Chapter 27 One punch and one meal
Compared with other prisoners, the Shen family's health is much better, but they haven't moved around for too long, and they are also out of breath after walking.

Fortunately for Shen Ru, she had a foundation in kung fu, but Shen's mother and Aunt Lian had not suffered much before, but now they were really tired.

But they didn't want Shen Yan and the children to worry, so they supported each other and endured it.

"Stop, rest!"

The wind ahead was so strong that the official could not walk, so he had to stop and rest.

Shen Ru quickly helped her mother and aunt sit down and took out some food from the bag for them to eat.

"Dad, there are Xuan'er and Nian'er, you should also drink some water and eat something. Trust me, I won't let you suffer for too long."


Shen Yan looked at the other Shen family members next to him, who were all eagerly looking at the food and water in his hands. He turned around and ate by himself!
These people are jealous of them and even do evil things, huh, then everyone will have a hard time!

Shen Ru also ate something by herself. This baggage was a cover. When others opened it, they would see that there was only a little bit of food, but she could keep adding more.

"Mom, aunt, come on, put this in your mouth."

Shen Ru took out the ginseng slices.

"This is……"

Mother Shen would naturally recognize it, but how could Shen Ru have this thing?

"Mom, these are ginseng slices."

Shen Xuan whispered, "My sister and I caught it in the woods, but we never told you."

"Yes, we still only have old ginseng. I went to the city before and had people help me deal with it. It's just in time to replenish everyone's health."

"Dad, you can have a piece too."

"Okay, good daughter, it's great to have you. Even if we walk, we have to walk more vigorously than others."

Shen Yan said while choking.

Mrs. Feng felt that she was about to die. She vaguely saw that the Shen family in front was still eating, and she swallowed.

"Shen Tong, if my mother is dying, can you let me have some hot food before I leave?"

"Mom, there's no hot food anywhere. Look at my eldest brother, he's just eating dry food."

Shen Tong's lips were chapped and his face was extremely shiny. He was so windy that he was confused when he looked at people.

"Someone is out of breath!"

A shout broke out from the crowd, and the official immediately stepped forward to check. After confirming that the person was out of breath, he felt very unlucky.

An official reported it to Chen Qing, and the others dug a hole nearby and buried the person.

Along the way, this kind of thing happened not once or twice. To an official, it was nothing. It was better to die than run away!
For the remaining people alive, if this continues, they might as well be dead!

Shen Ru looked at all this without much compassion.

All she thinks about is how to shut everyone up!

Her Shen family can ride in a carriage!
After a delay of burying people, the team immediately set off again.

Feng didn't know where the strength suddenly came from, and rushed forward to grab Shen Ru's baggage.

How could Shen Ru let her succeed? As soon as she turned around, Feng fell down and gnawed on the mud!
"Mother!" Shen Tong immediately stepped forward and helped Fengshi up.

"Shen Ru, how could you do this to your grandmother!"

Shen Ru's heart is on fire!
Shen Tong rushed up on his own, so don't blame her for being rude.

Facing Shen Tong, Shen Ru flew up and kicked him on the shoulder.

"The secret instigation made my parents unable to ride in the carriage. You, Shen Tong, must have contributed too!"

"The Shen family has nine exiled clans. There is no maternal clan on my mother's side. It's you people who are jealous of us even though you have no ability."

After Shen Ru kicked Shen Tong away, he looked at Feng Shi who was trembling and stopped his fist.

"Okay, I, Shen Ru, have such a bad temper. Let's go together and see who falls first!"

"My lord, Shen Ru hits someone, you hurry up and teach her a lesson!"

Shen Ping shouted.

"Mind your own business!" Guan Cha shouted politely, but ignored Shen Ru.

Shen Ru glanced at Shen Ping provocatively.

"Everyone in the Shen family, listen, I, Shen Ru, and my family don't owe you anything."

"In the past, when I used the name of Anguohou Mansion to enjoy good food, drink and get things done, I didn't see you being grateful. Now that I'm in trouble, I feel like I've been dragged down by Anguohou Mansion and I can't wait to see how we can get better!"

"Since you all don't remember how I, Shen Ru, dug wild vegetables and gave me meat to wolves, I won't care about your life or death. Anyone who offends me will be punished by me!"

Shen Ru's words were scattered in the wind.

But it still reached the ears of the Shen family, and now there was no benefit. None of them knew what to say.

People at Prince Jing's Mansion also heard Shen Ru's words.

In gratitude to Shen Ru for taking in the old lady and the young master, they wanted to help Shen Ru's family.

"Old madam, if the carriage is still there, you and Shigeguang won't have to suffer this."

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and it was also mixed with sand. Shen Ru's family did a good job in protecting themselves, but the other prisoners were in dire straits.

Not only was the wind and sand blinding, but it also hurt when it hit my face.

The team was repeatedly blocked, and suddenly, a group of people broke out of the team and ran in different directions.

"The prisoner has escaped, chase him!"

You idiot, can you run away? Can you run away and hide in Tibet all your life?
Shen Ru thought in her mind and found it ridiculous. Should she survive the exile and go to the place of exile to wait for Prince Jing to rebel and rescue everyone? Or hide in Tibet and face the pursuit of the court. Of course she chose the former!

"Father, mother, don't worry, I won't leave!"

Seeing Shen Yan and Shen's mother looking at him, Shen Ru said immediately.

"Hey, Aru, we're not afraid that you'll leave. If you want to leave alone, you'll definitely get lost. We're afraid that you'll get too angry and hurt yourself."

Mother Shen said.

"How could I possibly hurt myself!"

Shen Ru said, there was a scream not far away, it should be that the person who escaped was killed by the officer.

When the crowd heard the screams, everyone became much quieter.

Suddenly, there was the sound of horse hooves, it was Uncle Fu driving the car over again!

"Master Marquis, madam, eldest lady, the wind and sand are strong, you should get into the carriage!"

"No, you can't!"

Feng Shi roared, but was held back by Shen Tong. He was still hurting from the kick he received from Shen Ru!
"Everyone, the Shen family's loyal servant wants to escort his master and his family to Liangzhou. It has nothing to do with us."

"I am grateful to the Shen family for taking care of our old lady and young master. Therefore, I, a branch of Prince Jing's Mansion, have no objection to the Shen family having a carriage!"

Some side branches won't gain much benefit, and they won't hinder anything, so let's not talk about them.

Previously, Shen Tong, Shen Fu and Shen Ming were trying to persuade other branches of the Shen family to let Shen Ru share the food in the carriage with everyone out of public outrage. But they didn't expect that Shen Ru would be so decisive and would rather have the carriage driven away!

The one who yelled the most fiercely was Shen Ming. He immediately shouted: "Aren't you jealous when you see Shen Ru and his family riding in a carriage? No, absolutely not."

The team couldn't leave now anyway, so Shen Ru stepped forward and grabbed Shen Ming's collar.

"If you beep again, believe it or not, I will ask your father to beat you personally!"

"No way, my dad won't hit me!"

"Third uncle, I'll give you a croquette, do you want to beat it or not?"

"One is not enough, what about two?"

"I can give you my things, but it also depends on whether I am happy or not."

"Listen to me, punch Shen Ming, and come to me to get a ration of food!"

"One stick of incense, no waiting after the due date!"

After Shen Ru finished speaking, she threw Shen Ming to the ground and walked straight away!
"Father, mother, aunt, get in the carriage!"

(End of this chapter)

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