Chapter 206 I just want you to be my family

Luneng met Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru who were waiting on the official road before dark.

As soon as they met, he couldn't help complaining: "Weird things happen every year. This official stopped us to collect money. My lord, Shazhou is going to change!"

"Then did you pay?"

Xiao Wujin asked back.

Luneng shook his head and said truthfully: "I said I was sending the prisoner to the government office, and they let him go."

"It varies from person to person!" Shen Ru said: "We have a head-to-head competition with them, and your family plans to take part in the history of Shazhou Prefecture!"

It was getting dark now, so the three of them went to look for a place to stay for the night while talking.

There are only some small villages nearby. The three of them stayed overnight in the yard of a farmhouse. The owner of the house was a middle-aged couple with children and elderly people.

"We still have an empty room in the backyard, and the other is the woodshed. The three of us..."

"Shen Ru, you live in an empty house, and Luneng and I can stay in the woodshed..."

Before Xiao Wujin finished speaking, Shen Ru immediately interrupted: "That's not good. I'm just staying for one night. You guys stay in the house and I'll go to the carriage."

"Miss Shen, this is not allowed. You are a woman..."

Luneng felt that this was not possible. Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru could not be separated like this.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Although I'm a woman, I'm not a weak woman. Don't you know that?"

What Shen Ru said was true, so she didn't mind spending the night in the carriage.

Xiao Wujin also felt that this was inappropriate. He looked at Shen Ru helplessly and said, "It's cold at night. It would be better for you to sleep in a room."

"Hey, you guys are still pushing back and forth. It's not obvious. The master and his wife share a room, and the guard can sleep in the woodshed!"

After the hostess came over after coaxing the children, she couldn't help but joked when she saw that her husband was still hanging out with others.

"Then it's settled, it's just my poor eyesight, please come here."

The middle-aged male host smiled naively and prepared to take Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru to the empty house.

"We are not..." Shen Ru denied immediately.

"Sister, you can't deceive people about some things. The way he looks at you, eldest sister, I've been here before. Besides, no one lets a woman sleep in a carriage, not even in the woodshed!"

"We country folk are the most straightforward. It's late at night, so don't be embarrassed!"


Shen Ru's scalp was numb and she couldn't help but glare at Xiao Wujin and say something!

Xiao Wujin was naturally a little jealous, and he would not offend Shen Ru, but he was reluctant to let Shen Ru spend the night in the carriage!
After being urged into the house by the host, Shen Ru glared at Xiao Wujin and complained:
"Xiao Wujin, why have you been misunderstood?"

"They also have good intentions. If you are afraid that I will ruin your reputation, I will just go out."

Xiao Wujin said quietly, with a calm expression, and his red ears revealed his true feelings.

"That's not necessary. I'm sorry you won't take advantage of me." Shen Ru answered simply, but she was afraid that being in the same room with Xiao Wujin would affect her mood.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

Xiao Wujin asked curiously after hearing what Shen Ru said.

Afraid that I might do something to you.

The words were as deep as being hidden in my stomach.

"Sister, let me give you a basin of water."

Before the door was closed, the hostess walked over quickly with a smile and a basin of water.

"Sister, what's the name of your village? We wanted to go to Ganzhou, but we seemed to have taken the wrong route at night."

Shen Ru asked curiously after thanking him. "This place is called Shita Village. Just wait until dawn and you can go up Guandao and continue walking."

Shen Ru asked some questions casually, and finally watched the hostess leave and closed the door.

"Xiao Wujin, do you think this family is suspicious?"

"Why do you ask that?" Xiao Wujin was distracted. The thought of being in the same room with Shen Ru in the dead of night made him confused!
"It's too enthusiastic, and this place should still be in the Shazhou area, but this family can be regarded as a big courtyard. Do you think all farmers in Shazhou are farmers? The male owner has a dark complexion and looks like a farmer, but This mistress..."

"I smell the powder on her body."

Xiao Wujin was stunned. He only focused on looking at Shen Ru and didn't think about anything else.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Nothing to do, just wait."

Shen Ru said: "Go to sleep first, I will protect you if you need anything."

"Pfft!" Xiao Wujin laughed, "Shen Ru, you are so cute."

What Xiao Wujin said made Shen Ru feel a little embarrassed.

"You go to sleep." She moved her eyes away, "Hurry up."

Xiao Wujin was also nervous, but he still followed his instructions and lay down with his clothes on. Shen Ru rolled up the quilt and placed it in the middle of the bed.

"Don't go beyond this, otherwise, don't blame me for kicking you!"

After the candle lights were extinguished, the room suddenly became dark and quiet, but in the darkness, each other's breathing seemed so clear.

"Shen Ru, you like me, right?"

Suddenly, Xiao Wujin's hoarse and firm words sounded.

"You, did you say!"

Shen Ru's heart felt like a deer. She was quite comfortable with Xiao Wujin, but once the topic was brought up, she would blush.

"Shen Ru, I think you will like it, but it doesn't matter, I already know it. I just want to tell you that I am also happy with you. If you want us to get along like this, that's fine."

Xiao Wujin was unhappy, "Shen Ru, if you open your mouth, I will marry you!"

"Xiao Wujin, think too early!"

Shen Ru turned sideways and said in the direction of Xiao Wujin, "Even if the two of us are together, it's too early to talk about marriage."

"You and I are already sleeping in the same bed. Who else can I marry if you don't marry me?"

Xiao Wujin laughed softly and said that he had never thought that one day he would fall in love with a girl and she would look like this.

"Xiao Wujin, you have a beautiful idea."

Shen Ru laughed in a low voice. She actually didn't dislike lying on the same bed with Xiao Wujin at all. Although she was nervous, it was so exciting!
"Xiao Wujin, even if you and I are together, you are still busy with your things, and I still have things to do, so we... shouldn't be in a hurry to talk about marriage!"

"Indeed, I'm afraid I won't have much free time to accompany you when I return to Liangzhou, and I won't be able to give you anything precious."

Xiao Wujin admitted and said, "Shen Ru, do you want me to be pure and clean?"

Shen Ru's heart tightened, why did her heart feel like it was being tightened when Xiao Wujin said such words.

"Xiao Wujin, do you still have family in this world?"

In the darkness, Shen Ru's weak voice sounded, and then there was silence in the room.

Just when Shen Ru felt that Xiao Wujin was asleep, Xiao Wujin spoke.

"Shen Ru, I just want you to be my family in this world. Are you... willing?"

(End of this chapter)

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