Chapter 25 Did you bribe them?

This matter was so strange, and Shen Ru didn't seem to be lying, so the official who suggested reporting it to the official was a little hesitant.

"Still, wait for Mr. Chen to come back!"

Shen Ru looked around and found a chair to sit down.

"Well, why don't you guys sit down too? Aren't you tired of standing at the door?"

"A catastrophe is approaching, and you don't know whether to live or die. Even if Mr. Chen wants to protect you and the official dies under your eyes, you will still be involved!"

"But...I really didn't do anything!"

Shen Ru said in an innocent tone, "I was obviously the one who was almost bullied!"

"Although as a prisoner, your life is like nothing. But you can't be accused of murder for no reason!"

"Or are you saying that the Anguo Hou Mansion has fallen, and this shit basin can be put on our heads?"

Shen Ru said slowly, then sighed again.

"Tell me, how good is the job of escorting prisoners?"

"If not, are you all happy doing this job? Do you have a high salary, or do you like this job?"

"Whatever is taller depends on how much it costs."

One of the officers complained.

"Oh, that must be the responsibility of a public servant for this errand."

"My Shen family used to be a wealthy family, but to end up like this is a fateful trick!"

"But... a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. The Shen family is treated differently among the exiles. Do you know why?"


Shen Ru spoke softly and softly, and it was no problem that other officials were waiting, so someone started talking to her.

"Well, because I have money!"

Shen Ru said bluntly, "You guys, please close the door. Why don't we make a deal?"

"I didn't kill the person, but a female ghost in white suddenly appeared. You can see the edge of the knife, right?"

Shen Ruwei said...

Through her gentle persuasion, she silenced more than a dozen officials who knew that the official was dead.

At the same time, they also saw a figure in white floating out of the window.

It was already late at night when Chen Qing and others came back, and an official immediately told Chen Qing about the matter.

An official died?Is it related to Shen Ru?
Chen Qing was thunderstruck in his heart and immediately went to the guest room of the inn.

In the guest room, Shen Ru sat with his chin propped up on his elbows and took a nap. The other officials made him feel like a guard.

"How did it happen?!"

Chen Qing's eyes widened when he saw the official lying in a pool of blood. The severed limbs were so horrifying!
"Shen Ru!"

Chen Qing shouted.

Shen Ru was so excited that he woke up. When he saw Chen Qing, he immediately got up and walked to Chen Qing's side.

"Master Chen, it's too scary!"

"This poor man wanted to do something wrong to me. I thought about bargaining with him in this room, but suddenly a female ghost floated in outside the window. With the cold light, his hand was broken, and then blood came out from his neck. Come!"

Shen Ru looked frightened, "I...I didn't even dare to go back. Several servants ran in after hearing the noise."

"Yes, Mr. Chen, I ran in when I heard Zhu Dali's scream, and I happened to see a white figure floating out of the window."

"Yes, I was the second one to come in. I couldn't see clearly, but the white shadow flickered, and then I heard from Miss Shen that I knew it was a female ghost!"

"We immediately grabbed Miss Shen after we came in, but she didn't have any sharp ice blades on her body. We also checked inside and outside the house, but there were none."

Chen Qing listened to the stories of the officials and guessed in his heart that they must have been bribed by Shen Ru, but how could he explain the death of an escorting official?

"You all go down, Miss Shen. You tell me this from beginning to end, no matter the details!" Shen Ru has said it several times, so naturally she is not afraid of saying it again.

After the others left, Chen Qing was left in the room. Shen Ru said again to Zhu Dali's body.

"Shen Ru, do you think I'm stupid?"

Chen Qing said calmly.

"Then Mr. Chen thinks I killed the person?"

Shen Ru was not to be outdone, "Of course my kung fu is pretty good, but come here and take a look at this blade. Unless I have an extremely sharp knife, I, a woman, can cut off his hand with one blow!"

"To be honest, I really thought that this reckless man dragged me into this house with his claws!"

"But do I have a knife?"

Shen Ru asked, "Is that thing something I can hide if I use it?"

Chen Qing looked at Shen Ru. The girl's eyes were calm, without any fear or panic, as if everything was as she expected.

"Did you bribe these officials?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen is right. I can't let others slander me as a murderer!"

"Also, Mr. Chen, spending money to eliminate disasters is my usual style, Shen Ru!"

"Aren't you afraid that you can't bribe me this time?"

"Lord Chen, you forgot, this is not the first official to die!"

Shen Ru calmly said, "I didn't kill the person. Master Chen must be sure of this!"


Chen Qing sneered, Shen Ru must have killed him, but he didn't know how she killed him.

"Master Chen, do you believe that heaven is right?"

Shen Ru said slowly, "Believe it or not, when we get to Liangzhou, there will be people seeking justice for the innocent people who died in Prince Jing's Mansion!"

"This Zhu Dali must have caused harm to many exiled women. God will accept him!"

Shen Ru's words made Chen Qing's heart sink.

If the Shen family can keep their property, there must be someone behind it!
So has Prince Jing’s Mansion really declined?

One incident after another made Chen Qing murmur in his heart. Could it be that someone has been protecting the Shen family?
Not the loyal servant of the Shen family he thought, but someone from Prince Jing's palace?Therefore, the old lady and the young master were also protected by Shen Ru!

"Shen Ru, if you want to escape, this time you will have to spend a lot of money!"

"Master Chen, after you think about it clearly, you can negotiate a price!"

Shen Ru said slowly and unhurriedly, as for her nonsense, she didn't know whether Chen Qing believed it or not.

But as long as she can escape unscathed this time!
Their eyes met, each had a plan, and finally Chen Qing spoke!

"Shen Ru, if you go back, just pretend this never happened!"

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Shen Ruchong knelt down to Chen Qing and finally left the guest room.

An official died, but he didn't hear anything about it from the prisoners' mouths.

However, all the escort officers had heard about the haunting at the inn.

At dawn the next day, the large army set off again.

The Shen family was worried for most of the night, but finally they felt relieved when Shen Ru came back safely. Fortunately, they could have a carriage to travel around, so they could rest.

It only hurt the officials involved in this matter, and they were all a little drowsy, but... the bulging wallets probably could soothe their hearts.

It's better to avoid provoking less people from the Shen family. If they become the second Zhu Dali, their money will be wasted and their lives will be wasted!

(End of this chapter)

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