Chapter 280 Shen Ru is the person I must marry

If you really listen to Shen Ru, then don't let Yan Shuhui go.

After suffering such a big loss in the Shen family, she complained bitterly to Yan Zhenshan as soon as she returned, and even scolded Shen Ru so bloody.

"She threatened me, she attacked me, ah! I, Yan Shuhui, have never suffered such a big loss in my whole life. No, if I can't cure this girl, I won't be able to look good!"

Yan Zhenshan listened to the scolding of her eldest sister Yan Shuhui, and she understood Shen Ru better.

Shen Ru's martial arts skills are extremely high, and there is a strange Wu Ya beside him.The elite of the Yan family stayed with their younger brother Yan Shaoqing while accompanying their parents on their travels.

If it was a wise countermeasure, it would naturally be to make peace with Shen Ru. However, her greenhouse was destroyed and the snakes she had raised for many years were disposed of. This hatred cannot be eliminated!

"Sister, Shen Ru is extremely arrogant by relying on his relationship with Lord Governor. In my opinion, if you want to make Shen Ru sad and desperate, you might as well start with Lord Xiao."

"For a woman to completely lose her thoughts is to be abandoned by the man she loves. I don't know about other men, but Mr. Xiao, eldest sister, if you let Mr. Xiao take over your body, he will definitely marry you. .At that time, even if you don’t abandon Shen Ru, you won’t be able to marry her alone!”

"Do you think I've never slept in Xiao Wujin's bed? Even if I got naked and got into his bed, he would just roll up the quilt and throw me out!"

Yan Shuhui said angrily: "We in the Yan family have outstanding looks. Am I not as good as that bitch Shen Ru?"

"Sister, my younger brother is protecting her, and our people can't defeat her. What else can we do besides Xiao Wujin?"

Yan Zhenshan said helplessly: "Sister, this man is so excited that he can't hold it back. Don't blame my sister for not helping you, it depends on whether you dare or not."

"You mean taking medicine?" Yan Shuhui understood instantly, "I have no chance to be with that Xiao Wujin!"

"My younger brother has such a good relationship with Xiao Wujin. Isn't it easy to invite Mr. Xiao to come over in my younger brother's name?"

Yan Zhenshan felt that her eldest sister was really not a smart person.

"That medicine..." Yan Shuhui asked in a low voice.

"Put it on my sister."

Xiao Wujin went directly to the storyteller's restaurant and stopped the storyteller in front of the onlookers.

"I would like to correct some gentlemen's remarks."

Xiao Wujin did not hide his identity and looked calm.

"The eldest lady of the Shen family is the granddaughter of the former Liangzhou guard Shen Gong, and she is like her grandfather. This time the food and grass at the border are in short supply, the Shen family raised a thousand taels of donations, and the eldest lady Shen accompanied me to Ganzhou. I admire Shen Da Miss, I also want to marry Miss Shen."

Xiao Wujin said calmly to all the spectators. When he talked about the emotional part, the corners of his mouth also raised.

"The rumors in the market are harmful to the name of the eldest daughter of the Shen family, but don't worry, I, Xiao Wujin, will never marry anyone but her in this life."

"You may as well listen to these words, but they will allow you to witness the marriage journey between me and Miss Shen!"

Xiao Wujin's admission and acceptance aroused great curiosity among the spectators.

As for those ambiguous and erotic parts, in broad daylight, it’s hard for onlookers to interfere.

It is quite unkind for people to have such high-profile publicity about the matters of mutual love and the fun in the boudoir.

"Master Xiao, dare I ask if it is true that the eldest daughter of the Yan family loves you more than she can?"

I don’t know who is so brave as to ask in front of so many people.

"I am very scared to win the favor of Miss Yan. The only person I love is Miss Shen, Shen Ru!"

"So, it's true. Miss Yan couldn't love Master Xiao, so she became a favorite of various men. I heard that Ichigo Goro is really... a hero among women!"

"The storyteller over there on the street is talking about Miss Yan. How about we go over there and listen?" "Really or not, five men in one night, this... is better than Miss Shen and Mr. Xiao." Yes, it’s even more exciting!”

"There are more than five. I heard that the guards from the same courtyard are coming in turns."

"That Miss Yan still knows how to play!"

Xiao Wujin frowned slightly when he heard these dirty words. Is this the method of revenge that Shen Ru said?
"Luneng, go and see if there is also a storybook written by Yan Shuhui."

Luneng's ears turned red after hearing this. How could such a thing be mentioned on the stage?

Xiao Wujin confessed his love in public and wanted to spread the news. He also stepped forward to put pressure on the storytellers, which actually made these storytellers start to spread the word about Yan Shuhui's love affair!
Yan Shaoqing also admitted the business cooperation with the Shen family with some businessmen.

The stone candles and oil lamps belonged to the Shen family, and the Yan family just helped sell them.

In this way, no one would say that the Yan family and the Shen family are at odds with each other.

"Most of the hatred between women is because of men, so please don't listen to those messy things. Our Yan family and Shen family will do a lot of business together in the future."

"Mr. Yan, is it... really because of Mr. Xiao?"

Those who have good intentions can't help but ask: "Master Xiao, doesn't he want your daughter from the Yan family?"

Yan Shaoqing's face darkened, these words were so straightforward that he felt offended!

"Master Xiao and my eldest sister don't get along very well."

Yan Shaoqing admitted: "Everyone, we men should not get involved in this woman's matter!"

However, when Yan Shaoqing also had a story about Yan Shuhui's romance in his hand, his face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Shen Ru!"

That night, Yan Shaoqing and Xiao Wujin arrived at Shen's house at the same time.

Shen Ru looked at the expressions of the two people and couldn't help laughing.

"Shen Ru, is it too much for a big girl like you to write something like this? My eldest sister is a woman after all. How can you tell her to get married in the future?"

Yan Shaoqing said dissatisfiedly, "It's good for you. He is determined to marry you, but what about my eldest sister!"

"This is called treating others with their own medicine. What is false cannot be true. This kind of thing is not true even if you look at it clearly."

Shen Ru's face turned red and she said breathlessly: "Besides, with the financial resources of your Yan family, it is not easy for your eldest sister to get married."

"Also, your eldest sister came to the door with a group of guards today, but I kicked her out. Didn't she cry to you when you came home?"

"I haven't gone home yet!" Yan Shaoqing gritted his teeth and said, "And you, why are you smiling? Have you read the script? Is that what a woman like Shen Ru can say?"

Xiao Wujin coughed in a low voice. Indeed, the scale of the script was a bit large.

"Aru, did you write this?"

"Of course not. I thought of it, then found someone to write it down, and then paid someone to copy it. It took me all night."

Shen Ru replied: "By the way, I went to the next door to visit, lit some incense, and stuffed a few men into her room, yes, but nothing substantial happened!"

After Shen Ru said this, the expressions on Yan Shaoqing and Xiao Wujin's faces were wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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