Was your home ransacked on your wedding day?I emptied the Marquis's house and tore my son-in-la

Chapter 26 Public anger is hard to offend, so do whatever you want

Chapter 26 Public anger is hard to offend, so do whatever you want
"Aru, what happened that night?"

Shen's mother only dared to ask Shen Ru what happened after a day, and she only dared to ask because Shen Ru was still fine.

"Mom, nothing's wrong."

Shen Ru said casually, "That official wants to take advantage of me, but who am I? He is no match for me if he uses force. Besides, I still have money!"

"In the end, when Chen Qing and the others came back, I got away."

Shen Ru said it lightly, but Shen Yan and the others had also heard the rumors outside, about hauntings, and the official servant, but they had never seen it again.

Shen Yan suspected that his daughter had killed the official, but he also felt that how could such a delicate girl kill someone?

My daughter would never do such a cruel thing!

"Aru, we are still too ostentatious, otherwise..."

"Dad, we have paid a lot!"

Shen Ru interrupted Shen Yan, she gave him so much money, did she really have to walk like other prisoners?Let dad ride in the prison car and be shackles?
"Dad, nothing in this world comes for free, so just enjoy all the preferential treatment with peace of mind!"

Shen Ru comforted Shen Yan and told others to listen.

"Miss Shen is transparent, nephew Shen Xian still likes Miss Shen, right?"

The old lady of Prince Jing's mansion who was riding the carriage said that she felt at ease because her daughters-in-law had all given money to Shen Ru!

"Miss, the wind is blowing!"

Fu Bo's voice came from outside the carriage.

Shen Ru leaned out of the carriage window. The sky was dark and the whistling wind was as sharp as a knife.

The carriage of the Shen family has become a favorite of almost all the prisoners, and their dissatisfaction is getting higher and higher. Why can the Shen family ride in the carriage?
Why do the people of the Shen family, especially the side branches of the Shen family, do not have to suffer hardships? It is obviously because of the close relationship between Anguohou's Mansion and Prince Jing's Mansion. Why do the people of Anguohou's Mansion have to suffer so much when they are so good?

"We're not leaving, we're not leaving!"

Suddenly a cry broke out from the crowd.

"Just die, just beat us to death. If we continue, we won't be able to hold on anymore!"

"Let the Shen family members come down. What qualifications do they have to ride in the carriage? The officials have not sat in the carriage, so why can they!"

"Asking the Shen family to hand over the food, they are being rich and unkind!"

Naturally, the officials whipped and scolded them first, but this was a premeditated resistance. Some men surrounded the women and children, letting the officials' whips hit them, gritting their teeth and refusing to leave!
"You bullied our women, why did you leave those from the Shen family alone?"

"That is, the wife of the Shen family, the aunt, and the eldest lady, which one is not more beautiful than ours?"

When Shen Ru heard this, the official began to knock on the carriage door.

"Old madam, you take the young master down first. Dad, mother, and aunt, you take Xuan'er and Nian'er down first. I'll adjust the carriage first."

Even if Shen Ru asked Uncle Fu to leave with his carriage, he would not give any food to these jealous people.

Don't say she is cruel, she is the one who chooses to be soft rather than tough.

When she was the only one in the carriage, Shen Ru put most of the things in the box into the space, leaving only the food and clothes she bought in Yingzhou City last time.

There isn’t much left!
When she came out of the carriage, Shen Ru shivered. Even though she had added clothes inside, it was still quite cold with the prison clothes on outside!
"Shen Ru, you have offended the public, tell yourself, what should you do?"

Chen Qing looked like he was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"What can I do? Can my little carriage accommodate so many people? Or can my only food supply support so many people?"

Shen Ru looked sad and sighed.

"Master Chen, I'll let Uncle Fu go. Anyway, Uncle Fu is not a prisoner." "Since everyone doesn't want to see us well, then let us share the hardships with everyone!"

Shen Ru said with a sad expression and even shivered.

Chen Qing didn't expect Shen Ru to be so easy to talk to. He thought Shen Ru was going to help Guan Cha teach the prisoner a lesson!

"However, Mr. Chen, it's really cold. Could you please let us add some extra clothes? The carriage can't fit in this carriage. So, can Mr. Chen go there for your convenience?"

After all, Shen Ru had received a lot of benefits. Now that Shen Ru had taken a step back, Chen Qing nodded and ordered the people below to teach those disobedient prisoners a lesson.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want."

"Mom and dad, hurry up and get dressed. Wear more clothes inside. Oh, and put on a wolf skin too. It will protect you from the wind and I think it will also ward off evil spirits!"

"Also, wear warm shoes. Don't wear out your feet if you travel fifty miles a day!"

Shen Ru warned her family, "Old madam, young master, I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do, others don't allow us to ride in the carriage!"

The old lady of Prince Jing's Mansion nodded and was about to lead her grandson away when she was stopped by Shen Ru again.

"When I was in Yingzhou before, I asked a few maids to buy some clothes for the old lady and the young master to wear. Wait a minute, I'll go in and get them for you."

Shen Ru's actions shocked the others.

The wind was so strong that the Shen family actually wore felt hats and wolf skins.

In Shen Yan's hand, there was a small baggage that could not contain much.

That carriage is gone!

"Okay, are you satisfied now?"

Shen Ru shouted to the Shen family behind him, and deliberately stood higher.

"Now, we walk on two feet just like you. As for the things on our bodies, Uncle Fu gave them to us. What's the matter? This doesn't work either?"

"If you have the ability, ask the dismissed servants to bring you things!"

"Eat, you see, we don't have any on us, hum!"

"After sitting in the carriage for a long time, my body is weak. It's time to walk more!"

Shen Yan said as if he was enjoying the pain. Shen Ru said before that she felt at ease riding in a carriage, but now, hey!
Public anger is hard to make!

"Sister, it doesn't matter. We ate well and drank well before, so we had strength!"

His younger brother Shen Nian took Shen Ru's hand and comforted him, "Besides, sister, this hat is warm and the wind won't blow it."

"Yes, sister, this wolfskin cloak is so warm." Shen Xuan said sensibly.

"Let's go quickly!"

The officers beat the prisoners who were causing trouble so hard that they screamed in pain.

The carriage was gone, the food was gone, and all they got in exchange for being beaten by officials was that the Shen family walked together, but they didn't get any advantage at all!
Shen Ming looked at the carriage going away, feeling miserable.

Feng Da is confused, he also wants to rest in the carriage!
"It's so... unfair!"

Feng Shi said viciously, looking at Shen Ru's family, she felt even more disgusted.

They were hungry and cold. How could Shen Ru and his family be in exile?This is simply a blessing!

The big team continued to move forward. Shen Ru's family was not cold, and they were still sweating a little while walking!
(End of this chapter)

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