Chapter 32 See clearly who you will rely on in the future

It was Shen Ru who reacted quickly, and Shen Ping's ill-fitting clothes made her stand out.

Soon, Shen Ru found Shen Ping blocked in an alley. After a while, Shen Ping was being teased?
"Little beggar, you don't know how to flatter me, your brothers are interested in you, they will protect you from now on!"

"Get out of here, all of you, get out of here, I'm not a beggar!"

Aren't Shen Ping's clothes just improvised, like a beggar's?

On the road of exile, there was no makeup and unkempt appearance. Although he barely combed his hair, his appearance was shabby.

"Stop me all!"

Shen Ru strode over. They were just three little hooligans, and she didn't take them seriously at all.

Compared to Shen Ping, Shen Ru was much cleaner and tidier. When the gangster saw Shen Ru, his eyes lit up.

"Oh, another pretty girl, girl..."

Shen Rushi rudely broke off the gangster's fingers that were protruding towards her, and then kicked the person's knee.

Accompanied by the other party's wailing, Shen Ru threw it away and said to the other two gangsters: "Why don't you get out of here?"

Shen Ru's attack was swift and severe, which really shocked the three gangsters. The other two helped their companions up and ran away in despair.

"Shen Ping, do you have no brains? With your body, you still want to run away?"

Shen Ru scolded her head and face: "A weak woman with no strength wants to live alone in a difficult world and is wanted by the government. She has no identity documents. Are you dreaming?"

"Wow~" Shen Ping cried!
"Do I want you to save me? I might as well just die!"

"Why can you, Shen Ru, live so well while I have to suffer? I am suffering too much. I don't want to live anymore, can't I?"


Shen Ru sneered, "If you don't want to live, then go die!"

"You run away, let's see how far you can run. Are you being molested, or are you being sold into a brothel?"

"You were lucky enough to escape, but the authorities are wanted everywhere. You are penniless and faceless. Run to the forest to see if you were eaten by a wild beast or bitten by a poisonous insect."

"You have no fingertips, thin arms and thin legs, you can't carry your shoulders or lift your hands, and your brain is not good. Do you think you can survive if you run away?"

Shen Ru scolded him rudely.

"Yes, I can't compare to you. I don't have as good a parent as you. My father is stubborn and arrogant, my mother is cowardly and incompetent, and my grandmother is selfish and ruthless. I can't breathe, do you know!"

Shen Ping roared angrily, "Especially you, you are living so well in the big house, but you are also in exile, why can you still have enough to eat and drink without suffering? This is not fair!"

"Because I'm awesome, what do you have to object to!"

Shen Ru sneered, stepped forward and pulled Shen Ping away.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to tell Chen Qing? Do you want the officer to beat me?"

Shen Ping struggled immediately, shouting in fear and anger.

"Aren't you going to Zhou's house? Go!"

Shen Ru didn't let go and dragged Shen Ping away, "Aren't you still holding on to the idea of ​​waiting for help? Why don't you give it a try?"

"If I don't go, the Zhou family won't pay attention to me. Grandma is crazy. I won't come to ask for humiliation!"

Shen Ping struggled.

"Oh, you think clearly!"

Shen Ru sarcastically said that because of Shen Ping's incident, he couldn't even buy things secretly. Forget it, there were still a lot of things in the space!

When Chen Qing and the others came back, they saw Shen Ru and Shen Ping ignoring each other.Seeing that both of them were empty-handed, Chen Qing didn't say much.

"Let's go!"

Shen Ru's face didn't look good. It was a waste of time and it gave Chen Qing and the others an advantage!
After catching up with the exile team, Shen Rushi jumped into the carriage, while Shen Ping spoke with a cold face under the eager eyes of several people at home.

"There is no one in the Zhou family, and they don't recognize this family member."

Shen Ping was talking nonsense, but Feng couldn't stand it anymore and immediately shouted!
"Ah, you useless thing!"

"The Shen family raised you so much, and this is how you repay your parents. Why can't you compare to Shen Ru? What's the use of you!"

"Shen Ru, Shen Ru, grandma, if you hadn't treated them so harshly before, would our family be like this?"

Shen Ping had the courage to run away, so how could she not have the courage to resist Feng Shi?
"It's all because of you, it's all your fault. I'm only 16 years old. Why do you put all your hopes on me? You have lived most of your life. My brother and I have just begun our lives, and we have suffered with you. , we are the ones with nothing!”

Shen Ping's outburst scared her younger brother Shen Feng, who burst into tears.

Qian touched the corner of his eyes, and then complained: "Ping'er and Feng'er are just a few years old, and they have become prisoners. Their lives will be ruined. They are the most pitiful!"

"Rebellion, are you going to rebel? Shen Tong, look at your daughter-in-law, you are pointing at my nose and scolding me!"

Mrs. Feng cried for her father and mother, and wanted her son to vent her anger for her!
"Dad, look carefully. Do you want to hit me and my mother?"

Shen Ping shouted, "Whether it is now or in the future, you should think clearly. What you can rely on is your grandmother's half-old body, or my mother and me!"

"My brother is still so young, who will he depend on to raise him in the future?"

Shen Tong was about to have an attack, but when Shen Ping shouted at him and the cold wind blew, his neck shrank.

"What's the fuss about? Hurry up and follow!"

The official whipped her, which made Shen Tong tremble even more. Her mother looked old and crazy, and she would have to support her by herself in the future!

"Mom, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Speak less and save some energy!"

In the carriage, Shen Ru told Shen Ping that she wanted to run away.

"Ping Yatou used to be a little arrogant, and she must feel unhappy after suffering this time."

Shen Yan sighed, "We are a family. As long as everyone works together, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. It seems they..."

"They... have a mother-in-law like that who can't get close to us!"

Shen's mother added, "Aru, you saved her life by holding her back. Can she survive if her daughter runs away?"

"Old lady, I made you laugh!"

Shen Yan saw the old lady in Prince Jing's Mansion moving and apologized.

"What you say is yours, don't pay attention to me."

Shen Ru looked at the old lady and subconsciously tried: "Old lady, tell me, is it possible that the prince... is still alive?"

The old lady's eyes brightened, then darkened.

"Aru, do you want to comfort me? In this world, white-haired people give black-haired people pain, and I have experienced it many times!"

"If I could, I would trade my life for my son, and my grandson would survive, and I would be willing to do so!"

It sounded uninformed. When Shen Ru was reading, he was also very surprised. How did Prince Jing escape and gain momentum? How many secret forces in Prince Jing's palace have not been exposed?

So, is King Jing’s accusation of rebellion true or false?
(End of this chapter)

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