Chapter 29
The wild boar was in pain and almost knocked Shen Ru off his back.

But Shen Ru was holding on to the wild boar's mane tightly. The wild boar's destructive ability was too strong. If it collided with it like this, the carriage might fall apart!
The tip of the knife was inserted and pulled out, and then inserted again. Repeatedly, the wild boar gradually stopped breathing.

At this time, Chen Qing stepped forward to finish the attack, immediately killing the wild boar.

"Master Chen, it's the right time for you to make amends with your sword!"

Shen Ru said mockingly.

"Let's divide these two hundred kilograms of wild boar. I want the big head!"

"Yes, it's all Miss Shen's credit."

Chen Qing once again discovered that Shen Ru's kung fu was far more powerful than he knew!

Even a few men couldn't take down this big wild boar, especially how much strength would be needed to pierce the spear into the wild boar's body? !
"Okay, you take it first, and the rest is mine!"

Shen Ru didn't write, she was exhausted. Wild boar meat is relatively strong. It won't go rancid for a while in this kind of weather, but it can solve the food problem for a period of time!
"Master Chen, there is a prisoner who was gored by a wild boar and is about to die!"

"The one was directly penetrated by the wild boar's teeth, and there is no way he can be saved!"

At this time, several officials came over to report to Chen Qing.

As long as the prisoners are not escaped, killed or injured, and as long as they are justified, the superiors will not pursue them.

Chen Qing was going to see if the dying man could be saved. If not, he would be buried directly!
"I'm going to have a look too!"

Shen Ru had a lot of medicine on hand. It wasn't because of the Holy Mother's heart, but because the Shen family branch was jealous of their treatment, which made her know that she must win over other prisoners more.

Chen Qing glanced at Shen Ru.

"Miss Shen also has medical skills?"

"A little bit."

Shen Ru did not shirk, "I followed my grandfather and treated some wounds in the past."

Chen Qing had also heard of the reputation of Marquis Lao'an, but he didn't question it!

The one who was gored was a middle-aged man from the branch of Prince Jing's Mansion, and the one who died was also one.

The woman and the child were lying on the man with a lot of blood in his stomach, crying loudly. The others also looked sad. They had come all the way, so why did they die on the way?

"Let me see, who can lend me a light?"

Shen Ru knelt down and checked the injured person's injuries.

"What a big hole. I have golden sore medicine there. If you can trust me, I can help save it!"

"Miss Shen, please save him, please save my husband-in-law. My child is still so young. If my husband-in-law is gone, how will my mother and I live in the future?"

As soon as the woman heard Shen Ru's words, she immediately knelt down in front of Shen Ru and begged.

There was a teenage boy beside her, who also knelt down to beg for help.

"let me try!"

Shen Ru looked at Chen Qing, "Mr. Chen, do you want me to save this person?"

"Help yourself!"

Chen Qing said expressionlessly, he was used to seeing life and death, and he didn't care whether this person died or not.

Shen Ru turned back to the carriage and brought some things.

"I don't know if you have any internal injuries, but if the bleeding stops, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on for long."

As Shen Ru spoke, he sprinkled a handful of golden sore medicine onto the man's wound.

"Tsk~" The man was in pain and exclaimed, taking action.

Use gold sore medicine to stop the bleeding and bandage it with cloth. In this wilderness, Shen Ru could only do this.

"Let him hold this thing in his mouth."

Shen Ru gave his wife two slices of ginseng, and then said: "It's for hanging, just survive tonight!"

The woman naturally recognized the ginseng piece, and her face was very shocked. In such a difficult situation, Shen Ru could still take out such a precious thing to save someone they had nothing to do with. How could she not be moved?

"Wynn, please thank Miss Shen quickly!"

"We'll get through tonight first, and we'll discuss it with the officer tomorrow and let him ride in the prison car!"

The woman was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly. "Miss Shen, how can the official listen to us? Besides, are you sitting in the prison car? Isn't that standing in shackles?"

"In his case, the bleeding has been stopped now. If he moves around and pulls the wound, it will inevitably bleed again. Then tonight's rescue will be in vain!"

Shen Ru said matter-of-factly, "Forget it, I'll go with the officials and tell you, the worst is, I'll share less pork!"

"Miss Xie Shen, you are really our reborn parents!"

After hearing this, the woman immediately pulled her son and thanked him profusely.

Shen Ru waved his hand and walked away first!
"Master Chen, you heard everything. How about it be convenient?"

Shen Ruchong said to Chen Qing.

"If Miss Shen wants to be such a good person, what does it have to do with me, Chen Qing?"

"How about I give you an extra pound of pork? One pound, how many meals can you eat!"

Shen Ru said: "How about I give you another ten taels of silver? Although this life is despicable, I have saved it, and I don't want to give it up halfway!"

"Didn't Lin Shian ride in a prison car before?"

If Shen Ru means this, it is natural that she has made an exception. If she gives in, Chen Qing will just go along with her wishes!

"The nights may get colder next time. Mr. Chen, there are many places that require everyone's efforts. If you can get one more person, just one person!"

Shen Ru sighed and glanced at the dark crowd behind him. He didn't know how many people were left in Liangzhou.

"When you get to the next city, you can buy some more cold-resistant clothes for us brothers."

Chen Qing also took a step back, and naturally wanted to give Shen Ru a hard blow.


Most of the official duties of hundreds of people are short-term, but Chen Qing and others are different.

Chen Qing only cares about his few people!

"Miss Shen, I wonder if you have any medicine for bruises over there. The wild boar was scurrying around just now, and many people hurriedly avoided it and sprained their feet."

A man came to ask Shen Ru.

Shen Ru recognized that this was the person who had previously spoken for her family in Prince Jing's Mansion.

"Yes, I don't know what you would call me."

"My name is Pei Qingshan."

Pei Qingshan!
Shen Ru was shocked. She remembered this name. This person was a relatively remote relative of Prince Jing's palace. But later, Prince Jing became more powerful, and this person eventually became Prince Jing's right-hand man!

"Yes, here, here it is!"

Shen Ru took out a bottle of medicinal wine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

"Thank you!"

"Miss Shen has everything!"

Chen Qing sighed tentatively.

"It's all prepared by my maids. Women, be careful. There will always be some surprises in this long journey."

Shen Ru smiled and said, "Master Chen, you are smart and aware of current affairs. Take care of the people in Prince Jing's Mansion. You will be rewarded in the future."

Shen Ru whispered this into Chen Qing's ear.

Chen Qing's expression remained as usual, even if he had some thoughts in his mind, he would not show it.

"As agreed, I'll give you an extra pound of wild boar meat."

With that said, Chen Qing turned and walked away.

Returning to the Shen family, Shen Ru returned the spear to Uncle Fu. What to do with most of the wild boar?
"Come here and help chop up the pork. When we eat it later, we'll get a share of it too!"

As soon as Shen Ru shouted, a group of people rushed towards him.

"That's enough, that's enough. I'll call you next time if something happens. Please step aside and don't disturb others' work."

(End of this chapter)

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