Chapter 265 An embarrassment occurs when opening the door

"How could it be, Aru? It's precisely because you are well-informed, and your insights and broadmindedness always amaze me."

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru with a smile: "I will never think there is anything inappropriate about you, I just think how could God be so kind to me and allow me to have you!"

Shen Ru didn't like Xiao Wujin's belittling of himself. She looked at Xiao Wujin and said seriously: "Xiao Wujin, you are the most powerful person in my heart. As the saying goes, if you are poor, you can only benefit yourself, and if you are prosperous, you can help the world. Use your own body to help the world. You are truly amazing in changing a city."

Xiao Wujin smiled, but the more he looked at Shen Ru, the more he liked him!

"My lord, I would like to see the county magistrate."

Outside the study, a guard came to report.

"Then I'll go first."

Shen Ru then said goodbye, "I must come that day!"


"Girl!" When Shen Ru heard the familiar voice again, she couldn't help but frown. Liangzhou is not small, so why was she met by that person named Zhang Lai again?

Shen Ru turned around and saw Zhang Xuyang with sweat on his head.

"Call me?" Shen Ru asked deliberately confused.

"Girl, it's me, Xiaosheng Zhang Xuyang, whom I met at the ranch a few days ago."

Zhang Xuyang immediately explained: "Girl, did we change our clothes and look strange?"

"Is something wrong?" Shen Ru was puzzled as to why this person kept asking her. When she returned to the Governor's Mansion, wasn't she so frightened that her face turned pale?

"Girl, our family has already registered with the Yamen. We are unfamiliar with this place in Liangzhou. I would like to ask the girl for a job. My brother and I have to support our parents."

"That's your business, what do you want me to do?"

Shen Ru asked back, Liangzhou is not without work.

"Seeing as you are young, you should have some strength. If you are willing to dig a river outside the city, you will be paid every day."

"Oh, there are also old buildings in the city being demolished, and the government offices are also looking for people. How come you can't find work?"

Shen Ru asked alienated and confused.

The look on Zhang Xuyang's face was a little stiff, and he looked very embarrassed and unnatural.

"My brother is a scholar, and I...I am also a scholar..."

"Oh, that's right. Scholars are weak and can't do those jobs, but if you ask me to introduce you to the job, I only have the strength to do it!"

Shen Ru said bluntly: "What about working in the farmland, and grazing in the pasture?"

"Girl, I know how to settle accounts. If there is a shortage of Mr. Accountant..." Zhang Xuyang reluctantly recommended himself.

"No need, then I'm sorry, it seems I can't help you!"

After Shen Ru finished speaking, he nodded to Zhang Xuyang and rode away directly.

"Girl, girl, I don't know your last name yet!"

Zhang Xuyang shouted loudly behind him.

Shen Ru ignored him and urged the horse to go faster!
Not far away, Zhang Xuyang's brother walked over and complained: "Xuyang, why did you provoke this girl again? We have all seen her enter the governor's mansion."

"Brother, this young girl doesn't seem to be a native of Liangzhou, but people over there at the ranch call her Boss, which shows that she has a rich family. I have inquired about it, and the governor has not married. You see, she is also unmarried. Dress up as a married woman, if you can get on top of her..."

Zhang Xuyang stared at Shen Ru's back, his words filled with ambition.

Zhang Chuyang looked at the light in his brother's eyes, shook his head and said: "Xuyang, don't have such wishful thinking. The governor is very handsome, and he and she are obviously lovers. She is probably out of her mind to not want you. !”

"Brother, doesn't the daughter of Yuan Li in town like me and not the one arranged for her by the family?" "If it hadn't been for the war, my brother, I should have married the daughter of Yuan Wai." Zhang Xuyang said: "God has given it to me. Better arrangements have been made.”

Crazy, Zhang Chuyang looked at his younger brother like this, shook his head and walked away.

Shen Ru didn't take this reckless man seriously at all. After returning home, she also told her parents about the tavern.

"It's open as soon as it's said to be open. Okay, let's all go together that day."

Of course Mother Shen fully supports her, "Your second aunt's side..."

"Mom, Shen Ping's house is in the alley behind that shop. However, since we live separately, I don't want to inform them."

Shen Ru said: "Besides, there are always people working in the shop, and we don't show up. In the future, they may not know that the shop belongs to us."

After hearing what Shen Ru said, Mother Shen was a little worried and said: "Hey, Aru, what do you think if the shop becomes prosperous in the future and they come to take advantage of the autumn breeze again? Then I don't think what Shen Ping did is right. A long-lasting thing.”

"Whether it's a long-term thing or not, that's beyond our control!"

"Aru, where is that shop? We have to go and take a look first!" Aunt Lian said.

Shen Ru went to the Huang family and the governor's office one day. It was already afternoon. She thought for a while and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Soon, Shen Ru took Shen's mother, Aunt Lian, Cui Xi and An Qiao, and Mul Qin drove them to the tavern.

"Chef Zhuang, this is my mother, this shop is in her name." Shen introduced Shen's mother and family as Chef Zhuang.

This was also the first time Chef Zhuang saw Mother Shen, and he was immediately shocked by Mother Shen's elegant and decent appearance and felt a little embarrassed.

"My boss, I... I'm also a rough guy. I'm... a little embarrassed when I see your grandma."

Chef Zhuang said with a silly smile: "Come on, come on. You've all met my boss, and you guys should also come and meet my boss's mother."

Shen Ru couldn't help laughing, and Shen's mother also found it a bit funny.

There was a chef, five waiters, and a cashier. After Shen's mother greeted everyone, Shen Ru took her to the back.

"When I first fell in love with this shop, I saw the courtyard. I can't sit in front, but I can still sit in the courtyard without disturbing the people."

Shen Ru said, "When you open the back door, you can see Shen Ping's house."

"Did you hear the quarrel?"

Aunt Lian frowned and said, "It seems to have come from over there."

Shen Ru also heard it.

"Cui Xi, open it and take a look."

When the back door opened, they saw a lot of people gathered in front of a house.

"Everyone, look, what is this female gentleman teaching? My daughter is only eight years old, and she has already started painting her eyebrows and applying powder. What is she trying to do? Is she teaching her how to seduce men?"

"That's it, my daughter comes back and reads to my man: Guan Guan Jujiu is in Hezhizhou... I thought before that I just need to read Chinese characters and recite poems. Then I should also teach women the rules and precepts. The lady from the aristocratic family comes out. , is this the kind of virtue you have?"

No matter what is going on outside, Shen Ping's door is always closed.

"Refund the money, refund the money to us, we can't learn from this!"

"That's it, refund the money, refund the money quickly!"

Mother Shen and Aunt Lian looked at each other, wondering if they had seen something bad happen again.

"Aru, please don't open this door from now on. I don't think we can let her know that this shop belongs to us!" Mother Shen stepped back and said.

"Well, okay, mother!"

Shen Ru stepped back obediently and asked Cui Xi to close the door. The door just couldn't be opened!
(End of this chapter)

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