Chapter 24 The Shen family cannot move

The other party identified her identity from Shen Ru's expression, but he was obviously shocked, so he quickly turned around and left, as if he was afraid that Shen Ru would recognize his identity.

It's really...inexplicable!

Shen Ru couldn't figure out who the visitor was, so he simply bought a few weapons at the sword-making workshop and asked someone to put them in a wooden box.

After holding the wooden box and going out, Shen Ru looked around and walked into a small alley. After making sure there was no one there, she put the wooden box containing weapons into the space.

Who could be the person who knows me and is so shocked to see me, but is afraid of being recognized by me?

Shen Ru's first reaction was, could it be Lin Shian?
Lin Shian was beaten to death by an official, and his body was thrown directly from the official road. Will he survive the catastrophe?

"No, this man is half a head taller than Lin Shi'an, so his height cannot be faked."

Shen Ru thought about it all the way, but couldn't figure out who it was.

When she arrived at the appointed place, she saw that Chen Qing and his party had also arrived.

Shen Ruchong winked at Cuixi, and Cuixi came to Chen Qing with a divided package.

"Master Chen, this is our eldest lady's honor to you. Please ask the officials to take more care of our eldest lady and the master and his wife."

Chen Qing took a look in front of several people, and only when he saw the few ingots of silver did he respond with satisfaction.

"Then go back!"

Chen Qing spoke, then looked at Shen Ru and couldn't help but frown.

Seeing this, Shen Ru sniffed himself subconsciously. Could it be her aunt's smell?
"Miss Shen really likes to be clean. This is to keep yourself clean, but you really don't look like a criminal anymore!"

"Ha, Mr. Chen, this matter is really not important."

"My status is determined by the imperial court, but there is no explicit rule. Prisoners must be disheveled!"


Chen Qing snorted coldly. He is thin-skinned and fair-faced, and he pretends to be a man, showing off!
Cui Xi and the others helped Shen Ru put things in order, and finally watched Shen Ru and Chen Qing go away with great reluctance.

"The eldest lady asked us to go to Liangzhou to settle down first. Let's go quickly."

An Qiao said, "So that when the master and the others arrive in Liangzhou, they will be dragged into hard labor."

"Well, hurry up, the eldest lady still has a lot of money." Cui Xi also said.

Chen Qing and others caught up with the exile team, and Shen Ru stuffed large and small bags into the carriage.

"Ha, I'm exhausted. Please help put the things into the box."

As soon as she entered the carriage, Shen Ru rested against the wall of the carriage while panting.

Suddenly, when she faced the old lady and young master of Prince Jing's Mansion, her heart suddenly sank.

Could it be that the person I met today is... Prince Jing?
The original owner had a relationship with Prince Jing several times, so the other party could recognize him.

But the other party was shocked when he saw himself appearing in Yingchuan City when he was supposed to be on the road to exile.

But it's a little early for Prince Li Jing to go to Liangzhou to rescue someone. The person is wrapped tightly, and it's not sure whether he is there or not!

Shen Ru felt a little melancholy, but then she relieved herself.

So what if it was really Prince Jing? She took care of the old lady and young master of Prince Jing's Mansion!

When they paused for a break at noon, Shen Ru asked everyone else to get out of the carriage and walk around, lying that he wanted to change clothes.

Of course, changing clothes is real, but it’s more about transferring things in the space into boxes.

After crossing Yingchuan, the wild vegetables were almost gone, and the government could not provide food for the prisoners. The few food they had were all in the hands of the officials.

So much so that it is not uncommon for men to endure beatings and scoldings and for women to sell their bodies in order to have something to eat.

When Shen Ru's family traveled fifty miles a day, they all took carriages; but at night, instead of sleeping in the mountains and forests, they stayed at the post station where prisoners were detained.

Whenever something like this happens, Shen Ru can only ask his younger siblings to try not to see or hear it.

She can't save everyone, especially those who still harbor evil thoughts towards her!On this day, the prisoners were all detained in the post station, and the officials came in to order their heads.

Compared with those unkempt and smelly prisoners, Shen Ru looked extraordinarily pretty.

Shen Ru felt the ill-intentioned gaze and felt blocked in his heart.

"Brother, you can't touch this woman from the Shen family."

An official reminded him.

"What are you afraid of? They belong to Chen Qing, right? But didn't Chen Qing and the others go into the city to have dinner with the official today? Who can stop me here?"

"You, come out, otherwise, I will kill you in front of them!"

Faced with such reckless teasing, Shen quickly stood up.

On the fourth day, my aunt's temper was not very good either.

"Master, shall we go out?"

"Ah Ru!"

Shen Yan, Shen's mother, and Aunt Lian all immediately pulled Shen Ru's horse.

"Father, mother, aunt, don't worry, I will be fine."

Shen Ru is really not afraid, even if the sky falls, she is not afraid!
The official who took a fancy to Shen Ru was called Zhu Dali, a short-term police officer transferred from the local area. Anyway, he would only go there and take advantage as much as he could.

Seeing that Shen Ru was following his wish, he immediately dragged Shen Ru to the guest room of the inn.

As soon as he entered the room, Zhu Dali wanted to push Shen Ru onto the bed.

Well, why can't I pull it?

"I don't think you need to keep these claws of yours!"

As he spoke, Shen Ru's eyes darkened, then turned cold.

"Ah!" Zhu Dali exclaimed in pain, seeing his hand cut off at the wrist and bleeding.

"You... you poisonous woman!"

Zhu Dali yelled to call someone, and then his neck felt cold. He immediately touched his neck with his good hand, and when he looked up, it was bright red.

"Someone is coming, someone is coming quickly, the wronged soul is asking for his life!"

Shen Ru shouted. The dagger she used was bought at the sword-making workshop in Yingchuan City. After doing this, she put the dagger back into space.

Let me ask, she was unarmed, how could she cut off the officer's wrist and neck?
"Help, someone is dead, and the dead officer is missing!"

Shen Ru took a deep breath and immediately opened the door and shouted.

Soon, the official came over, but Zhu Dali was already dead, his eyes were wide open, as if he was dying with his eyes open.

"It's not me. A white shadow just passed by. It must be an innocent soul seeking life, it must be!"

Shen Ru opened the door and said in horror.

"His hand was chopped off by Qi Gen. It would have been impossible without the divine weapon."

"I don't have anything on me!"

Shen Ru was also wearing a prison uniform, but she added her own warm clothes inside the prison uniform. Seeing that the officer was still staring at her, she immediately raised her hands and said.

The official looked at Shen Ru's appearance, and it was true that she couldn't hide weapons, but if someone died under her nose, the matter had to be reported to the official.

Reporter Shen Ru was not afraid. She was confident that even if it was not flawless, no evidence would be found.

"Report it to the official. You won't believe anything I say. If that's the case, then report it to the official!"

(End of this chapter)

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