Chapter 281 Waiting for Yan Shuhui to become a monster

"Shen Ru, are you still a woman?!" Yan Shaoqing said angrily, "Xiao Wujin, take care of your woman!"

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru dumbfounded. She spoke so calmly about what she had done. She really didn't feel embarrassed at all!
"Yan Shaoqing, you can't have such double standards as a person. As long as your eldest sister slanders me, am I not allowed to deal with your eldest sister?"

Shen Ru still said forcefully: "Yan Shaoqing, if you are here to blame me, then you can leave! Of course I can't make you determined to kill your relatives for justice."

"You are right. My eldest sister is my biological eldest sister. You... are my brother's fiancée at best. Who do you think is less important and who is more important?"

Yan Shaoqing's tone also became serious.

"Uh-huh!" Wu Ya had been standing quietly outside the door, but when she heard Yan Shaoqing's words, she spoke up at the right time.

"Anyone who insults me will be cut into pieces with a thousand cuts."

"That is, if I hadn't been learning martial arts since I was a child today, I wouldn't be able to resist even if someone spat such dirty water on me; even if your eldest sister came to kill me today, I would only be bullied!"

Shen Ru said with a cold face: "Yan Shaoqing, to be honest, I have kept a secret. Do you think I can enter your eldest sister's room, but I can't do more extreme things to her?"

"You..." Yan Shaoqing was speechless for a moment, how could Shen Ru say such strong words.

"Yan Shaoqing, you are not suitable here, you should go home."

Xiao Wujin said: "Perhaps your eldest sister is thinking of retaliating. I'm afraid this matter won't be settled so quickly!"

"Oh, the people led by your eldest sister smashed many flower pots in my house and overturned a few rockeries. It's up to you to figure out how to pay for it!"

Shen Ru said immediately, which really made Yan Shaoqing very angry.

"You two haven't even gotten married yet, and you're just venting your anger out of one nostril. Are you bullying me, a lonely person?"

Although Yan Shaoqing was still angry, his tone was lower than before.

"Just leave. Fortunately, I have to clarify with the people from the Liangzhou Business Alliance today that I have no grudge against your Shen family."

"Aru, I also asked people to stop the former storyteller from spreading those rumors, and also made a promise in front of many people that I would not marry him unless I was you."

Xiao Wujin said: "Can we find a solution to this matter?"

"It was her eldest sister who provoked me first. It's rude to come and go without reciprocating!" Shen Ru replied: "I don't think Yan Shuhui wants to let it go."

"Nothing can't be solved, Aru. I don't ask you to step back, but can you tell me how to stop?"

"If Yan Shuhui stops, then I will stop!"

Shen Ru said directly: "It's time to spread the news outside. As long as Yan Shuhui makes no other moves and Yan Shaoqing pays for the things she broke, I won't add anything else and let this rumor spread." Just let it go."

Yan Shaoqing said he was leaving, but he hadn't left yet. When Shen Ru relented, he said, "Okay, okay, just pay. I'll go home and persuade my eldest sister. Then the restaurant will open a table for everyone to drink." Can I have a drink and feel relieved?"

"Hey, tell your eldest sister!"

Shen Ru has no hope for Yan Shuhui. If Yan Shuhui really agrees, something will happen if something goes wrong!
Yan Shaoqing left angrily, feeling that women were simply trouble.

"Aru, how many story books have you... read in private?"

Xiao Wujin approached Shen Ru and asked in a low voice: "Well, are there a lot of books like this in Beijing?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but dwarfed, Xiao Wujin whispered in her ear, and the hot breath made her feel a little numb.

"It's okay, it's just a few books." Shen Ru looked outside to see when Wu Ya left.

"Xiao Wujin, don't come so close to me. It's so late at night. Aren't you going back?"

"How many inappropriate things are packed into your head?"

"Hehe, guess what!" Shen Ru pushed Xiao Wujin away, "Did you really say you wouldn't marry anyone but me?"

"Can this be fake? I deliberately interfered with the rumors in the market. I don't know how long this farce between you and the eldest daughter of the Yan family will last." Xiao Wujin was helpless: "Aru, I'm going back now, you!"

Shen Ru sent Xiao Wujin away from the Shen family. It was not her fault. She was not afraid of what Yan Shuhui would do again!

On the Yan family side, Yan Shuhui suppressed her hatred for Shen Ru. She listened to her younger brother's suggestion and said reluctantly: "Shen Ru, that bitch... has to fight for every penny. This time, I will hurt her [-] yuan, and I will do it myself." Losing one thousand is indeed a big loss!”

"Since you said so, that's fine. I'll hold a banquet at Wantong Building and let Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin attend together. It's impossible for me to apologize. At worst, both parties will just stop!"

"Sister, this is what you said, it's final!" Yan Shaoqing was surprised at first, but then immediately confirmed.

Apologizing is indeed not my eldest sister's style, but a truce is okay!

"Sister, Shen Ru is a genius. The objects she comes up with will become popular in the future. I still hope you won't go against her. Don't you have a hard time in your idle life? Do you have to be abused to feel comfortable? "

Yan Shaoqing couldn't help but criticize his eldest sister. After seeing Yan Shuhui's face, he realized whether it was a bit too much.

"Well, eldest sister, don't bother yourself anyway. If you want to marry, I'll find a suitable one for you."

If it weren't for the purpose of trapping Xiao Wujin, would she let Yan Shaoqing scold her like this?

Yan Shaoqing finally relieved the bad breath in his chest, and couldn't help complaining to his subordinates: "Tell me, these women, day by day, don't know how to do serious things. Is it so fun to be jealous?"

"Master, we are not women, I really don't know!" Lin Yang said, it was the first time that he had seen the eldest lady and Shen Ru spreading dissolute rumors about each other to slander each other.

Those story books, he secretly saw, they were really... unbearable to look at!
None of the guards of the Yan family noticed that Wu Ya was in Yan Shuhui's yard as if she was sneaking into the night.

Wu Ya didn't believe that a person who took the initiative to do evil would not take the next step after suffering a loss.

She watched Yan Shaoqing leave in a self-righteous manner, but still lurked motionless.

"You want me to let go of that bitch Shen Ru, in a dream!"

Soon, Yan Shuhui's vicious voice came out.

"I want Shen Ru to watch me drag Xiao Wujin to bed, and I want her to taste real heartache!"

Wu Ya saw Yan Shuhui holding a porcelain bottle from the roof, and she laughed like crazy!

When Yan Shuhui fell asleep, Wu Ya sneaked into Yan Shuhui's room and took away the porcelain vase.

"You mean, Yan Shuhui doesn't really want to seek peace with me, her goal is Xiao Wujin?"

"What is this medicine? I have to identify it carefully!"

Shen Ru used the same porcelain vase to ask Wu Ya to put it back to Yan Shuhui, and she would just wait for Yan Shuhui to become a demon! ——
My family has had a busy day with kindergarten activities for my children, and it’s the first update today. I’m exhausted!

(End of this chapter)

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