked. Immediately, someone stopped in front of Shen Ru, looking like he was about to take action.

"It's a pity that I am a person who accepts death. I have never heard of me going to the official court. Who can stop someone to collect money."

"If there is an urgent message coming from the border, will you also stop it?"

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't pay, turn around. Don't delay the people behind you."

Shen Ru didn't turn aside, tightened the reins, and drove the horse forward. She wanted to see whether her horse's hoofs were hard or the body of the person blocking her was hard!
"Stop her!"

With an angry shout, a group of people gathered around. The horse was blocked and could not move forward at all. It raised its front hooves high and neighed loudly.

The opponent's men also began to reach out to Shen Ru, apparently trying to pull Shen Ru off the horse.

Others wanted to open the carriage curtain and see who was inside.

"Stop me all!"

Shen Ru waved his horsewhip and knocked the person to the ground neatly.

"If you are wise, just let me go. If you piss me off, don't blame me for stepping on you!"

"It's not like there aren't any spicy ones, girl, I'm worried that Feng Da will flash her tongue!"

Shen Ru chuckled lightly, and without getting off the carriage, he directly knocked back the people who came forward with a riding whip, and urged the horse forward again.

When he saw the space in front of him, he immediately ran forward and successfully broke out of the human barrier.

"Follow me and see where you're coming from, and then inform the people below. It's a tough idea!"

The man watched the carriage rush away, gritted his teeth and ordered his men, and finally said viciously: "Kill people and steal wealth!"

"Xiao Wujin, who do you think this is? If it's the government, why not make an announcement?"

After running for a while, Shen Ru still asked in confusion.

"Even the government cannot produce official documents. If this official document gets into the hands of others, wouldn't it become evidence for impeachment?"

Xiao Wujin had already arrived at the front room of the carriage and said with a solemn expression.

"But if it's a bandit, can the government just sit back and ignore it?"

Shen Ru asked again.

"Unless the officials and bandits collude, has Shazhou become such a mess?"

At the junction of Shazhou and Liangzhou, these things have not spread to Liangzhou. Is that the latest thing to happen, or is it fraud?
Xiao Wujin felt a little uneasy. Shazhou dared to do this, either because he believed that no evidence would be left behind, or because he knew that the country was unstable and no one was in charge!
"Xiao Wujin, someone is catching up. Do you think we should find out?"

When Shen Ru discovered the pursuers behind him, he immediately urged his horse forward. If he wanted to take action, he had to find a hiding place.

(End of this chapter)

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