Chapter 266 The warm Shen family
Soon, the day came for the opening of this tavern.

As soon as the Youshi hour arrives, the shop opens its doors, and the aroma of meat wafts out with the wind from the cattail leaf fan.

This is a meal. The smell of barbecue overwhelms the smell of daily meals, making people want to see which restaurant has such delicious food.

"Come and have a look, come and have a look. Don't miss the delicious barbecue. Don't miss it. Free drinks..."

The waiter in the store shouted loudly at the pedestrians on the street.

When Shen Ru's family arrived, they found that Huang Yunru was already there with some young ladies and the young master.

"Shen Ru, this way!" Huang Yunru greeted Shen Ru immediately when she saw her.

"Here you go, have you ordered, or do you want me to recommend something to you?"

After Shen Ru asked his family to find a seat, he stepped forward and asked.

"No, our stomachs growl when we smell this smell. I regret not bringing my mother with me. My mother is also good at this."

Huang Yunru swallowed. "Yes, can Luosu be baked too?"

"Of course you can. You haven't ordered it yet, right? Well, table No. [-], let's have a piece of garlic roasted basil!" Shen Ru shouted to the waiter.

"Eat first, if it's not enough, order later!"

Shen also met several young friends brought by Huang Yunru, and they exchanged greetings before she returned to her family.

"Aru, are all the guests here today? There don't seem to be any real guests!"

Mother Shen asked in a low voice.

Shen Ru nodded, "It takes time to open a new store."

Huang Yunru joined her friends and occupied two tables. She and her family members also occupied two tables. There were ten tables prepared in the lobby, and they were much empty at the moment.

"Sister, brother-in-law is here!"

When Shen Ru was lowering her head to order, her sister Shen Xuan pulled her sleeve.

Shen Ru raised her head and saw Xiao Wujin in regular clothes. She immediately stood up and called Xiao Wujin over.

"Just sit here. How do you like it? Does it smell good? Does it whet your appetite?"

Xiao Wujin smiled and nodded, and also bowed to Father Shen, Mother Shen, and even his aunt.

"Yunru, that's the governor, right?"

Behind him, Huang Yunru's friend asked in a low voice, looking a little nervous.

"Yes, yes, focus on eating and don't worry about so much. People should keep a low profile."

Huang Yunru whispered.

"I ordered some dishes, do you want to take a look and add anything to them?"

Shen Ru pretended not to hear and asked Xiao Wujin who was sitting next to him.

"You can decide."

Xiao Wujin was not very relaxed. Although it was not the first time he had dinner with Shen Ru's parents, he felt a little embarrassed as he was being watched outside.

"Guests are welcome inside. There are snacks and meat skewers, and drinks are free."

There were also sporadic customers who were ushered in by the waiter, and they all looked curious when they came in.

But as soon as we sat down, a plate of peanuts was placed.

"What do the guests want to eat?"

" free of charge?" the guest asked nervously, looking at the peanuts in front of him.

"Don't worry, customer, these are all free. Our store clearly lists the prices, so you can be honest."

" you have any recommendations?"

"If you are alone, our restaurant recommends two skewers of chicken breasts, two skewers of mutton skewers, and a piece of garlic basil. If you can drink, how about two ounces of water?"

"Then... let's do it!"

Xiao Wujin heard the words of the guests behind him and couldn't help but ask Shen Ru in a low voice.

"You taught this all?"

"Yes and no, I just stated my request. The waiter in this store was brought here by Chef Zhuang. I've seen it myself, and they are all quite good."

Shen Ru has the attitude of not doubting people but not using them.The contracts that needed to be signed were all signed with red fingerprints, so she let Chef Zhuang take charge of the store.

"These peanuts are a gift?" Xiao Wujin also looked at the peanuts on the table. Although they were raw, wasn't this a bit too generous as a gift?

"It's baked and sold now. You can't just wait while you wait."

Shen Ru explained, "Let me tell you, I heard from experts that small things can keep guests entertained."

"Which expert?" Mother Shen stepped forward and asked, and then said: "Aru, it actually doesn't matter whether your store makes money or not. If you can't make it in the end, just rent it out."

"Mom, just watch, I will definitely make money." Shen Ru said confidently.

Soon, baked goods were served, of course, Huang Yunru and the others were the first.

"Wow, this is so fragrant and sizzling with oil. My family has roasted lamb before, but why doesn't it smell like this?"

"This is...chicken. It's so smooth and tender. It tastes better than what's cooked at home."

"It's so spicy. Isn't there some wine? I want to drink. Waiter, what kind of wine do you have?"

"Do you eat spicy food?" Shen Ru asked Xiao Wujin in a low voice.

Xiao Wujin shook his head, "I never eat spicy food."

Yes, chili pepper is also one of the spices in the Western Regions. Xiao Wujin was so poor, how could he use chili pepper!
But what she used was Mujiangzi, which is available in large quantities on the mountain and in drugstores.

"It doesn't matter, Xuanxuan and Nian'er can't eat spicy food, so I ordered half and half."

In the store, several more customers came in one after another, and the lobby was filled up.

After each portion of the steaming barbecue was served, Xiao Wujin frowned.

"Can leeks be roasted and eaten?"

"And mushrooms?"

"Well, after walking around the market, I asked the vegetable farmer to pick some winter mushrooms found in the mountains."


"Yes, let me tell you, everything can be baked, and the store also sells milk wine. Waiter, please bring a pot of goat's milk wine and two glasses of goat's milk." Shen Ru said to the waiter again.

Xiao Wujin was no stranger to these barbecue ingredients, but this was the first time he had seen this method.

The Shen family members were also confused and didn't know what these things were called.

"Wow, it's so delicious, I want to eat it for a month."

Behind her, Huang Yunru's hair was flowing and she said, "Shen Ru, I like your store."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for thinking so highly of me. Then come here more often in the future!"

Shen Ruyang raised his hand and responded cheerfully.

Xiao Wujin glanced at Shen Ru again. She was generous and not philistine, but when he heard other men say they liked her, even if they were not talking about Shen Ru, he still felt sour in his heart.

Father Shen and Mother Shen also looked at each other. Young people nowadays are more relaxed.

"Sister, it's really delicious, just as delicious as the one at home."

The corners of Shen Xuan and Shen Nian's mouths were oily, but they obviously enjoyed the food, and the food this time was more than what they had at home.

"Was it like this at home before?"

What Xiao Wujin was thinking was that Shen Ru had really been thinking about what to do for a long time, and this store wasn't just a whim of hers!

"Oh, just a few days ago, for my mother's birthday, I asked Chef Zhuang to have a barbecue at home."

Shen Ru responded casually.

"That's right, but those days when I wasn't here?" Xiao Wujin couldn't help but apologize.

"Well, it's my mother's birthday before you come back, and this shop is my birthday gift to her."

Shen Ru didn't hide anything from Xiao Wujin and said in a low voice.

Xiao Wujin felt warm in his heart. The Shen family did not fawn over him because he was the governor; nor did they look down on him because he was poor.

There are many such warm families in the world. He cannot protect the whole world, but he wants to try his best to bring more warm families to Liangzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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