Chapter 260: Being crippled by Shen Ru
"Then Feng'er's private school..." Shen's mother asked tentatively. She didn't have any reluctance to part with it. She just felt that she could live a safe and economical life with her money, and she wanted to suffer outside.

"Feng'er, can my future mother send you to school?"

Qian turned around and asked, "Your sister is now capable and wants our family to be together. Feng'er, are you willing?"

Shen Feng was still biting the meat in his mouth. He looked at Qian and Shen Ping in confusion, and finally nodded.

Mother Shen breathed a sigh of relief, this is not good.

"Okay, let's eat first, Feng'er looks like she's not full yet!" Mother Shen said nonchalantly.

"No, I'm full. Mom, let's go and pack things. Uncle, it's getting dark outside. Can you give us a lift?"

Shen Ping looked at Shen Yan again and said.

"That's natural." Shen Yan only felt a little strange, but Shen's mother didn't say anything to Shen Ru, so he let Shen Ping go.

"Mom, sister, will Shen Feng not go to school with us in the future?"

Shen Xuan couldn't help but ask, "Is it just me and my brother?"

"That should be it, but at the private school, Shen Feng's training has already been handed over, and they should also send it over."

Shen Ru calmly said: "Are you full? What else do you want to eat? When we take a break, can we go to the ranch to play as a family?"

"Sister raises a lot of sheep and horses. Do you want to pick a group of ponies of your own and use them as your mounts when they grow up?"

Shen Ru's few words made the Shen siblings immediately interested, which diluted the disappointment of moving out of the second room.

Soon, the three members of Shen Ping's family packed their things and Mul Qin drove them back.

Shen's mother didn't say anything that day, but the next day, when Shen Xuan's siblings went to school and Shen Ru went out, she felt that the vacant west courtyard needed to be cleaned up.

"It seems that Mrs. Qian was convinced by Shen Ping. This is the best. After the separation, I didn't deal with her very much."

Mother Shen and Aunt Lian were walking around in the west wing, "Dunzhu went to the pasture, and Wu Ya also went to Aru's yard. This west wing will be used as a guest from now on."

"I'm just afraid. After a while, she'll come back crying again."

Aunt Lian said: "It's not that I wish them bad, it's just that Shen Ping is a bit out of tune!"

"I don't think so. How can I live in an embroidery workshop? Didn't Shen Ping also become the teacher who teaches girls?"

As Mother Shen spoke, she looked around the rooms inside and out, preparing to clean them herself. should I pack this quilt?Quite heavy!
"Sister, how about... please hire a nanny!" Lian helped with the work, and soon she was dripping with sweat.

The two looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed.

"We two are really useless!"

Mother Shen sighed with emotion, and even her aunt agreed: "We have all been abandoned by Aru."

"After arriving in Liangzhou, it was Cuixi and the other three who helped with the work. Later, we found someone in the kitchen. It seems that we are looking for a few more people who are more agile!"

Shen's mother said that she was a little helpless. She had been pampered for the first half of her life, and the exile was only a few days of hardship. When they arrived in Liangzhou, Cuixi and the others had arranged everything in advance...

Mother Shen and Aunt Lian walked out of the west wing together. Mother Shen told Father Shen about hiring people to work, and Father Shen just said it was her decision.

Shen Ru was also really busy outside. Under the guidance of the steward, she looked at the thirty acres of cotton fields under the bright sun and wearing a straw hat. "My boss, this cotton will probably be harvested next month. Will my boss still need to hire more people then?"

Duan Qing asked Shen Ru that there were already ten people in Zhuangzi, and the cotton on the thirty acres of land could still be picked with some hard work.

"Uncle Duan, if you still know any villagers who are short of work, you can invite them to pick cotton. There are so many people, and the speed is faster. After picking, you still have to dry it, and there is a lot of work. The most important thing is, don't It’s very tiring.”

"Then... wages..."

Duan Qing couldn't help but ask. He was asking about the wages of cotton pickers.

"Ten cents a day, if there are many people, you can pick it immediately; if there are few people, it will only cost one more day. Uncle Duan, please do the math and see how it can be better."

Shen Ru was already sweating profusely. It rained a lot more in Liangzhou this year than last year, which also made her cotton field grow well.The cotton was harvested just before the dry season.

"Uncle Duan, just see this first. Zhuangzi will leave it to you to take care of it. I can rest assured."

When Shen Rula came to the village, he didn't let anyone else follow him. He took a walk by himself, and finally went to the village for a while before getting ready to go back to the city.

On the way back to the city, Shen Ru felt strange when he saw scattered refugees.

"Hey, brother official, what's going on recently? Why are there refugees!"

Shen was already familiar with the guards guarding the city, so he couldn't help but inquire curiously.

"Refugees have come to Liangzhou recently, it seems because of the war."

"This is strange. I've only heard of prisoners being sent to Liangzhou, but I haven't seen anyone running to Liangzhou." Shen Ru joked, "Liangzhou has become so popular!"

"It's not just that Liangzhou is guarded by a large army. Compared with places that have suffered from war, we in Liangzhou are poorer, but there is no war!"

Shen Ru found it quite interesting after hearing this. The war drove some people to Liangzhou, which was good, as Liangzhou had more labor force!

Back home, Shen Ru heard her mother and aunt talking about looking for someone to do things, and immediately stepped forward and said: "On the way back, I saw that there were more refugees in Liangzhou. Mom, if you want to find someone to do things, you can Go check it out.”

"Really, Aru, then do you think it's better to find people from Liangzhou or people who are fleeing?"

Shen's mother was a little troubled and said, "Actually, I think it's better to go to the dental store to choose. After all, the dental store is the middleman, so it's more reliable."

It was right to be cautious. Seeing that Shen's mother was worried about this, Shen Ru suggested, "Then I'll let Cui Xi go. Cui Xi has dealt with people from the dental clinic."

"That's okay, Aru, mother and your aunt are really at odds with each other. They do things with foresight and hindsight, hey!"

Shen's mother laughed at herself: "I feel like I can't even step out of this family."

"Mom, you are not a person who belittles yourself. This kind of small things are not what Mom is good at. If Mom is bored at home, then make an appointment with Mrs. Huang and the others and go out for tea!"

Shen Ru held Shen's mother's arm.

"Mom, aunt, please help me do something after a while, okay?"

"Whatever it is, just say it, Aru."

When Shen Ru asked Shen's mother and Aunt Lian to get closer, she expressed her thoughts.

After her cotton pads are produced in large quantities, she will not plan to sell them on a large scale, considering that it is difficult for women nowadays to talk about it.Naturally, pure cotton is quite expensive, so let’s start by harvesting wool from the ladies of wealthy families!
(End of this chapter)

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