Chapter 34
"Miss Shen, do you need help? We will go too."

Several more women said, "Look at the enthusiasm in Shen Ru's eyes!"

"What do you want?"

Shen Ru looked wary, but wanted to beat her up?
"Well, Miss Shen, if I follow you, can I pick up something? You just said that the rabbit knocked unconscious in front of you."

A woman said in a flattering tone.

It turned out that I wanted to follow her to pick up food!
"Whatever you want."

Shen Ru said that she wouldn't be able to leave for a while anyway, and the wind was blowing loudly in the forest, so she just took a look.

But being followed step by step makes Shen Ru uncomfortable!

Shen Ru seemed to hear the sound of gurgling water. Shen Ru paused and walked over there.

"Over there, follow me quickly."

Hearing the movement behind her, Shen Ru was speechless. Is following her so interesting?

Sure enough, she saw a stream, but so many people followed it.

"Do you need water? If you do, go back and get something that can hold water."

Shen Ru said to the people behind him, "But this water cannot be drunk directly. If you stay here for a long time, I will boil a pot of water for you. It will get cold very fast now."

"Of course you need water, then... let's go back and get it quickly!"

When traveling, the most lacking thing is water.

Upon hearing Shen Ru's words, several women immediately nodded in agreement and ran back.

Shen Ping still followed Shen Ru.

"What about you, have you been following me?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but look at Shen Ping.

"I would only get scolded by my grandmother and scolded by my third aunt over there, so I just wanted to come out."

Shen Ping said with a cold face.

"Then you stand, I'll go down and wash your face!"

After Shen Ru finished speaking, he quickly walked down the slope to touch the water!

At the same time, the clams in the space also moved into the water.

"Hey, there's a clam in here!"

Shen Ru pretended to yell, and then picked up the clam from the water!
Shen Ping was stunned. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that Shen Run could pick up the food casually.

"Let me see if this meat is fat!"

Shen Ru did it on purpose. Shen Ping, who saw her fish the clams out of the river with her own eyes, saved her from having to make up stories.

After breaking open the clam body, Shen Ru was stunned and subconsciously reached out to grab it. Then, there was something sticky and round in her hand.

"My darling, I haven't found out after all this time that the old clam is pregnant with pearls!"

After washing it in the water, Shen Ru got a round pearl the size of a thumbnail.

But usually there are other things inside the clams, so Shen Ru immediately knelt down and continued to look.

Well, one, two, or three, each with different appearance, but they are all about the size of a mung bean.

"Hey, come here!"

Shen Ruchong waved to Shen Ping, of course he had hidden the big round pearl.

Shen Ping didn't know what Shen Ru asked her to do, but she still passed by.

"Well, these few grains for you are probably worthless, but you can still exchange them for a few sesame seed cakes in the future."

Shen Ru handed Shen Ping three pearls.

"give me?"

Shen Ping was stunned. They didn't get along.

"Why, if you don't want it, forget it."

Shen Ru wanted to put the pearl away as he spoke.

"I want!"

Shen Ping grabbed it immediately, "You said you would give it to me!"

She doesn't have a penny on her, so these few pearls can be exchanged for a few copper coins.

"Shen Ru, why did you give it to me?" After hiding the pearl, Shen Ping looked at Shen Ru and asked directly.

"Seeing as your father doesn't love you and your mother doesn't love you, I don't need these things, so I'll give them to you!"

Shen Ru knew that Shen Ping was squeamish and that she was not on the same journey as him, but Shen Ping still had the courage to get rid of her problems, so... just give it to her!
Shen Ping had a cold face and couldn't say thank you.

"I won't give you these river mussels. Let's set up a fire and sprinkle some chopped green onion and salt. They will definitely be delicious."

Shen Ru joked that suddenly, she saw the river embankment collapse, the whole forest was shaking, and all the trees by the water were swaying!

"Earth Dragon turn over!"

Shen Ping suddenly said something, and she was so frightened that she froze.

Shen Ru grabbed Shen Ping's arm and quickly left the water.

There was an earthquake. How are other people doing?

Shen Ru ran forward, some trees were tilted to the bottom, she jumped a few times and ran quickly.

No matter how fast Shen Ping ran behind her, she still couldn't keep up.

"Father, mother!"

Shen Ru ran back to his family and was relieved when he saw that nothing happened.

"Aru, you're back. The earth was shaking just now. Look, hey!"

Mother Shen patted her chest and was filled with fear, "Someone was crushed by the fallen tree. It's really... ugh!"

The world is hard!
Shen Ru then looked around. The sudden earthquake caused the ground to crack and trees to collapse. The official had just pulled a man out from under the tree.

"My legs, my legs!"

"Mother, mother, wake up quickly..."

Cries came and went, and suddenly, an official ran over.

"Master Chen, we can't leave. The official road has collapsed and there is a sinkhole, which is bottomless!"

Chen Qing was angry and kicked a tree nearby!

"The earth dragon turns over. Once it happens, there will be a second time. Everyone, be careful!"

"Everyone, please move these fallen trees to make room for the ground. Everyone, please rest here for a while first!"

Chen Qing shouted loudly, instructing the officers and prisoners to take action together.

"It seems that we really need to light a fire and cook in this place!"

Shen Ru said, "I lost all my mussels!"

Shen Ping rushed back panting, and her eyes widened when she saw this scene.

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Ping'er, you're okay too, that's great, that's really great!"

Qian hugged her daughter and said thankfully, "Everyone was frightened, but fortunately they are all fine."

Several trees were crisscrossed and erected in mid-air, looking like a simple roof.

The large army waited for a while, but there was no more shaking, but the way forward was blocked. If they wanted to get on the road, they would have to go through the entire mountain forest, which was not realistic.

Chen Qing took a few people to the front to have a look, and then came back to wait for rescue!

"Master Chen, then...are we starting to cook?"

Shen Ru asked tentatively, no one wants something like this to happen.

Chen Qing raised his eyes and landed on Shen Ruping's face.

The sky is weird and the earth is shaking. Why is Miss Shen still only focused on eating?

"How about you take out all the pots that all the officials have and you can cook as much rice as you can!"

Shen Ru suggested again, "Clean up the rabbit and eat it while it's fresh!"

"You are so thoughtful!"

Chen Qing couldn't say he was angry, but he was still a little sarcastic.

"There is no other way. When the road is opened, everyone will continue to be escorted to Liangzhou. If you don't have enough to eat, how can you have the strength?"

"Injured patients also need to eat, right?"

Shen Ru seemed very calm. Anyway, most of their group arrived in Liangzhou in the end, so what was she afraid of?

(End of this chapter)

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