Chapter 3 Exile on the road
Before dawn the next day, all the people in the prison were taken out.

Shen Ru saw the jailer escorting Shen's father into the prison car, together with the half-dead Lin Shi'an and several men related to Prince Jing's Mansion.

The women and others were rudely urged on their way.

"Aru, Xuan'er, Nian'er, you three siblings must rely on each other. Mom and Aunt Lian will protect you from the front and back."

After listening to Shen's mother's words, Shen Ru obediently held the hands of her younger sister and younger brother.

"Mom, aunt, don't worry, I will take good care of Xuan'er and Nian'er."

"Sister, we will also take care of you." Shen Xuan and Shen Nian said in unison.

Shen Ru felt the warmth in his heart.

It's not that bad that she traveled across time so suddenly... It feels good to have family members protecting her.

When the exile team of nearly 800 people left the imperial city, the sun was rising.

Shen Ru's family was at the front of the team and could just hear the shouts of the leading officer.

"You all look up and see that the treasonous thief Prince Jing, his son, and his accomplices have all been executed."

"Their heads are hung on the city wall. The Holy Spirit uses this to warn the world that those who conspire to rebel will have their heads dislocated, which will bring harm to their families!"

Shen Ru raised his head and saw the row of heads. He subconsciously covered his younger brother and sister's eyes, "Don't look!"

What hangs on this is not the head of Prince Jing.

She remembered that the book said that this was one of Prince Jing's secret guards. Because of his very similar body shape and his disguise skills, he died for Prince Jing.

Prince Jing, who escaped, is hiding his power somewhere, and one day he will finally break through this city wall, kill the faint king, and avenge his family!
But this has nothing to do with An Guohou Mansion...

"Aru, don't look at it, it's scary..." Shen's mother's concerned voice came to her ears, and Shen Ru responded.

After letting everyone see the fate of the rebels, the officials began to drive them away.

There are regulations for exile: you can travel fifty miles a day and follow official roads.

Ten miles outside the city, the slaves Shen Ru had released before and some other family members were waiting here with food and money.

After seeing the exile team coming, Shen Ru's personal maid Cuixi hurriedly rushed forward to greet them.

"Madam, eldest lady. Here are some dry food, desserts, and some broken silver. You will need it on the way."

"Thank you, Cuixi." Shen Ru asked those maids to leave just to arrange this incident.

Send something to Shilipo.

Wait until there is someone at the inn who can deliver something.

In this way, coupled with the supplies stored in the space, try to make the family's life less difficult!
The old slaves of the Shen family also gave some scraps of silver to the escorting officials, hoping that they would treat the Marquis better on the way.

"Aru, did you arrange this in advance?" Seeing this, Shen's mother Yu Hui asked in surprise, but then she felt a little sad.

When the house was ransacked, she was only flustered and sad, but she was not as considerate as her daughter...

"Mom, don't worry, I've arranged everything!"

Shen Ru looked around and saw that there were many other people coming to give things to him.

After all, who doesn’t want their relatives to live a better life in exile...

"Let's go, let's move away, everyone!" Seeing that the time was almost up, the official began to urge everyone to get on their way.

As soon as we left, we reached the time when the sun was at its strongest.

The escorting officer then allowed the prisoners to rest on the roadside and distributed steamed buns.

"Two buns per person, this is your food today." Two buns a day, who will starve to death!

Shen Ru complained in his heart.

The Shen family was sitting together. Shen Ru had just gotten the steamed buns when a half-year-old child stepped forward and snatched two of them from Shen Nian's hand, and then ran behind the crowd of adults.

Shen Ru took a closer look and saw Feng's provocative eyes.

The child who grabbed the steamed buns was the second uncle's youngest son, one year younger than his younger brother Shen Nian.

"What are you looking at? You are all women and children. You won't die if you eat less. We are all grown men here." Feng said bluntly.

The second uncle, second aunt, and several cousins ​​next to them stared at them with confidence.

It seemed that he wanted to scare away their desire to take back the steamed buns with his eyes.

But Shen Ru doesn't follow common sense!
She directly flirted with the people in the second and third bedrooms, then turned around and took out the dry food and desserts that Cuixi had just given.

"Come on, Nian'er, isn't this brown sugar cake better than steamed buns? This rice cake is so fragrant!"

"Xuan'er, mother, aunt, this is yours."

For a moment, Mrs. Feng felt that the steamed buns she grabbed had no flavor at all.

"We are all from the Shen family, so you only care about eating delicious food for yourself?" Mrs. Feng shouted at the top of her voice, "I am your grandmother!"

"Grandma, the family has been separated a long time ago, okay?" Shen Ru said rudely, "I, the slave of the Shen family, did not forget to give some food to the former master after he left."

"What's the matter? Your parents' family and relatives didn't give you anything?"

Feng stood up angrily and wanted to pounce on Shen Ru and tear her apart.

Unexpectedly, before she could take action, the official who had taken advantage of the Shen family immediately shouted:

"What are you doing? I asked you to sit down and eat. Why are you standing up?!"

Mrs. Feng could only be pulled back to sit down by her son and daughter-in-law, and used her actions to show the official that she didn't want to do anything.

Shen Ru snorted, ignored Feng's reaction, and asked directly to the officer: "Master, my father is still in the prison car, can I go over and give him some food?"

"Go and move quickly." Guan Cha said neatly.

Such differential treatment made Feng's mouth twisted in anger.But she didn't dare to say it, so she could only vent her anger on her eldest daughter-in-law and asked:
"Ms. Qian, is there no one at home? Why didn't I give you some money and food?!"

"Mom, my mother-in-law's family is from out of town, they don't know that I have been exiled with you!" Qian said with a sad face.

"What about you, Ms. Yang?" Ms. Feng choked and turned to her daughter-in-law and asked.

"Me? I've been unlucky for eight fucking lifetimes, and I've been dragged into exile by you!"

"Mom, don't you have brothers from your mother's family? Why don't they come to help you?"

The youngest daughter-in-law, Ms. Yang, was not one to swallow her anger, so she immediately fought back.

After Shen Ru brought food to her biological father, she turned around and saw a quarrel at Feng's side. She was about to go back to watch the show when she heard the annoying words.

"Shen Ru, you are at odds with your elders, neglect your loved ones, and are selfish and vicious. I, Lin Shi'an, am ashamed to be associated with you!"

Oh, she almost forgot Lin Shian, who was half-dead in the prison car with Father Shen.

Shen Ru looked Lin Shian up and down

This man is very lucky. He has been beaten for so long, and now it seems that he is still not dead for a while...

"Oh, that's how I am. You can't bear to jump up and hit me! I am the son-in-law of the Shen family!"

(End of this chapter)

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