Chapter 261 Xiao Wujin is eager to return home
The next morning, Cui Xi and An Qiao took Mother Shen and Aunt Lian out to the dental clinic.

Shen Ruze went to the ranch. Counting the time, Xiao Wujin should be on his way back!
"Sister Shen, you came just in time. Someone stole something in the pasture last night, and we captured him. He was about to be sent to prison!"

Seeing Shen Ru coming over, Dunzhu immediately stepped forward and said.

"What did you steal?" Shen Ru asked immediately.

"There are five people left in the kitchen, three men and two women, all looking very embarrassed."

Dunzhu replied, "It seems that what they stole was just some leftovers. If the sheep and horses were touched, we would just tie them up."

Shen Ru followed Dunzhu and went to see the five people who were tied up.

Seeing the person coming, the five people raised their heads, showing stained faces and evasive, cowardly eyes.

Thinking of the recent increase in refugees, Shen Ru looked at a few people and asked tentatively: "Did you flee to Liangzhou?"

"Yes, we, we didn't want to steal anything, we were just hungry..."

One of the men spoke, and after speaking he felt a little embarrassed and lowered his head.

"Dundup, come here."

Shen Ru thought for a while and called Dunzhu outside.

"First untie them, and then find five people to come over and ask them for their identities. If they are right, ask them what they came to Liangzhou for. If they have relatives, let them go to their relatives. If they don't go out, , see if you can arrange some work for them on the ranch."

Shen Ru said his decision, "But if the words of several people are not up to par, then just drive them out. No suspicious people will be left in the ranch."

Dunzhu understood it as soon as he heard it and went to do it immediately.

Shen Ru went to the accounting room where Mrs. Yu was located again and asked Mrs. Yu to bring out the accounts of the customers who had recently ordered goat milk.

"There are ten more households this month than last month!"

"Yes, after the goat's milk is boiled and cooled, the smell is much lessened. People who have tried it say it is good. It probably spread the word, and people came to order it again."

Ms. Yu also had a happy look on her face. Seeing the amount of money on her account increased, which made her, a bookkeeper, feel comfortable.

"Okay, then I understand. Aunt Yu, is the old lady okay?"

Shen Ru flipped through the account and asked, "Goat milk is also a nourishing food for the elderly, and there is Chongguang... Well, from now on, the old lady can also have a bottle every day!"

Mrs. Yu was surprised, but then she said, "Miss Shen, mother won't want it. We are not rich in Liangzhou. For something as noble as goat's milk, mother..."

"Just say it's leftover from the ranch. The goat milk from the ranch is freshly squeezed every day. If it can't be sold, it will be thrown away."

Shen Ru said: "Well, the main thing is, I also want to send it to the Governor's Mansion every day. Then I will also let Chongguang drink goat's milk. Don't worry, these are not considered money."

She later purchased some porcelain bottles, and one pound of goat milk could be divided into five bottles. Every day, the person responsible for delivering goat milk at the ranch would deliver the goat milk to the homes of those who ordered goat milk before dawn. Take back the porcelain bottle from the previous day.

Mrs. Yu looked at Shen Ru with some gratitude. She had stayed at the ranch for nearly two months. Not only had she been taken care of, but Shen Ru was also taking care of the old lady. How could she not feel the affection for the Pei family? ?
"It's settled, Aunt Yu, work hard and our ranch will get better and better in the future."

"Miss Shen, you can do it, thank you!"

Mrs. Yu was very impressed when she saw that Shen Ru, who was more than ten years younger than herself, supported the entire Shen family in Liangzhou as a woman.

Over there, Dunzhu also asked people to identify the five people and come to Shen Ru to report.

"Sister Shen, I found out that the five people are a family. They said they fled from a town in Jinzhou. The family used to have a little wealth, but they were robbed during the escape."

"Family?" Shen Ru asked curiously, "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, son, daughter-in-law, and..." Three boys and two girls, so the extra ones are...

"Brother-in-law." Dunzhu took over and said, "The family's surnames are Zhang, Zhang Quanshou, Zhang Zhengyang, and Zhang Xuyang. The older woman is named Lin Cuihua, and the younger one is named Xu Xiulian."

"Sister Shen, I didn't say I would work for them. I think if they want to make a living, they will ask for it themselves." Shen Ru nodded: "That's right, Dunzhu, you are right, they don't have Open your mouth and let them go first!"

Dunzhu agreed and went out first.

After reading the accounts, Shen Ru went to the kitchen to see Chef Zhuang and the others, and also saw the person Chef Zhuang said would replace him.

There was also a team of people who were dedicated to delivering milk. Shen Ru looked over one by one, and when the sun stopped shining, he left the pasture and went home.

When entering the city, Shen Ru let the horse slow down, but just after entering the city, she heard someone calling someone.

"Girl, girl!"

Shen Ru naturally did not think that it was the man who called her, but she was startled by the man who suddenly rushed in front of her horse.

"Girl, it's me. I didn't expect to see you here, girl..."

"Who are you!" Shen Ru looked at the man in shabby clothes in front of her from horseback. His face was clean and tidy, but did she know him?
"Xiaosheng Zhang Xuyang, I met the girl on the mountain before."

The man bowed his hands to Shen Ru, with joy on his face.

Oh, it turned out to be that family!Shen Ru remembered it, looked around again, and saw other people in Zhang's family.

"Oh, what do you want from me?" Shen Ru asked with his usual expression.

"Girl, my family fled to Liangzhou and we haven't found a place to stay yet. Girl is kind-hearted, can you help us? Don't worry, girl, we will repay you."

Shen Ru glanced at the Zhang family.

"Why didn't you tell me when we were at the ranch? The land over there is so big that it's not impossible for your family to stay temporarily!"

"We want to find opportunities to do things in the city. My brother is a scholar and I am also a child student. We..." Zhang Xuyang said in embarrassment.

"Aru!" Suddenly, a voice came from behind. Shen Ru turned around, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

She quickly dismounted and ran towards the person behind her.

"You... are you back?"

Xiao Wujin, who was holding the horse, was alone, with green stubble on his face.

"Because I want to see someone, and my heart is like an arrow."

There was a gloomy look in Xiao Wujin's haggard eyes, "What do you want to do, kid?"

"The fleeing family wants me to give them a place to stay. What if you come back and you take them in?"

Shen Ru's eyes were sly, "There have been more refugees recently. Can Mr. Xiao handle this issue of people's livelihood?"

Xiao Wujin rushed back, not for official business.

Not long after entering the city, he saw Shen Ru. At that moment, he felt that all the hard work was worth it.

"Accompany me back home." Xiao Wujin said in a deep voice.


Shen Ru responded with a smile, and led the horse to the Governor's Mansion with Xiao Wujin.

"If you want a place to stay, then follow us!"

(End of this chapter)

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