Chapter 360: There are many acquaintances in Liangzhou

When she came out of Yanxia Pavilion, Bai Qianqian sneezed. The smell of powder inside was too strong!
Someone happened to be walking in, but they bumped into Bai Qianqian.

"Sorry." Bai Qianqian apologized immediately and raised her head. Their eyes met, and Bai Qianqian looked stunned.

When the man walked into Yanxia Pavilion, Bai Qianqian whispered to Shen Ru: "Shen Ru, is that person just now the son of Du Shangshu who was exiled to Liangzhou together?"

Shen Ru didn't see it, but since Bai Qianqian said so, she wasn't surprised.

"Maybe so. Isn't it normal to meet acquaintances in Liangzhou?"

Mul Qin's carriage was parked not far away. After Shen Ru and Bai Qianqian got on the carriage, they saw Bai Qianqian's somewhat solemn expression.

"Are all the prisoners in Liangzhou so comfortable?" Bai Qianqian looked at Shen Ru and said, "Shen Ru, is it still the life in Liangzhou that everyone can live so well?"

Shen Ruxiao kept it secret. Soon, Pei Wenjing's army will invade the capital, and his identity will be made public by then.If the king succeeds and the bandits fail, Prince Jing’s Mansion is no longer in rebellion!
"Do you think being able to visit a brothel means your life is good?" Shen Ru asked.

"No, with that look, it doesn't look like he is living a miserable life." Bai Qianqian shook her head and said, "Being able to come to the best brothel in Liangzhou means that you have a lot of money on hand. You are full, warm and lustful, and you don't look like a bereaved dog at all."

Shen Ru said casually, "There are more than 800 people in the exile team, which means that we have lost about a hundred people, and there are still so many in Liangzhou. Bai Qianqian, maybe there is someone who can do well?"

"Oh!" Bai Qianqian responded, but inexplicably felt that something was wrong here.

Shen Ru glanced at Bai Qianqian and said slowly, "After digging the river, Xiao Wujin allowed the prisoners to take root in Liangzhou. Some went to the escort agency, some went to the rice and grain store, and some were working as part-time workers."

"Have the former rich disciples started working?" Bai Qianqian couldn't help but ask, "Don't they want to return to the capital again?"

"This...I don't know either." Shen Ru didn't want to reveal too much. Bai Qianqian was very smart. She might soon find out that Du Shangshu and the others were related to the rebels. "What about you, do you still want to go back to the capital?"

"There is no Bai family in the capital. What does it mean if I go back?"

Bai Qianqian said lonely, "The country is gone and the dynasty will change soon. Shen Ru, do you know?"

Shen Ru knew, and he also knew that Pei Wenjing had succeeded in the rebellion!

"But Liangzhou is a quiet corner, and it doesn't seem to have been implicated in any way." Bai Qianqian continued, "There are also people fleeing to Liangzhou on the road. Maybe Liangzhou is where I should stay!"

"It's good to have so many people. If the wasteland is reclaimed and the houses are occupied, Liangzhou will get better and better." Shen Ru said, "Bai Qianqian, don't be in a hurry, take your time, you will always find what you are suitable for." matter."

"Well, I think so too. Thank you, Shen Ru." Bai Qianqian said sincerely, "Seeing you working so hard to recommend your stuff to the madam, I also know that this road is not easy to take."

"I probably thought that to support myself and Grandma Yang, I have to find a job!"

"Xiao Wujin will take care of him," Shen Ru said, "He is a man of great promise."

"It's not good to stay with a sojourner all the time. If you have to marry him later, Nanny Yang will bump into you!" Bai Qianqian said cryptically.

Shen Ru smiled, and the two of them chatted wordlessly. It was already late at night when they got home, and everyone else had fallen asleep.

"Go back to the house and sleep. The boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge."

Shen Ru comforted Bai Qianqian. Such an enterprising Bai Qianqian should be encouraged!
Back in his room, Shen Ru was a little surprised to see Wu Ya.

"Why haven't you slept so late?"

"Yan Shaoqing wants Yan Zhenshan to behave himself." Wu Ya said, she thought Shen Ru would want to know. "And your cousin Shen Ping was placed under Yan Shaoqing's care by Yan Zhenshan. Yan Zhenshan also wanted to poison Yan Shaoqing."

Shen Ru was shocked. Yan Zhenshan's ambition was not small. Wasn't he a brother-controller before? Why, now he wants to kill his brother?
"That's it. Did Yan Shaoqing say what he wanted to do?"

"In order not to alert others, Yan Shaoqing would not touch Yan Zhenshan, but he wanted Yan Zhenshan to have the baby at home."

"Ah?" What kind of solution is this? Shen Ru was speechless, "What do you mean? What did Yan Shaoqing say?"

"He said that Yan Zhenshan is restless because he has no children. He has been married for many years and it's time to give birth to a child for the Yan family!"

This... Shen Ru was speechless. How could Yan Shaoqing have such a weird idea in his mind.

"Okay, I get it, I know you feel relieved." Shen Ru replied, the person Yan Zhenshan wants to kill is Wu Ya!

"What about her imitation of your stuff?"

"Don't worry about that. I will open a shop in the spring of next year. By then, I will naturally know whose shop has good products."

Shen Ru said nonchalantly: "Wu Ya, you should rest early. You and Yan Shaoqing can decide how to deal with Yan Zhenshan. It's the end of the year, and I still have to reconcile the accounts of these workshops."

Seeing this, Wu Ya nodded solemnly.

"Okay, I won't let her go!"

Wu Ya has murderous intent. Shen Ru feels a little panicked. Don't let there be a blood feud between Yan Shaoqing and Yan Shaoqing!
"Wu Ya, um, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, I'm going to get married, no blood!"

Wuya was stunned for a moment, nodded, and exited Shen Ru's room.

The next day, Shen Ru took Bai Qianqian to his ranch.

"Shen yours too?" Bai Qianqian was stunned when she saw the ranch. She thought about Shen Ru doing business, but she didn't expect that she had so much business.

"This is Liangzhou, so it doesn't make sense not to raise sheep." Shen Ru said casually, "You may also see acquaintances here, but don't be too surprised, everyone just eats for a living."

Bai Qianqian nodded numbly. Seeing everyone in the ranch greeting Shen Ru, she felt that Shen Ru was so majestic.

"You are... from the Pei family." Bai Qianqian was surprised when she saw Yu.

"Miss Bai?" Mrs. Yu was also surprised, how could someone from the Bai family come to Liangzhou.

"The Bai family is gone. Bai Qianqian is the only survivor of the Bai family." Shen Ru explained, "He came to Liangzhou to join the governor."

Mrs. Yu couldn't bear it for a moment, and looked at Bai Qianqian with pity in her eyes.

" could this happen?" Yu said with emotion.

"In the past, when Prince Jing's residence was raided and implicated, the Bai family just stood by and watched; when the Bai family suffered, no one in the court stood up and spoke." Bai Qianqian laughed at herself: "Maybe this is the so-called fate!"

Mrs. Yu sighed heavily, accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger!
"It's good that I'm still here. Why, do you want to come to Shen Ru's ranch to work too?" Mrs. Yu asked curiously.

"No, she is staying at my house recently, so I will bring her here to have a look." Shen Ru said for Bai Qianqian, "Aunt Yu, you are busy first, I will show her around."

(End of this chapter)

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