Chapter 207
"Both of my parents died when I was young. I took the sold family property and my old servant to Beijing to join the master. After studying hard at the master's house, I took the scientific examination. When I came to Liangzhou, the old servant died of illness. After that , I don’t have any family anymore!”

Xiao Wujin talked about his own affairs quietly, and Shen Ru felt her heart twitching.

"Fortunately, after arriving in Liangzhou, I met many good people. Luneng and Yu Yang were all guards of the former governor's office. However, the former governor was killed and they all followed me in the end."

"Are the people who work in the Governor's Mansion all from the former Governor's Mansion?" Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"Well, when I came, they were all at the governor's mansion. The original governor died, and they had nowhere to go."

Xiao Wujin responded: "When I came, I still had some money with me. After staying in Liangzhou for half a year, the Qian family's wealth was gone, and I could only rely on the governor's salary."

"How much is the governor's salary?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"What, do you want to know my net worth?"

Xiao Wujin joked: "Two thousand stones, half in coins and half in kind."

This is not too small, Shen Ru estimated and calculated, Xiao Wujin has an annual salary system!
He alone had no surplus, so he naturally supported the entire governor's office. The oil and water he gained was built in Liangzhou.

Otherwise, according to Xiao Wujin's plucking attitude, he would have made a fortune long ago!
"But this year's ones have indeed not been distributed."

Xiao Wujin continued, "Not only me, General Zhao and the guards' food and grass have not arrived."

"This..." Shen Ru felt a little sad for Xiao Wujin, working for nothing!

"Shen Ru, do you think I am poor?"

"No." Shen Ru answered very directly, but what he said next made Xiao Wujin dumbfounded.

"Because I have money, but don't expect me to support you. You have to learn to save some money on your own!"

"Well, from now on, I will find ways to save money and marry you as soon as possible!"

"Ha, then work hard!"

Shen Ru joked. As he spoke, sleepiness came over him. Shen Ru hugged the quilt and fell asleep.

Across the quilt, Xiao Wujin felt Shen Ru's gentle breathing blowing on his face. His face felt hot. With trembling hands, he gently caressed Shen Ru's cheek under the moonlight.

She was so unguarded against herself, so she must have been interested in him for a long time!
Xiao Wujin couldn't help but guess, and then felt happy in her heart. Was she just like him, unaware of her own feelings?

Xiao Wujin felt as peaceful as sleeping. He was not Meng Lang's follower, but he only had a woman he liked by his side, so how could he not remain unmoved?
When Shen Ru woke up, Xiao Wujin was sleeping very deeply.

The window was already white, Shen Ru stood up and looked at Xiao Wujin's sleeping face.

He is very thin, and his eyelashes are so long. He actually doesn't snore when he sleeps. I really want to touch his tight lips. Even when he falls asleep, he is still overwhelmed by the heavy burden he is carrying and can't relax?

Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin with fascination, stretched out her hand and caressed Xiao Wujin's eyebrows.

In fact, she doesn't mind giving Xiao Wujin some money, but do men have any self-respect? Who would like to be raised by a woman?

"Have you touched enough?"

Xiao Wujin suddenly opened his eyes, startling Shen Ru.

"You pretend to be asleep!"

Shen Ru couldn't help but complained in embarrassment. The hand she wanted to take back was held by Xiao Wujin.

"No, I used to get up before [-]:[-] every day."

Xiao Wujin pulled Shen Ru with his eyes faintly.

"You worked so hard." Shen Ru caught Xiao Wujin's eyes and bit her lip lightly.

Their eyes met, and both of them had throbbing emotions in their hearts. For a moment, no one moved their eyes away, and they both seemed to know that something might be going to happen.

Xiao Wujin suddenly pulled Shen Ru into his arms.

"Shen Ru, don't move, let me hug you."

There was trembling and expectation in Xiao Wujin's words, and Shen Ru couldn't bear to push him away. He must have been lonely in his heart for so many years!

Luneng had already gotten up. He was well aware of Xiao Wujin's routine, so he had been waiting outside the room early. He seemed to hear a sound inside.

"My lord, are you awake, my lord?"

Luneng knocked on the door and asked in a low voice.

Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru in the room couldn't help but be shocked. "Xiao Wujin, let me go, Luneng is outside!"

Shen Ru said shyly, "Hurry up and let go!"

Luneng is really... disgraceful!

Xiao Wujin laughed and cursed in his heart, letting go of Shen Ru and watching Shen Ru stand up immediately, straightening her hair and arranging her clothes.

"Can't you afford it?"

Shen Ru turned around and looked at Xiao Wujin who was leaning sideways.

He... Xiao Wujin smiled, what an inconvenience it was at this moment!

"Shen Ru, go and see if the master is awake first."

"Oh, okay, I'll just say thank you to them. It's been a restless night. Maybe I'm worrying too much."

Shen Ru nodded in agreement without doubting anything else.

"Big..." Luneng stopped talking when he saw the door clock.

"Miss Shen, where is your lord?"

"Wake up, Luneng, why are you looking so weird?"

Luneng was full of gossip thoughts. He and Shen Ru were in the same room, but they were sleeping in the same bed?
Is something bad about the governor's office coming soon?

"Nothing, then...shall I go in?"

"go in."

Shen Ru thought Luneng was strange. Should he still ask her about this kind of thing?
Luneng entered the house and Shen Ru also walked towards the front yard.

"My lord, you..."

When Luneng went in, Xiao Wujin was adjusting his clothes with his back turned. The long gown concealed his inconvenience well.

"We should go." Xiao Wujin said with a normal expression.

Luneng looked Xiao Wujin up and down, and finally asked tentatively: "Sir, have you and Miss Shen... made a private life-long commitment?"

"Luneng, don't talk nonsense."

Xiao Wujin shouted, "Don't let Shen Ru hear such words."

"Sir, do you have a hidden illness?"

Luneng asked again in a low voice.


Xiao Wujin's face froze. What was in Luneng's mind?
" and Miss Shen spent one night together and nothing happened?"

Luneng was confused. If this was no problem, it would be strange!

"Luneng, Shen Ru and I have a close heart, but neither she nor I will do anything arrogant. Don't be quick to speak!"

Heart to heart, what your lord means is... Luneng was immediately happy, and he just said that it was right for them to get along with each other.

"Sir, a happy event is coming soon for the Governor's Mansion!"

"When the time comes, I will marry her in a red sedan chair."

Xiao Wujin said: "For Shen Ru, I will definitely use three matchmakers and six betrothals to make her come through in a fair and honest way."

"Yes, yes, sir, you are right. Miss Shen will definitely be our wife from now on."

Lun Neng was happy and extremely happy for Xiao Wujin.

At this moment, Shen Ru heard something unexpected.

"I said that woman is not a serious person. Seeing as her hair has not been tied up, she must be unmarried. She lives in the same room with a man. This kind of woman deserves to be sold even if she is sold."

"But they still have guards, I'm afraid they are of high status."

"If you add Mongolian sweat medicine to your breakfast, even the bravest man will fall down. What are you afraid of?"

(End of this chapter)

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