Chapter 23 Taking a Lonely Bath

Thanks to the wolf meat, the prisoners had to endure another three to five days of journey, but there were too many people, and twenty wolves could only last until this time.

Entering Yingchuan territory, Shen Ru got close to Chen Qingtao again.

"Master Chen, don't you really go to the city to buy something? My bag of rice won't last a few days!"

"Are Miss Shen's people waiting in the city?"

Chen Qing couldn't help but ask how much oil and water could be scraped from Shen Ru this time.

"It depends on whether Mr. Chen is going. If he is sure to go, I will ask Uncle Fu to send a signal."

"It seems that the servants of the Shen family are really loyal!"

Chen Qingyi pointed out that with these loyal servants around, the Shen family's property was probably transferred out like this!

"I'm staying at the inn tonight. When it gets bright, I will take people to the city. Then Miss Shen, let's go together!"

"Okay!" Shen Ru agreed immediately, "Master Chen, why don't you invite Master Chen to go to a restaurant with some of the officials?"

Thinking of his last experience, Chen Qing frowned and did not answer immediately.

At night, when Shen Ru was about to fall asleep, Shen's mother suddenly took Shen Ru's hand and whispered: "Aru, mother's menstruation is here."

"Mom, there is a menstrual belt in the cabinet of the carriage. I have prepared it before."

She whispered, "Wait a moment, I'll get it for you."

Thinking of this body of mine, she is 17 years old. Shen's mother had told Aunt Lian before that she had experienced menarche in this body.

But it's been a month and a half and there doesn't seem to be any sign of this?
Really...there shouldn't be any problem!

"Uncle Fu, let me bring you something."

As Uncle Fu said, Shen went in, opened the box, and took out the menstruation.

On the way back, I met Chen Qing again.

"What is in Miss Shen's hand?"

"Mr. Chen, you probably don't want to see my daughter's things."

Shen Ru smiled and said, "This is the menstrual belt."

Chen Qing's face suddenly turned pig liver color, and then he looked at Shen Ru in shock.

It's only been a few days since the last time. Miss Shen's body... must be in trouble!

"Well, so I really have to go to the city tomorrow. Master Chen, I'm probably sick."

Chen Qing took a step back, looking quite disgusted.

Shen Ru smiled and walked in.

The next morning, Shen Ru entered Yingchuan City with Chen Qing and others.

This time, the three maids were all waiting for Shen Ru in Yingchuan City.


As soon as she saw Shen Ru, Cui Xi immediately raised her hands and shouted, "Here, we are here."

"Shen Ru, you are still gathering here half an hour later. If you have second thoughts, do you know what will happen to your parents, siblings!"

Chen Qing said with a cold face, he suspected that Shen Ru was menstruating again, but he was not going to let people stare at him this time!
"Thank you, Mr. Chen. I have a sore back and am planning to go see a doctor."

Shen Ru said and beat his waist.

Chen Qing took one glance and immediately took the people away, not wanting to stay for a moment longer.

"Go, get a room in the inn, I want to take a shower."

Shen Ru said, "It's really uncomfortable to be on the road of exile."

With that said, Shen Ru took out a stack of banknotes and gave them to Cui Xi.

"Miss, how come you have so much money?" "Silly girl, I hid it secretly!"

"Cui Xi, you and Yaoyao go buy some dry food. We need to eat on the way. An Qiao, you come with me to the inn."

"Okay, Miss."

The three maids said in unison.

Shen Ru took a bath comfortably in the inn and talked to An Qiao about the things that happened on the way to exile.

"Why are you going so far, old lady? Didn't you make it clear before when we separated the family?"

"Ha, anyway, the older you get, the more scoundrel you become, but I won't pay attention to her!"

Shen Ru said, "How long do you think it will take to get to Liangzhou?"

"My slave asked someone. It will take at least two months to go from Yingchuan to Liangzhou. It will be winter there. Moreover, the farther we go to Liangzhou, the stronger the wind and the colder it will be."

"In this case, don't follow me."

Shen Ru thought for a while and said, "You three little girls, what should you do if you meet a bad guy?"

"Miss, if we don't follow, what will happen if you don't have anything to eat behind you? You already said that the official can't even give you two steamed buns."

An Qiao said distressedly, "Second young lady and young master, how pitiful they are, they are still growing taller!"

Ha, but she has everything in her space!

"Why don't you go to Liangzhou first and inquire about the local area to see how our group of people will deal with it then."

Shen Ru thought for a while and said, "I guess he is doing hard labor, but I don't want my parents to be like this."

"But Miss, you still need someone to support you on the way forward!"

An Qiao said worriedly, "I'm really worried about you being hungry and cold. The officials don't treat the prisoners as human beings."

"Your eldest lady, I am good at dancing, sharp in tongues, and have nimble skills. Ha, I have long coaxed the official to obey me!"

Shen Ru boasted that she was feeling comfortable while washing when suddenly she felt something gushing out from below. Then, the water also changed color. Shen Ru was stunned at first, and then she felt a little disgusted.

"Anqiao, I...I'm having my period!"

Shen Ru said with a sad face, this bath was in vain!

An Qiao was also a little panicked. How could he change anything at that moment?
"Miss, please wait a moment, I will find a solution immediately."

"Hurry up then and buy more."

Shen Ru wanted to cry but had no tears. What should she do? Let her soak in the blood?
Fortunately, Anqiao's work efficiency is still very high, and he bought a large pack of menstrual belts in a short time.

"Miss, please come out and clean it quickly. I'll ask the inn waiter to change the water."

She was so embarrassed that Shen Ru couldn't imagine how the people in the inn would think of her later!
Even though she was finally cleaned up, Shen Ru still felt like she smelled of blood.

Cuixi and Yaoyao, who were shopping, also came back, both carrying heavy bags.

"Spend part of it to honor the officials. We don't need money. As long as we build a good relationship with the officials, the road ahead will be smoother."

"Also, you go to the previous place and wait while I go out for a walk."

Shen Ru wanted to see if there were any weapons at her disposal. There was everything in her space, but no weapons!
The three maids were convinced of Shen Ru's arrangement, so they listened to Shen Ru's arrangement.

Shen Ru, on the other hand, made some inquiries and went to the nearest sword-making workshop.

Just as Shen Ru was looking at the finished product of the sword-making workshop, a man wrapped in clothes walked in and asked for some weapons that had been ordered in advance.

When he saw Shen Ru, the other party paused.

Shen Ru didn't react at first, and when the other party's eyes met, she still didn't react.

Did her aunt leak something?Shen Ru only thought of this, but she was wearing men's clothes now!
"Shen Ru?"

The other party spoke, and Shen Ru was stunned. Was she recognized?

(End of this chapter)

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