Chapter 28 The wild boar is rampant, Shen Ru is mighty

"Sir, don't you care?"

Chen Qing's men looked at Shen Ming being beaten, fearing that things would get worse!

"No matter what, Shen Ru's family and the remnants of Prince Jing's Mansion are already colluding with each other, so don't worry about it!"

Chen Qing wiped the bloody knife. Some people still wanted to run away while the wind and sand were blowing. It depends on whether their swords agreed.

"Just think that Shen Ru will take care of the thorn for us. There must be someone who is the leader in this team!"

It was also the Shen family's fault, and Chen Qing really didn't want to take care of it.

It was so comfortable in the carriage!
Shen Ru heard Shen Ming shouting for mercy outside, but she didn't want to pay attention to it. She was unhappy and always wanted to find someone to take out her anger on.

"Shen Ru, tell them to stop quickly, they will beat Shen Ming to death."

Shen Ping slapped the carriage and shouted loudly.

"Shen Ming is your brother, how can you be so vicious!"

"If you think Shen Ming can't be beaten enough by himself, why don't you go and accompany him?"

Shen Ru stuck his head out of the window and said sarcastically, "Believe it or not, I spoke!"

"No, don't say it!"

Shen Ping immediately backed away, "You...why are you so cruel!"

"Hmph, stop it. Those who hit Shen Ming, come to me and I'll give you a bite to eat!"

Following Shen Ru's shouts, those people really stopped and all crowded in front of Shen Ru's carriage.

Shen Ru pretended to take out a pack of dry sesame seeds from the box and threw them to those people.

There was a rush of looting outside, and Shen Ru didn't want to look at it.

"Aru, Mom knows that you are unhappy, but listen to Mom, don't do this next time."

"Mom, do you think Shen Ming is still our relative?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"Bah, what kind of relative do you think you are? I'm afraid you'll expose the food and be targeted by others!"

Mother Shen said unceremoniously, "I'm not going to say anything for a brat who was trying to push my daughter around. Master, do you think our Aru is going too far?"

"Nothing is too much, nothing is too much, nothing Aru can do is too much!"

Shen Yan met Shen's mother's eyes and didn't dare to say anything.

The stability of the carriage to protect it from wind and rain is all due to Shen Ru!

"Miss, the old lady of Prince Jing's Mansion and the young master are here!"

From outside the carriage, Fu Bo's voice came.

"Uncle Fu, please ask the old lady and the young master to come in!"

Shen Ruxin said in a happy tone.

The words of prisoners from the tributary of Prince Jing's Mansion, although they may not necessarily suppress those prisoners who are displeased with them.

But if Prince Jing rescues his relatives in the future, she won't worry that her family won't be caught too!

After a long pause, the team started moving forward again. Because of the wind and sand, it was impossible to reach the inn at night.

After nightfall, it got much colder, so all the prisoners spent the night in the nearby woods.

Groups gathered together and lit fires to keep warm.

The escorting officers were no strangers to this kind of scene. There had been prisoners trying to escape before. This time, ropes were tied and bells were tied to the areas where the prisoners moved. As long as there was any disturbance, they would know immediately.

And Chen Qing also asked his men to pay more attention. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

Shen Ru's family also set up a large pot, boiled water, and poured some rice paste. The group of people ate happily.

"Xiao Chongguang, do you want your mother and the others to drink some hot soup too?"

Shen Ru whispered to Pei Chongguang, "Here, get a big bowl and put some in it!"

The child immediately looked at the old lady. After seeing the old lady nodding, he thanked Shen Ru, then happily carried the big bowl and walked towards his mother.

The Feng family members were very close to Shen Ru and the others. They were eating hot food over there, they were nibbling cold steamed buns, and Shen Ming, who had a bruised nose and face, was humming. Comparing the two sides, it was obvious that they were both ice and fire. "Ping'er, go ask for some hot soup. Why did they even bring the pot!"

Feng said feebly.

"I'm not going, I won't ask Shen Ru for anything!"

Shen Ping was angry.

"You are all obviously jealous, but you don't try to please her and insist on going against her. See for yourselves what will happen now."

"Why should I go? I have been at loggerheads with her since I was a child. We have often quarreled. Now I can't do anything to please her. I would rather eat dry steamed buns than ask for anything from her."

Shen Ping said forcefully.

"Pah!" Shen Tong slapped her on the face.

"Unfilial daughter, I just want you to lower your body and ask for hot soup. Why are you talking so much?"

"Then you go!"

Shen Ping said angrily, "Why should I go?"

"Why are you beating the child? We, Ping'er, are just a daughter's house. Mom wants to drink hot soup. Can't you go by yourself?"

Qian immediately hugged Shen Ping and said angrily: "If you and your family are put in the situation, we two will be in great misfortune!"

"If I had known this, I should have let you get married early!"

Shen Ping's expression darkened. She was engaged. She originally thought that after Shen Ru's wedding, she could arrange the wedding, but who knew that her home would be confiscated and exiled. Then the marriage would have been forgotten a long time ago!

Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is the Zhu family close to Liangzhou? Ping'er, you... you have to take good care of her. When the time comes, let the Zhu family take care of you because you have been engaged."

"I can't die either, I'm still waiting to enjoy Ping'er's blessings!"

Shen Ping looked at her grandmother speechlessly and didn't know what to say anymore!

"Ouch~" A voice suddenly came from the forest, and then the bell rang, shocking the official!

Then a wild boar came out grunting with its tusks raised.

"There's a wild boar!"

The officer roared, and the wild boar started charging directly at the crowd.

The destructive power of wild boars is much more powerful than that of wolves.

The sharp fangs had injured many people, but the officer's knife could not hurt the wild boar's thick fur at all.

When Shen Ru saw the wild boar, her heart started to lift. She quickly picked up her brother, pulled her sister and stuffed her into the carriage.

"Mom, dad, aunt, and the old lady, hurry up."

"Chongguang!" The old lady looked anxiously towards where her family was.

"Oops!" The wild boar was rushing towards that place. Shen Ru took a step forward and turned over on the carriage to reach the other side.

"Master Chen, give me the knife!"

Shen Ru shouted, do you want her to fight a wild boar with bare hands?

Chen Qing didn't move. Did Shen Ru have a weapon on him?

Chen Qing was a little suspicious. His men were about to draw their sabers, but Chen Qing held them down!

"Let's take a look at the situation first."

"Miss, take it!"

Uncle Fu was getting stronger and stronger. He roared and threw a retractable silver spear!

With the spear in hand, Shen Ru rushed towards the wild boar.

"Boss, this Miss Shen is too powerful!"

The officer was stunned. Shen Ru grabbed a child with one hand, and then shot the wild boar!

The wild boar roared in pain and ran around more and more crazily. Shen Ru simply flew directly on the back of the wild boar, retracted the spear, and plunged the head directly into the wild boar!
(End of this chapter)

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