Chapter 35: Run away if you want, I don’t care

The earth dragon turned around was definitely not on this side of the forest. Shen Ru suspected that there was more movement in the city, so after a while, a large group of people they exiled stopped here.

"Come on, come on, everyone is in line, don't take more!"

In an open area of ​​the forest, Shen Ru gathered materials nearby and set up a table.

The rice is rolled into rice balls, and all the rabbits are processed and cut into small dices. It is a big plate and each person can take just one bite.

"Everyone, please pay attention and be conscious. Don't say that I, Shen Ru, am being unkind."

"When a natural disaster strikes, I, the Shen family, don't want to be a big shot, but we can help as much as we can."

Shen Ru stood on a high place and shouted, "No one is allowed to take more, no one is allowed to take more, what about you, Feng Shi, what are you doing?"

"Did you hear that? You are not allowed to take more. How can you, an old woman, take two."

Feng felt that as long as she acted quickly, no one would know that the hot rice balls tasted better than cold steamed buns, so she put it in her arms with her left hand and went to pick it up with her right hand, which happened to be seen by Shen Ru.

Who was not hungry all the time? Shen Ru and the officials showed mercy and allowed everyone to have a bite.

If Feng takes more, some people will take less. Feng's move will undoubtedly offend the public.

"Old woman, you are shameless, why don't you put it down quickly."

Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he simply threw the rice balls into his mouth.

"Hey (come)! Don't be afraid of me!"

"It's true that a starving ghost is reincarnated, and he's not afraid of choking to death!"

The person behind said in a stern tone, with great disdain.

Mrs. Feng seemed very proud of her advantage. When she returned to where her family was sitting, she felt like she couldn't swallow the food in her throat and coughed violently.

"Mom, drink some water quickly!" Shen Tong immediately patted Feng on the back.

"vomit~" The violent cough made Feng vomit out all the food he had eaten before, and now his stomach was empty again!
"Mom, what are you..." Shen Tong looked at him, looking disgusted and distressed.

Feng sat down on the ground and shouted to the sky and the earth.

"God, do you have any grudge against my old lady? What's wrong with my old lady eating more?"

Shen Ping glanced at Feng Shi with disgust, and then looked at Shen Ru who was not far away with envy.

Is she really that much worse than Shen Ru?
Although there were aftershocks, fortunately they were not serious, and soon it was evening.

"Aru, the bag of rice is gone, so what are you going to eat?"

Shen Mu asked worriedly.

"Mom, everyone saw that I picked up rice. Now is such a difficult time. If we don't take it out, it will only make people think that our family is too selfish."

Shen Ru said patiently, "The rice is gone, don't we still have flour?"

"I'll make pimple soup for you tomorrow."

"Then... other people..."

Shen Yan was also worried, "Do you think we have hidden a lot of food again?"

"It's just a bag of flour, do you still want it from me?"

Shen Ru said bluntly, "I give you what I want to give, and I won't give you what I don't want to give!"

"In such a big forest, you can always catch something flying in the sky or running on the ground."

"If you don't mind it, go for a walk outside. There may be some dead animals after the Earth Dragon has turned over. If you really want to eat them, just pick them up and eat them!"

"Aru is right, we have given you all the favors, how can we really rely on us, Aru, to support you!"

Aunt Lian said, "Even if Aru's things are blown by the strong wind, they are rewarded by God!"

"If they still care about our food, they just can't stand God!"

Shen Ru was also kind-hearted, and Aunt Lian felt that if it were her, she wouldn't have taken out all the rice. Who knows how many days she would have to go next.The officers and soldiers in the city only arrived the next day, and they were all frightened when they saw such a huge sinkhole on the official road.

"Master Chen, where is the prisoner?"

The county magistrate in the city asked loudly: "Are there any casualties?"

Chen Qing also yelled and told the situation. If the official channels were not repaired, he would have no choice but to lead a large number of prisoners across the mountains.

There will only be more casualties by then!
"How to repair it? This is a warning from God. Mr. Chen, if you wait any longer, the buildings in the city will collapse and the people will be displaced. I still need to settle the affected people."

Listening to the county magistrate's words, Chen Qing also knew that in times of crisis, his group of exiled criminals would be the most difficult to deal with.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency. Your Majesty will definitely keep a close eye on this batch of prisoners and wait until your Excellency repairs the official road to continue escorting the prisoners."

This big pit is about ten meters long, and the conversation between the two sides relies entirely on shouting.

Two of Chen Qing's people were there, and now they could only watch Chen Qing trapped in the woods with the prisoners.

"Today's saint is dissolute and immoral, and now the vision is coming from the sky, which is a warning to the world, God is going to destroy the world!"

"When Official Chen isn't paying attention, let's run away. Darui will forget about this. No one will care about us even if we run away."

"Are you crazy? Why did you forget the people who died before?"

"Now I have too much time to take care of myself. I just want to do another earth dragon rollover, so that we can take advantage of the chaos and run away!"

When Shen Ru was looking for food in the woods, she heard a group of people muttering.

Someone wants to run away again!

But is the life of hiding in Tibet so comfortable?
Shen Ru silently withdrew. She couldn't control so many people. Everyone had their own choice.

When Shen Ping approached Shen Ru, Shen Ru felt as if she had provoked a little tail.

"What's the matter?"

"Shen Ming secretly tried to run away with someone again, do you care about this matter?"

Shen Ping also overheard it.

"Just run away. I'm not an official. I'm so lenient!"

Shen Ru mocked, "Why are you telling me? If you want to make meritorious deeds, just sue the official!"

"You don't care if I run away, and you don't care if they run away. How can you be so safe?"

Shen Ping said angrily.

Shen Ru looked at Shen Ping amusedly, looking up and down. What was this sudden anger?
"As for me, I shouldn't have cared about you in the first place, right? Look now, are you blaming me for ruining your good deeds?"

"Shen Ru!"

Shen Ping shouted, if it weren't for Shen Ru that day, she would have been ruined.

"The official road is blocked and we can't walk forward. If we run away, we will definitely have to go back on the official road, but I think they will hide in the woods."

Shen Ping analyzed, "I don't know how big this forest is. If I run away..."

Listening to Shen Ru, why do you think Shen Ping is determined to change her mind?
"You want it too, then go ahead!"

"The forest is so big, there might be tigers. Maybe we might encounter a blind bear. If not, there might be a mountain leopard, a wolf, or something like that... Well, you guys run away!"

Shen Ru said calmly, watching Shen Ping's face change little by little.

"If you run into the mountains, you will either be eaten by wild beasts, or you will hide for three to five years. By then, hehe, you may have become a savage. After all, there is no cooked food in the mountains. People who drink hairy blood every day, what do you think?"

"Why are you saying it's so disgusting? I won't go!"

Shen Ping said angrily, turned around and left angrily!
Shen Ru smiled as if it didn't matter. Really, does Shen Ping think of herself as her life consultant?

(End of this chapter)

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