Chapter 205 There is a right way to make money!
As soon as the official road turned, Shen Ru drove the carriage into the forest. She deliberately pulled Xiao Wujin out of the carriage and hid in the bushes not far away.

"Xiao Wujin, you know, I never take the initiative to cause trouble." Shen Ru said seriously.

Xiao Wujin smiled. When Shen Ru said this, her eyes were particularly lively, as if she was ready to move.

"Everyone searches, I don't believe that bitch can run away!"

Soon, almost a dozen people entered the forest with swords.

"Xiao Wujin, you hide, I'll teach these people a lesson."

Shen Ru couldn't hold it anymore.

"I'll go with you."

Xiao Wujin didn't want to be the man behind Shen Ru, "It's not impossible for me to expose my identity."

"Then it won't be a businessman who refuses to pay tolls, it will become an issue between Liangzhou and Shazhou."

Shen Ru persuaded Xiao Wujin, "Just watch how I beat these unscrupulous officials!"

"Are you sure they are government officials?"

Although Xiao Wujin also felt that this must be someone from the government, it would be hard for him to say anything if the other party didn't admit it.

"I guess the bandits are not as shameless as them!"

As Shen Ru spoke, she walked out of the bushes, looking confident.

"Everyone, are you looking for me? For me, a little girl, you have sent out a lot of people."

"Anyone else, just come out, little girl, you are very brave!"

One of the middle-aged men glanced around, and finally landed on Shen Ru's face, and motioned to the people around him to continue searching.

"Why, are you not sure you can win even a little girl like me? You guys should be from Shazhou Gongmen. When did you no longer distinguish between officials and robbers?"

Shen Ru said quietly: "Do you want to kill someone and silence them, or are you after the money to buy the road?"

"I didn't give you money to buy your way, but now I want money to buy your life!"

If you don't agree, you will take action. Shen Ru is not afraid. People have already said that you will be killed. It's useless to talk nonsense.

Soon, the two sides were fighting.

Shen Ru's flying knife loomed, deflecting all the swords that came forward.When someone breaks through a roadblock, she still sits firmly in the carriage and only uses her whip to deal with it. Now, she is using her whole body to attack, even if she gets on all of them, she is not afraid at all.

Drawn by the flying knives, Shen Ru deliberately caused their swords to collide with each other. After a moment of burning incense, Shen Ru had knocked all the dozen people who came to the ground.

"I'm telling you, you're not a bandit at all, and this move isn't cruel enough. What's the matter, you learned how to be a bandit, but you didn't learn the ruthlessness of licking blood from the edge of a knife?"

Shen Ru was playing with the knife in his hand and squatted in front of the person who had spoken before.

"Tell me, which official in Shazhou are you?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"I, a passerby, just don't want to pay for the road. Because this road does not belong to your Shazhou at all. How can the official road of the imperial court be used by you to collect money?"

"Tell someone who knows who's next."

Shen Ru said with a gangster air, and as he spoke, he did not forget to kick the person, hitting the injured area.

As the man moaned in pain, Xiao Wujin, who was hiding in the dark, frowned slightly, Shen's hand was so cruel!

"If you don't say anything, I have a hundred ways to make you talk."

Shen Ru said fiercely, "For example, do you know where people are most vulnerable?"

When saying this, Shen Ru stepped on someone's knee.


Shen Ru didn't believe that everyone was a tough person. If this person didn't say anything, someone would always say it. She kicked and stepped on each one, and finally got the information she wanted.

"Let's go. Although you want to kill me and silence me, you can't beat me!"

Shen Ru said generously: "If you dare to block the road to collect money, just wait until something happens!" The men got up from the ground one by one, looked at Shen Ru fearfully, and finally gritted their teeth and left.

Xiao Wujin walked out, his face a little ugly.

"Yan Dao was originally the governor of Shazhou. He was at the same level as me. Although he had no achievements, he was not greedy. Maybe I was wrong!"

"Then do you want to take part in his book?"

Shen Ru asked curiously, "Is your memorial sent directly to the capital? Will the Holy One see it in person?"

"It takes eight hundred miles to go from here, and it will take several months to reach the capital. The day lilies are even cold."

"Perhaps no one in the capital cares about these things now!"

Xiao Wujin said seriously: "Shen Ru, the world is in chaos."

Seeing Xiao Wujin's worried expression, Shen Ru felt depressed.

"If, I say...if the country changes hands, what will you do?"

"As long as I am the governor of Liangzhou, I will serve Liangzhou till my death!"

Xiao Wujin answered directly.

"No one pays the salary?"

Shen Ru asked again.

"It's just a drop in the bucket, and it can't make a living. But there are so many people working for me and listening to my orders. There are still people in charge of Liangzhou's affairs, so I will continue to work for these people."

He is not the only governor in Liangzhou. There are also prefects, county magistrates, and thousands of people in the public affairs department. They are all doing things in their respective positions. The world is in chaos. As long as they don't, Liangzhou will not be in chaos. .

Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin. He spoke calmly, but he was carrying a huge responsibility!
"Let's go. If they are still paying for the road when we come back, I will beat them again."

Shen Ru pretended to be relaxed and said that what Xiao Wujin had to do was actually difficult and long, and she actually wanted to accompany him.

"Well, Yan Daoben is so rich, I suspect he wants to run away!"

Xiao Wujin thought, "No matter what, reading his book is a must."

"But he has a very good mind. He can make money right here. Well, there is a good way to make money. Xiao Wujin, if you want to make money, you can learn from it."

Shen Ru joked and was glared at by Xiao Wujin.

“Ill-gotten gains are not to be taken.”

"It wouldn't be the case any other way!"

Shen Ru chuckled and said, "Of course, officialdom is not advisable, but you can occupy a hilltop, build something on the mountain, attract people for outings, and collect some money, isn't that enough?"

"Dig a lake, fence it, fish, tour the lake, collect some money, well, in short, if you want to make money, there are many ways."

Xiao Wujin glanced at Shen Ru again.

"Where did you get these heretical methods?"

"It's okay, these are nothing!"

Shen Ru felt that Xiao Wujin was actually the most powerful. Selling private salt was much more expensive than buying road money.

"Xiao Wujin, did you say Luneng paid?"

Back on the carriage, Shen Ru asked curiously, "Is he rich?"

It was difficult for Xiao Wujin to answer this question.

"Luneng is a loyal person and doesn't like to cause trouble. You should... pay the money!"

"Then does he count as one person or two people?"

"..." How did Xiao Wujin know?
Going to Guandao again, Shen Ru left slowly, waiting for Luneng to catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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