Chapter 5 You must have feelings for me

Dongfang Lubai, the exile team was urged on the road.

The Shen family members sitting on the trolley were watched by others.

"Aru, isn't it good for us to be like this?" Shen Yan was wearing prison clothes, but he moved from the prison car to the trolley.

There are also his wives, concubines, and children, all of whom seem carefree and unique.

"Dad, it's just a cart. How could we have suffered so much in the past?" Shen Ru said casually.

Chen Qing took her 200 taels of silver and accepted her kindness, but only gave her a cart. He was really stingy.

However... it was better than nothing, and it would also alleviate the family's plight, so she reluctantly accepted it.

"Why can Shen Yan and the others ride on a cart, but we have to walk?"

Feng, who was following behind, looked at the Shen family on the cart with resentment, "It must be Shen Rujian's hoofs that used some coquettish trick, it must be so."

"Mom, please stop saying a few words, I think Shen Ru is quite evil."

It was Shen Ru's second uncle who spoke, staring dimly ahead and licking his chapped lips.

"I can't explain what she did. She's a bitch but a coward. What kind of good daughter can that stupid bitch Yu Hui teach her?"

Feng's muffled curses reached Shen Ru's ears.

"This old godly woman is slandering our Aru again, I..." Shen's mother was so angry that she wanted to get off the cart and go find Feng's theory.

"Mom, let her go. The harder she scolds, the more jealous she becomes of us. I just like to see her barking like a mad dog!"

Shen Ru said loudly, "If this mad dog dares to bite me, I will break her legs!"

With a pop, Feng fell to the ground, and immediately she began to curse and cry:

"It's unreasonable. This old lady has been a good person all her life, why did she end up in exile?"

"The unfilial descendants only care about their own leisure, which makes me, an old woman, have broken legs and feet. God, please open your eyes and take a look. Thunder will kill those unfilial descendants!"

"Aru, why don't you... let your grandmother..." Shen Yan felt guilty after being told this.

"Dad, is that grandma?" Shen Ru asked back.

"You have forgotten how she treated us and her mother before. If my grandfather hadn't been wise, there would be no place for us in An Guohou Mansion!"

Shen Ru said with a straight face, "What's wrong with the old man? Bad people are still bad when they get older!"

"Aru is right, you can't spoil her!"

Mother Shen thought of the past and immediately agreed.

It was no use for Feng's behavior. The escorting officer was just a few whips away, but she immediately got up from the ground, cursing and hurried off.

At noon, Shen Ru's family ate dry food and drank water on the cart, and also went to the fields for some exercise.

"Miss Shen, would you mind...?" the officer whispered to Shen Ru, pointing to Lin Shi'an in the prison car ahead.

"He seems to be calling you Miss Shen."

Not to mention, she almost forgot that Lin Shian was still in the prison car!
"I'll take a look!"

Shen Ru passed by empty-handed. "You're looking for me?"

"Water, give me water."

Lin Shi'an licked his chapped and white lips, looking at Shen Ru with obvious hatred.

"So, you beg me and show your mercy?"

Shen Ru said sarcastically, "Lin Tanhua, what makes you think you can boss me around? Are you thirsty? That's right, just be thirsty!"

"Shen Ru!" Just as Shen Ru turned to leave, Lin Shi'an shouted with all his strength.

"Shen Ru, you have some affection for me, right? I used to stay at the Marquis Mansion, and peeked at me!"

"I'm tired of you, so you should just give me water."

"Tsk~" Shen Ru smiled with disdain in front of Lin Shian.

The original owner didn't even have any affection for Lin Shi'an, let alone her!

This marriage was promised by Lin Shi'an himself. He said that he had the possibility of high school, that he was willing to enter his wife's house, and that he would love the original person for the rest of his life.

"Lin Shi'an, your face is so big!"

Shen Ru sneered rudely, "I, Shen Ru, have never liked you from the beginning to the end. I am a useless scholar. What use do I have for a weakling like you?"

"It's a good thing that you are still a scholar. If a disaster comes, you will only cut off the relationship. I just can't stand your face, so... even if our family is exiled, we have to drag you along!"

Seeing Lin Shi'an's face turning angry, Shen Ru smiled nonchalantly.

"Is the prison van too comfortable for you, or are you walking in shackles?"

"Shen Ru, you are so poisonous!"

Lin Shi'an gasped. He was a scholar. Although the prison car was painful, he would not have to walk. If he was allowed to walk...


Shen Ru snorted coldly and walked away.

"Lord Officer, you have to be more careful, that scholar is restless."

Shen Ru took a few steps and whispered to the escorting officer, "He is using his head because he has some ink in his stomach, and he keeps saying that he is innocent."

If the exiled prisoners escape, they will be held accountable.

Shen Ru's words made the official immediately put Lin Shian under strict supervision. Even Lin Shian's request for convenience was rejected.

While walking in the afternoon, there was thunder on the flat ground, and huge raindrops poured down like soybeans.

The officials were all equipped with coir raincoats, which made most of the exile suffer.

Shen Rushi took out a few umbrellas from his bag to protect his family from the rain.

"Fortunately, An Qiao gave us these umbrellas when he came. The autumn rain came in waves, catching people off guard."

"Hey, Aru, it's all your thoughtful arrangements." Mother Shen said with emotion.

Several members of the Shen family were sitting on the trolley, holding umbrellas, watching the others being drowned, and they felt some indescribable complexity.

"Um...the Shen family, do you have any extra umbrellas? Our old lady is weak." Someone stepped forward in the rain and asked.

"Here!" Shen Ru handed out all the extra umbrellas.

After the rain stopped, the troops continued on their way.Soon, an official came to inform Shen Ru.

Weak chicken Lin Shian has a fever!
"Miss Shen, listen to what you said. We have been keeping an eye on that man. Something is wrong with him. He can't stand firmly. His face feels like it's cooked and he's trembling all over."

When Shen Ru heard this, wasn't this just a fever?

"Go, I'll take a look."

Lin Shi'an in the prison car had a hot face and blurred eyes. When he saw Shen Ru coming over, he seemed to be gritting his teeth and then closed his eyes.

"Brother Cha, since he's already like this, let's take off the shackles and let him be free."

"The way he looks now, even if the door of the prison van is opened, he can't get out!"

Shen Ru must have had a purpose.

"For Miss Shen's sake, let me make you feel comfortable."

The official gave Shen Ru face and removed Lin Shian's shackles.

Looking at Lin Shian sitting in the prison car, Shen Ru clicked his tongue twice, feeling extremely disgusted.

"It's really...don't lose your temper halfway!"

Shen Ru walked away, and Lin Shian, who had his eyes closed, opened them. He wanted to live. If he continued like this, he would die!

(End of this chapter)

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