Was your home ransacked on your wedding day?I emptied the Marquis's house and tore my son-in-la

Chapter 33: Yinghuo guards the heart, Chang Geng accompanies the moon

Chapter 33 Yinghuo guards the heart, Chang Geng accompanies the moon

Shen Ru felt that the weather was not right. It was after autumn when they set off from the capital, and they had been walking for nearly two months. Although it would get colder faster if they went northwest, it would not be that fast!
It is normal for the temperature difference between day and night to be large, but why is it so cold during the day?
There was also the strong wind, which was so painful even in the carriage!
"Dad, do you think this wind is normal?"

Shen Ru leaned out of the carriage and took a look, then hid back. The wind was very strong!

"My father has never been to this northwest land in his life, so I really don't know."

Shen Yan felt ashamed and said, "If we were in the capital, this would be the most pleasant time."

Yes, if it were the capital, the autumn air was crisp and the nights were always cold, it wouldn't be like this.

"Yinghuo guards the heart, Chang Geng accompanies the moon!"

The old lady said quietly, but there was no next sentence after this.

Shen Ru and his mother looked at each other and saw that she sounded familiar.

"Old Madam, Shen Yan is well aware of King Jing's nature and has no intention of rebellion."

"Prince Jing's house is full of loyal people, and now that they have ended up in this situation, the old lady feels aggrieved. But old lady, it's better not to say such things."

Shen Yan reminded that saying that divine punishment is coming means that the current saint is unkind. If the officials hear it, they will suffer even more.

Oh, yes, Shen Ru reacted.

The weather is abnormal and accompanied by dangerous horoscopes. Doesn't it mean that the current emperor has committed the wrath of heaven when he is in power?

Shen Ru didn't believe this, but she thought the court would be shaken again, but these prisoners were really suffering!
Let alone fifty miles a day, just thirty miles. It would be difficult to walk like this.

"Uncle Fu, why did you stop!"

When the carriage stopped, Shen Ru felt a little strange, so she opened the carriage door and asked.

"Another prisoner has fallen!"

Uncle Fu said gloomily that he had killed enemies on the battlefield, but now, seeing a group of ragged, noble people from the past dying on the road to exile, he could not help but feel sad and melancholy.

Someone is missing again?
Shen Ru was stunned. If this continues, it will be better to get to Liangzhou!

The large army stopped again. They couldn't let the wind blow on the official road. Fortunately, there was no shortage of mountains and forests, so they had no choice but to enter the woods.

"Mr. Chen, this can't work. If you stop and go, the boss will blame you."

The person who spoke was the local escort officer in Linshui City. They would change shifts when they arrived at the next jurisdiction.

"Can I go?"

Chen Qing also looked at the sky, feeling uneasy in his heart. Someone would die on this day...
"Take care of the dead people first. If you can't go on the road later, let a few people report to the inn first."

Chen Qing said that there was nothing he could do in the face of such an abnormal celestial phenomenon.

"Is this the case in Linshui City in the past?"

Chen Qing asked about the official assignment of short explanation.

Sun Qiang is the local short-term solution. He shook his head and said:

"How could there be such a strong wind in previous years? When the sun is nice, there is still some sun during the day."

"It's just that I don't know what happened this year. It seems like winter has entered early, but there is no snow."

The officials were all sighing. Shen Ru and his family got out of the carriage to move around, wrapped in thick winter coats. They were not cold.

But the other prisoners looked really pitiful.

"Sister, I...I want to go back to the carriage."

It was Shen Nian who spoke. He couldn't bear it when he saw that Shen Feng's nose was red, his lips were dry and cracked, and his face was extremely pale.

"Well, don't you need some convenience?"

Shen Ru asked.

Shen Nian shook his head.

"Sister, I don't want to see so many poor people!"

Shen Nian said weakly, but he knew better that he relied on his sister to make his family comfortable, and he had no ability to help others.

Shen Ru's heart sank, oh, his brother is still a soft-hearted person.

"Go in, it's cold outside."

Shen Ru simply followed Shen Nian's wishes.

"Sister, I want to go for a convenience." Shen Xuan said, tugging at Shen Ru's sleeve.

Shen Ru nodded, said hello to the official, and led Shen Xuan to the forest.

"Sister, tell me, what can you pick up this time?"

After hearing what his sister said, Shen looked at Shen Xuan subconsciously. This little girl must know something.

"Are you so sure that your sister is so lucky?"

"Yes, sister, you must be a blessed person. If you survive a disaster, you will be blessed later, that's what it means!"

If it weren't for the innocent look on Shen Xuan's face, Shen Ru would have thought that the little girl was making fun of herself.

"Ha, then I'll go look for it."

Shen Ruda laughed and said.

After taking care of domestic needs, Shen Ru deliberately looked like he was looking for something in the grass.

But suddenly, a rustling sound came from behind the bushes, which scared the little girl and immediately grabbed Shen Ru's hand.

"Sister, something ran out!"

"Crack!" A voice came from above. The two sisters looked up and saw a flock of various birds flying out.

Immediately afterwards, some animals ran out of the forest, and it looked like... something was chasing them.

"Bang bang~" Several hares hit the tree trunks and fainted!
"Sister, this...we picked it up together?"

Shen Xuan was also confused. This time she didn't pick up rice, but a hare came to her door.

Shen Ru was even more confused than Shen Xuan. This was not arranged by her.

"Carry the rabbit first!" Shen Ru said with some surprise, then looked deep into the forest, there were still birds and animals running out.

The two sisters each brought out two rabbits, shocking the others.

"What...what's going on? Did you pick it up again?"

Mother Shen was stunned. Is their family blessed by a lucky star?
Shen Ru saw that the horse pulling the carriage was also restless, and Uncle Fu was comforting him.

After listening to Shen Xuan tell what happened, others also heard whirring above their heads and the sound of fleeing in the forest.

There are too many people here, and animals have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so they flee to other places.

"This is... something is going to happen!"

There were elderly people in the exile team who saw this scene and said in horror.

There are strange phenomena in the sky, animals are fleeing, and birds are flying around...

Shen Ru frowned, was there going to be an earthquake?Is there still going to be a flood?Or is a blizzard coming?

"Shen Ru, what should you do?"

Chen Qing came to the Shen family at some unknown time and suddenly spoke.

"I...I don't know!"

Shen Ru said bluntly: "I don't read many books. Maybe... maybe... there will be a natural disaster!"

Chen Qing also frowned when he heard this.

There is no difference between saying this and not saying it.

What kind of look is that? She is just an ordinary person, and Chen Qing thinks she knows everything!

"Master Chen, I'll give you one of the unconscious rabbits!"

You know, Shen Ru is still a good person.

Of course, the food delivered to the door will not be pushed out, Chen Qing took it!

"Dad, Mom, you guys guard this rabbit while I check to see if there are any puddles nearby."

Shen Ru made an excuse and said that there was water in her space and a big clam. She was thinking that she should eat that thing.

"Shen Ru, I'll go with you!"

Shen Ping suddenly showed her kindness, which made Shen Ru look at the person from top to bottom in confusion. What was she thinking?

(End of this chapter)

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