Chapter 208: Traffickers who use their children as shields

Shen Ru originally wanted to listen carefully, but when she heard the footsteps approaching from far away, she immediately dodged and went back to the guest room.

"Don't eat anything later."

Shen Ru entered the room and said to Xiao Wujin and Luneng: "This group of people is not a good person."

"what happened?"

"Is it really as you said?"

Xiao Wujin frowned and asked, "Do they want to harm people?"

Shen Ru told what she had overheard and said angrily:
"The enthusiasm last night was so easy to define people. Let's see how I teach them a lesson later!"

"People are coming!"

Luneng also heard the footsteps and looked outside, just in time to see the host and his wife coming over with three bowls of porridge.

"Three guests, there is nothing good in the countryside. Please don't dislike it. Just plain porridge with some pickles."

The hostess said with a smile, if Shen Ru hadn't overheard what she said beforehand, she really wouldn't have associated such a smiling face with those disgusting words.

"Thank you, sister. Just leave it, we will eat it."

Shen Ru responded with a smile, "Thank you, uncle, for taking us in. We didn't sleep on the street last night!"

"Okay, as soon as we see that you are from the city, we'll let you go. Don't rush on your way, you have to eat everything you need to eat, otherwise you won't have the strength!"

"Eldest sister is right, thank you for your help, eldest sister!" Shen Ruye thanked with a smile.

When the middle-aged couple left, Shen Ru stirred the porridge and said in a low voice: "This family is quite well off, and the porridge looks thick."

Xiao Wujin understood what Shen Ru meant. This Shazhou was not so rich as the countryside that they would use such thick white porridge to entertain guests.

With Luneng watching, Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru processed the porridge, then estimated the time when the medicine would take effect, and the three of them lay on the table.

After a while, footsteps came one after another.

"This girl looks like she comes from a wealthy family. She has fine skin and tender meat. Even if she is no longer a shepherd, she can still be sold at a good price."

"The man who is the master looks a little thinner. I'm afraid he won't be able to do heavy work, but he looks good. I can sell it to Mr. Huang."

"On the contrary, this guard is very powerful, so I tied him up first."

Shen Ru felt a hand on his shoulder, so he opened his eyes suddenly, grabbed the person behind him, and threw him over his shoulder.

Luneng also knocked down the man who wanted to tie him up. Xiao Wujin stood up and looked at the two old men with a cold expression.

"Ah yo, ah yo!" The hostess shouted in pain as Shen Ru threw her to the ground.


"What's wrong with us? We thought you were really kind and took us in, but we didn't want you to be doing this kind of sinister business of human trafficking in private. That's how this family got started!"

Shen Ru said angrily: "And how old are you two? You are still doing such dark things. Aren't you afraid of going to hell after death?"

Shen Ru was so angry that there were actually two old men over fifty who were accomplices in the crime. It was so wicked!

"Xia Xia, Xia Xia is disturbing the people!"

The two old men knelt on the ground with a thud.

"We have no choice. The harvest in the fields is not good, and we have to raise children!"

"Help, help!" The woman who was knocked down by Shen Ru suddenly shouted at this time.

After a while, two children aged eight or nine ran over.

"Dad, mother, grandpa, grandma~"

The two children, a boy and a girl, were running and shouting. When they saw their parents falling to the ground, they even punched Luneng.

"Let dad go, bad guy, why do you want to arrest our dad!"

Shen and Xiao Wujin looked at each other in shock.

This woman is simply poisonous. She is obviously a personal trafficker, but she still looks like a victim. The most important thing is that she also involves her children. "Hero, we still have grandchildren. This time, please let our family go!"

The old woman also immediately kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"Strong man, look, our children are still so young. Just let us go this time. We won't dare to do it again in the future!"

The woman also got up from the ground, ran to the two children screaming in pain, and pushed the two children forward.

"You can't arrest us. We still have children, and our children are still so young. If you arrest us, you will harm our children!"

"Aren't you the ones who harmed your children?"

Xiao Wujin said coldly: "For such a big child, if you don't learn etiquette, justice, and integrity, you still do the business of a human trafficker. Are you thinking of inheriting your father's legacy?"

"And you two old people, you are half a hundred years old, but you don't look like elders. With relatives like you, what will these two children look like in the future?"

"Luneng, report to the official!"

Shen Ru heard the anger in Xiao Wujin's words, she silently moved closer to Xiao Wujin and held his hand.

This family is really toxic!From the oldest to the youngest, they cried louder than anyone else.

"No, don't report it to the official. Master, sister, please let us go. We are like this because we can't survive."

The woman pushed the child away and stepped forward to hug Xiao Wujin's legs.

"We are all afraid of poverty. My eldest son died of hunger because he had no food. We just have no choice but to take this road. We just want to raise these two children!" "

"Strong man, please, don't report to the official. We did this because we were desperate."

"Er Feng and San Wa, please kowtow quickly and beg them not to report to the official."

The old woman immediately grabbed the arms of the two children and urged them.

"Good Samaritans, please, please let us go!"

For a moment, the old and the young all kowtowed to Shen Ru and the others.

Shen Ru felt extremely disgusted, "Let's go!"

She winked at Xiao Wujin, "We didn't get hit either, and we were able to avoid sleeping in the open."

Xiao Wujin was stunned at first, but when he saw something in Shen Ru's eyes, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Luneng was a little confused. If this kind of thing happened in the past, Mr. Xiao would definitely ask him to report to the official.

"Luneng, go check to see if the things in the carriage are still there."

Xiao Wujin ordered again.

"Oh, okay, sir."

Luneng still listened to Xiao Wujin's words.

"People are doing it, God is watching, don't try to hide it!"

Shen Ru said angrily, pulling Xiao Wujin and walking directly past several people.

"Xiao Wujin, after leaving the village, let Luneng report to the official."

After stepping out of the courtyard, Shen Ru whispered to Xiao Wujin.

"I don't think they have any repentance at all. They probably thought we were letting them go because our children were soft-hearted."

Xiao Wujin felt the same way. People who truly love and care for their children would not let their children see this.

Moreover, the mother used her child as a shield, which shows that she did not regret what she had done.

"If they are afraid, they will take their families and leave immediately; but if they are lucky, they will not do anything."

Xiao Wujin said: "I guess they are the latter!"

(End of this chapter)

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