Chapter 359

The night in Yanxia Pavilion is really lively and beautiful. It's freezing and snowy outside, but it's as warm as spring inside this house.

Bai Qianqian, who was following Shen Ru, felt a little embarrassed.Although she changed into men's clothing, she felt that she couldn't imitate the posture of a man, so dressing up like this must be nondescript.

But she also envied Shen Ru. Shen Ru could hold his head high, walk so freely and freely, and even carry a box of things.

"You two gentlemen... girls, this is not the place you should come to!" the madam said with a sweet smile while holding up her handkerchief.

Shen Ru took the madam's handkerchief and smelled it, then smiled and said, "It smells really good."

The madam was stunned for a moment, and she was so pretentious that she didn't know how to deal with it.

"Sister, I'm here to find you. Let's open a private room and let's chat!" Shen Ru pinched the madam's handkerchief and said with a smile.

The word "sister" made the madam very happy. She touched her face and shook off the makeup on her face with a smile.

"Ah, young master, you have such a sweet mouth. What do you want me to do with my sister?" As the madam spoke, she twisted her body in a very charming manner.

"Why don't we open a private room, let's talk inside." Shen Ru said and stuffed a silver ingot into the old madam.

"Okay, let's go, sister, let me open your eyes!" The madam smiled even more happily when she saw Yinzi, and directly pulled Shen Rudeng upstairs with her handkerchief.

Bai Qianqian was dumbfounded, Shen Ru was so good at playing!

In the private room upstairs, the smell of powder was so strong that Bai Qianqian coughed several times. After sitting down, she felt even more restrained. This was a brothel!

"Little girl, my sister is not blind. Let me tell you, what do you want to do when you come to my sister's place?" The madam said and glanced at Bai Qianqian, "You can't possibly want to sell her!"

Bai Qianqian stood up suddenly, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Shen Ru was happy to see her like that.

"It's okay, sister, I'm Shen Ru!"

The Madam was stunned again, her mind turned around, and finally she looked at Shen Ru with wide eyes.

"So you are Shen Ru, who has a close relationship with the governor! Girl, you are so awesome. The governor even fell to his knees under your pomegranate skirt. Please tell the girls in our building how you did it! "

"How can a smart person like my sister believe those street rumors?" Shen Ru joked with a smile, "They are all false, just what the storyteller said casually."

"Hehe, but it's amazing that Miss Shen can be recognized by the governor in public!" The madam still said with admiration.

"Sister, fate is so wonderful. To be honest, when I come today, it is Master Xiao who will give me guidance!"

"Oh? The governor actually knows about my Yanxia Pavilion?"

"How could you not know? There are many brothels in Liangzhou, but there are none that can make a fortune like Yanxia Pavilion."

"It's not possible. Miss Shen is exaggerating. It's mainly because I, the girl in Yanxia Pavilion, know what's interesting."...

Bai Qianqian was a little dumbfounded as she watched Shen Ru chatting and laughing with the brothel's old madam. She still doesn't know what Shen Ru came to do.

"Sister, I'm here today because I want to give something to the girl in the building." After she had finished speaking, Shen Ru took out the box she had prepared.

As a brothel madam, she naturally has many eyes and ears, and she also has some friends in other professions.

She recognized what Shen Ru took out.

"We are all women, and we all know how uncomfortable those days are." Shen Ru said, "Even those days are disliked and avoided by some men. But menstruation is unique to women. The blood corresponds to the Taiyin above and the ocean tide below. It is a gift from being a woman." "Miss Shen, your statement is strange. It has been inconvenient for those few days, so how can it be said to be a gift from a woman?"

"Since you are born a girl, you naturally want to be intact. It would be worrying if you don't have menstruation!" Shen Ru sighed, "When menarche comes, the body will be mature, and you will have a baby." The ability to raise children. Even if you don’t want to, it’s better than not being able to!”

"All I want is to make it more convenient and comfortable for women during those days."

Shen Ru paused and said bluntly: "Besides, I hope the women in Yanxia Pavilion can use these."

"Miss Shen wants to make money from our Yanxia Pavilion girls!" the old bustard said with a smile, "I heard that the second lady of the Yan family also sells it in her shop."

"Yes, but I also know that she doesn't welcome girls from brothels to buy her things, and they are definitely more expensive than mine."

Shen Ru said very directly, "Sister, these are for you!"

"But I heard that you have to go to your house to buy these!" The old bustard hesitated: "Our background is indeed not elegant."

"I will open a store in the future, mainly selling cotton pads. It is too simple, but the things I want to sell in the future will also be for my daughter's home."

Shen Ru didn't hide it either, "Sister, we are both women, we just have different destinies."

"In other words, as a businessman, how can I watch people order food?"

"She is really a sweet-tongued little girl. She is quite direct. Could it be that Mr. Xiao was persuaded by your little mouth?"

The madam smiled and accepted Shen Ru's greeting gift. Can she refuse the face given by the governor's wife in the future?
"I've accepted this thing, then let the girl in the building accompany you two to drink and talk!"

"Okay!" Shen Ru agreed, "I'm happy, I'll be rewarded greatly."

"Then, wait a minute, you two!" The madam smiled and backed away.

"Shen Ru...don't you really think there's anything wrong?" Bai Qianqian whispered, "This is a brothel."

"What's wrong with the brothel? I'm a convict. Who else can I look down on?" Shen Ru said that Bai Qianqian thought too much, "I'm not afraid of the shadows being distorted, and I don't do anything sneaky."

"Scholars, farmers, industry and merchants are already doing business. Do we still need to choose customers?"

Bai Qianqian looked at Shen Ru and was speechless for a moment.

"Then what did you take me out for?"

"What a great experience!" Shen Ru smiled, "Don't you think you have nothing to do in the Governor's Mansion? Aren't you curious about what I'm busy with? I won't take you out now?"

"Everything in the past is just a passing thing. I don't know what you want to do in the future, so I will show you what I do!"

Bai Qianqian didn't say anything. Shen Ru didn't hide anything from her, nor did he make fun of her. He just let her watch from the sidelines. She was being narrow-minded!

Soon, several gorgeous girls came over. Knowing that the guests were two girls, they still used their respective strengths.

Shen Ru looked at the women in the brothel, thinking about her future underwear and underwear, and building a good relationship. Then it would be okay... Thinking about it, she became more motivated.

Bai Qianqian's face was a little pale. Shen Ruzuo said "Sister" and then "Sister". She shouted so smoothly!
"Little sister, do you want to have a drink too? Look at you, your little face is red!"

Bai Qianqian was put on the shoulder by a girl, and her body suddenly became tense.

"Don't make trouble with my sister, she has a bad reputation!" Shen Ru came to Bai Qianqian's rescue, "You guys should tell me, is there anything else interesting?"

Bai Qianqian looked at Shen Ru, feeling grateful. She wanted to let go like Shen Ru, but... she couldn't do it!
(End of this chapter)

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