Was your home ransacked on your wedding day?I emptied the Marquis's house and tore my son-in-la

Chapter 4 Problems that can be solved with money are not problems

Chapter 4 Problems that can be solved with money are not problems

When Shen Ru saw Lin Shi'an's face turned pale, he had a thought in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Sister, I want to go to the toilet." After returning to the original team, 12-year-old sister Shen Xuan pulled Shen Ru's sleeve and whispered.

Shen Ru looked around, then called the official who was not far away, and whispered: "Brother the official, I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. Can I go to the woods for a while?"

As she spoke, Shen Ru put a bit of silver hidden in her sleeve into the officer's hand.

"Brother official, it's just me and my sister. We will be back soon."

The official who took the money looked at the two sisters Shen Ru and finally nodded.

"Be quick and easy."

Shen Ru immediately thanked her and pulled Shen Xuan into the woods nearby.

"Xuan'er, go ahead, sister is here to watch over you!" Shen Ru said as a guard for her.

Just as Shen Xuan was urinating, Shen Ru saw something moving on the ground not far away.

She immediately straightened up and walked over quietly.

Was it dazzling? Why did she feel the leaves on the ground moving?
An idea flashed through his mind, and Shen Ru quickly took out a red rope.

After tying the branches and leaves with a red rope, Shen Ru took out a shovel from the space and began to dig the ground.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Shen Xuan walked quietly behind Shen Ru and asked in surprise.

"Aha, look what I dug up?" Shen Ru dug out a thick ginseng.Then he made a silent gesture to his sister.

"Xuan'er, this is a good thing. Don't tell anyone about it. My sister will keep it for future use."

Shen Xuan nodded sharply, Oh my god, ginseng!Sister, this is so lucky!

The two returned to the main force, and after a while, the main force continued on its way.

And people suffering from heatstroke soon appeared in the team.

"My lord, my old lady is suffering from heat stroke. My lord, please do me a favor and give her some water!" Someone in the crowd begged.

"If you're not dead, keep going. If you can't reach the inn before sunset, I'll see how I deal with you."

The officer waved his whip and shouted unmoved.

"Master, let's give you money. Please give me some water!"

"Aru, have you seen that in fact, these escort officials just want money." Shen's mother whispered to Shen Ru, "If any of you feel uncomfortable, you must also say that things can be solved with money. , it’s not a big problem.”

Shen Ru deeply believed in her mother's words.

"Mom, dad is very uncomfortable in the prison car. How about we bribe the official to make dad feel more comfortable?" Shen Ru said in a low voice, "Or give us a whole carriage. My sister and brother are so young and they can travel fifty miles a day. How can you bear it?"

"I'm afraid it's too ostentatious, and the official may not be willing to do it." Shen's mother naturally felt sorry for her child and said worriedly.

"Okay, let's go quickly!" After a short pause, the official drove everyone forward again.

There were many old people and children in the team, and the rich ones gave the officials some money to change the water.But it also greatly hindered the whole team's itinerary. When they arrived at the inn, it was completely dark.

All prisoners were held in special places, and Shen's father was also released from the prison car.

After a day of walking, everyone was very tired. Just as Shen Rulei was taking a nap, she heard someone calling her. "Shen Ru, come out!"

Shen Ru stood up immediately. It was probably the maid she had arranged to settle the relationship.

"Aru!" Shen's mother was very worried and pulled Shen Ru, "If anything happens, mother will go for you."

"Mom, don't worry. Nothing will happen. You've worked hard too. Let's rest first." Shen Ru comforted, "My brother and sister still need my mother to stay with them."

After appeasing Shen's mother, Shen Ru followed the officials outside and saw his maid and servants of the Shen family.

"Miss, are the Marquis, Madam, and my aunt okay? Did the second lady and the young master suffer?" the maid An Qiao asked with concern.

"Everything is fine. Have you taken care of all the things I asked you to take care of?" Shen Ru said bluntly.

An Qiao nodded hurriedly.

"I want to see the head of the officer you are escorting this time, and I ask my eldest brother to report it on my behalf." Shen Ru looked at the officer and said.

The official who received the benefits naturally did not shirk the situation and went to report it immediately.

Soon, Shen Ru met Chen Qing, the person in charge of escorting the official escort.

The middle-aged man had a weathered look on his face, and his eyes were shrewd and greedy.

"The eldest lady of An Guo Hou's Mansion wants to see me, what's the matter with me?" Chen Qing's malicious eyes turned around Shen Ru.

"Master Chen, my father is in the prison car. Can you please stop wearing the shackles?" Shen Ru said straightforwardly without any ink.

"My younger brothers and sisters are young. They have traveled fifty miles in a day and their feet are wet. Can you let them ride in a carriage?"

"Haha, Miss Shen is joking with me!" Chen Qing sneered, "You are in exile. Do you understand exile?"

"100 taels, do you think it's enough, Mr. Chen?" Shen Ru waved, and An Qiao immediately handed over a banknote.

Didn't the Shen family ransack their homes? How could they still hand out 100 taels of silver notes?This handwriting surprised Chen Qing.

Seeing this, Shen Ru moved his fingers again.

Behind him, An Qiao placed another 100 taels of silver notes in front of Chen Qing.

"Master Chen, I know that the other officers will change shifts when they arrive at the next jurisdiction. But Master Chen has to escort a group of us to the northwest. The journey is hard enough!"

Shen Ru said calmly, "These 200 taels of silver are not too much to buy for my family to ride in a carriage."

"Mr. Chen, don't say it's unreasonable or impossible. I believe everything is possible in this world. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems; it's a question of how much!"

Shen Ru confidently said: "Mr. Chen, please make a price!"

I heard that the house of Marquis Anguo was ransacked and nothing was confiscated. Could it be that someone had moved it in advance?

Just when Chen Qing was thinking, Shen Ru suddenly pulled out the wooden hairpin from his hair and shot it out, just grazing Chen Qing's face.

"Master Chen, you are such a big worm!" Shen Ru said lightly.

Chen Qing turned around and was suddenly sweating. A snake crawled down the beam and spit out its core above his head!

At this moment, seven inches of the snake was pierced by a wooden hairpin and nailed tightly to the wall!

(End of this chapter)

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