Chapter 361 It’s right to follow Shen Ruzhun

There is still snow in the pasture, and the mountains in the distance are also white. Bai Qianqian huffed, holding her hands in her sleeves, looking at this huge pasture, her mind was shaking.

"Shen Ru, do all these belong to you?" Bai Qianqian asked in shock, "How did you manage to support such a large ranch by yourself?"

"When it comes to employing people, I don't know how to care for people, so naturally I need to find someone who does." Shen Ru said calmly. "As for the ranch, I bought it with the help of my friends. As for the people, they were found by others. I just need to pay them wages."

"The mutton is delivered to restaurants and restaurants in the city, and goat milk is delivered daily to the rich in the city."

"The horses can be given to the caravans, but I only need to keep the people who will graze the cattle for me, feed the sheep and horses, milk the cows, and deliver the milk. In short, the existence of the ranch is because of them."

Shen Ru looked into the distance, "There are people in Liangzhou who have been herdsmen for generations. I only need people like this."

"They say that when the Shen family ransacked their homes, they had no money to put into the treasury. Did you bring all the Shen family's warehouses?"

Bai Qianqian asked tentatively, with a hint of joking.

"Of course it's impossible, do you believe it? It didn't go into the treasury, and it didn't go into those people's pockets. We were exiled to Liangzhou. On the way, we even saw the treasures in the Shen family's warehouse!"

Shen Ru said: "Some of them are old servants of the Shen family. They dug three feet into the ground and buried them that day to avoid the house being raided. When the news passed, they dug them up again!"

"Then I did some business with the Yan family. Bai Qianqian, my Shen family's Jishan family has such loyal servants. You must be jealous!"

Bai Qianqian glanced at Shen Ru, but she really couldn't say anything to refute.

"The people in your family are quite smart." Bai Qianqian said after a while.

"That's because my parents were well-mannered." Shen Ru said proudly, "Uncle Fu found us in exile on the way and took care of official duties, so that my family didn't suffer much on the way; Cuixi and the others first We arrived in Liangzhou and purchased real estate, which also gave us a place to stay."

"What about hard labor? Isn't it said that all prisoners must do hard labor?"

"Hehe, I saved Xiao Wujin and the richest man in Liangzhou on the way to exile. Do you think this is enough to save me from the hard labor of the Shen family?"

Bai Qianqian looked at Shen Ru and felt that there could be no such coincidence in the world.

"Your family is so lucky." But in the end, she said politely.

"Some things are just such a coincidence. Of course, I am also very skilled in martial arts. If it were you, do you think you can do it?"

"No." Bai Qianqian said dryly, "Shen Ru, from what you said, I think you are the destined girl."

"Ha, you are a destined girl. My destiny is up to me. Bai Qianqian, I don't care if you believe it or not, but have you ever faced the knife of a killer from a foreign country? Are you a snow leopard in the mountains? Have you seen the yellow sand in the sky, the hot weather? A hot desert?"

Shen Ru said: "If there is something destined, you can say that my grandfather was once the commander-in-chief of the Liangzhou army, and the current commander-in-chief was also my grandfather's former subordinate, and I learned martial arts from my grandfather when I was young. I have the ability to save people, is this destiny?"

Bai Qianqian was stunned, not expecting that the Shen family still had this connection in Liangzhou.

"Okay, enough of the cold wind, let's go to the cafeteria to eat!"

"Canteen?" Bai Qianqian was a little confused.

"There are so many people in my ranch, how do you think we can solve this problem of food?" Shen Ru asked back.

"I... don't know." Bai Qianqian said with a frown, as if she knew nothing about the outside world.

In the cafeteria of the ranch, Bai Qianqian watched everyone holding rice bowls to prepare their own meals, feeling a little surprised and at a loss.

"Just follow the instructions. When eating, there is no difference between the boss and the long-term workers in the ranch. They all line up carefully." Shen Ru walked in front of Bai Qianqian and said to Bai Qianqian. "After finishing the meal, just find an empty seat and sit down by yourself."

Bai Qianqian followed Shen Ru's example and sat at the square table with Yu and Dunzhu.

"Shen Ru, I am indeed too ignorant!" Bai Qianqian said with emotion.

"Get used to it."

The feeling of having everyone eat together is... wonderful and interesting. Bai Qianqian was cautious at the beginning, but in the end she just went with the flow.

"Can you ride a horse?" After dinner, Shen Ru asked Bai Qianqian.

"Yes, I was taught according to the standards of a princess at home." Bai Qianqian nodded.

"Then let's relax by riding horses!" Shen Ru took Bai Qianqian to the racecourse and asked for two horses.

Riding a horse, blowing the cold wind, Bai Qianqian felt a yearning in her heart. She looked at Shen Ru next to her with envy, and she had to work hard to live a chic life.

In the afternoon, Shen Rudu went to the ranch to look at the accounts with the Yu family. In the past six months, he still hadn't made back the money he invested!
"Aunt Yu, it's the end of the year, prepare your wages for everyone." Shen Ru reminded Yu.

"Okay." Mrs. Yu nodded and said it to Lin Moxiang who was beside her. Lin Moxiang immediately wrote it down.

"Let's see, sister Shen Ru is very powerful, isn't she?" Dunzhu asked in a low voice as he and Bai Qianqian were waiting aside.

Bai Qianqian nodded. Shen Ru's transformation from a daughter of an aristocratic family to a businessman really surprised her.

"Are you also a local from Liangzhou?" Bai Qianqian couldn't help but ask.

"No, I was brought back by Sister Shen Ru from the grassland outside the pass." Dunzhu said, "I yearn for Liangzhou, so I came back with her!"

Bai Qianqian was surprised, but she immediately understood that this was consistent with what Shen Ru said before. Everything about Shen Ru was spelled out!
"Is it bitter outside the pass?" Bai Qianqian asked softly, "Is there yellow sand outside the grassland?"

"Compared to today's days, it is naturally harder. There are always competitions between tribes outside the pass. The grassland is full of dangers. If you encounter a pack of wolves, you will suffer great losses." Dunzhu said, "And we have to move often. Where is the water source? Go wherever there is plenty of grass.”

"Sister Shen Ru gave me a chance to prove myself. Let me tell you, when I was first asked to take charge of this place, many people were unconvinced. But I am here on the grassland, and herding is my specialty!"

Bai Qianqian listened to Dunzhu's proud words, then looked at Shen Ru who was talking to Yu, and fell silent for a moment.

"Xiao Ci." Dunzhu saw the little girl standing at the door and waved Xiao Ci in.

"I've seen you." Xiao Ci looked at Bai Qianqian and said.

"Last spring, when my family went to Xiangguo Temple to pray, I met you!"

Bai Qianqian was stunned, so this is also a prisoner?
"Then we are really destined to meet here." Bai Qianqian said with a smile.

"There are several people here at the ranch brought here by Sister Shen Ru. Sister Shen Ru said that like Aunt Yu, they are all refugees, and so is she herself." Dunzhu whispered, "What about you, are you also a refugee? ?”

"No, I came here as a refugee from the capital. I'm so lucky to have met Shen Ru."

"Oh, that's it, just follow Sister Shen Ru!" Dunzhu said, "Sister Shen Ru is very kind!"

(End of this chapter)

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