Chapter 366 Yan’s store bullies customers
After hearing what Shen Ru said about the official mission's purpose, Mrs. Mo's expression was a little complicated.

"Then... okay, boss, do you want to tell them? This workshop is making things from my daughter's family. Don't say anything you shouldn't say when you see it."

"Yes, you two brothers. Women's personal belongings are not open to the public. Since the government is doing things, we can't shirk it. But please be careful what you say."

The official almost nodded. Shen Ru also said that it was a woman's personal belongings. What could these grown men say?
"Please!" Shen Ru opened the door and asked the two officials to come in.

"Maybe that person is talking about these three puppets. We make underwear, so we can't try it on real people, so we have to do this. Also, there is no other hiding place in this house. The two big brothers can't help but look."

Red bellyband, underwear...the two officers looked at these things with their eyes widened and a little embarrassed. They looked at every corner, and after confirming that Shen Ru was right, they immediately left.

"Come and take a look. Is there anyone here?" the official said to the man.

The man immediately wiped his eyes and looked inside, and saw clearly that there were three wooden figures inside.

"Could it be that I'm blind, but I heard a woman crying!"

"It's windy at night, and isn't it normal for people to make whining noises when walking through the hall?" Shen Ru said disdainfully, "You, on the other hand, are wandering around my workshop in the middle of the night. Why on earth?"

"I...I...I..." The man faltered but was speechless.

"There are no residential buildings around here, most of them are workshops. I greet you every day, but I have never seen you. I doubt that you want to come to my workshop to steal things." Shen Ru said deliberately, "Master Guan Cha, I This person looks suspicious and may have a case on him."

"You're so slanderous!" The man stretched his neck and began to look wildly in his eyes.

"Look at him, he has a sinister look on his face, and he shows a guilty conscience at first sight. You two gentlemen, hurry up and take him down. You can definitely ask him!"

Isn't it just random arrangement, doesn't she know how?Don't say that this person was wrongly accused, you will know the truth when he is brought into the Yamen!

The man seemed to have something in his mind and ran away when he saw the empty space.

The many female workers in the workshop didn't just watch. Someone stretched out a foot and tripped the man down.

"Oh, brother, there's obviously something wrong with this guy. He's jumping over the wall in a hurry!" Shen Ru said, fanning the flames.

If an official can't see anything wrong with a man, then he is serving as an official for nothing.

"Be honest and come with us to the Yamen!" The officer detained the man! "Miss Shen, I'm offended. Don't worry, we will never let this person off lightly."

"Then I'll help you two!" Shen Ru took advantage of the situation and gave some scraps of silver.

"What is this!" Mother Shen watched the two officials escorting the man away, frowning and said angrily: "Aru, have you been in bad luck recently? I think you went to the temple to burn incense."

"Mom, you go back first. Men are not allowed to enter this workshop on weekdays. With dad here, everyone feels uncomfortable." Shen Ru advised, "Let's talk about it later!"

Mother Shen looked around, nodded, and left with Father Shen who had his head down and didn't look around.

After everyone in the family left, Shen Ru said to the female worker in the workshop:

"Don't be afraid, everyone. Everything made in our workshop is clean, and the business I do is also clean. I am not afraid of being investigated." "That is, we Aru do things aboveboard, and we don't know who is so evil. This idiot is here to harm us." Aunt Lian said angrily.

Yes, my workshop only makes women's cotton pads. Logically speaking, it won't attract anyone's prying eyes, and it's not a valuable thing, unless... a competitor?Shen Ru thought of Yan Zhenshan.

After appeasing the female workers, Shen Ru said something to Mrs. Mo and left the workshop.

Arriving on Liangzhou Street, Shen Ru suddenly wanted to visit Yan Zhenshan's Qiaoyan Shop.

"There's something wrong with this thing of yours. Ever since I started using this thing of yours, I...I started getting pimples. My man thought I had some kind of internal disease."

As soon as she entered Qiaoyanfang, Shen Ru saw a woman grabbing the clerk and talking about something.

"If you don't give me an explanation, I...I will report it to the official!"

"Sister, you don't care where you are acting. We are Qiaoyanfang, the Yan family's shop. You know best what you have done. Don't try to blackmail us." The clerk said rudely. When people pushed away, guards were called to drive them away.

Shen Ru casually helped the woman who was pushed out of the store by the store guard.

"Hey, this store is really bullying customers!" Shen Ru mocked, "Sister, what did you use from his store?"

"Isn't it just that cotton pad? I bought it for the sake of the Yan family. As a result... I have rashes all over my body. Look, look, they still don't admit it." The woman was also very aggressive and shouted loudly at the door of the store. .

"It's that thing again. After I use it, I always sneeze and my nose is itchy. In the past, I only felt like this when I smell flowers."

"It's fine after I've used it. It's just...the smell, well, it's hard to put into words. It's not as good as the Shen family's before. I'd better ask the maid to buy the Shen's!"

Some people in the crowd surrounding the door were also whispering.

Shen Ru pulled the woman who wanted an explanation and said, "Sister, I think you can go see a doctor. You may be severely allergic to a certain kind of flower."

"Allergy?" The woman was surprised. What does this mean?
"Go and see a doctor. Some people feel uncomfortable when they smell certain smells. In serious cases, just like you, eldest sister, you get a rash." Shen Ru asked, could there be a problem with Yan Zhenshan's shop? , so she sent people to steal things from her shop?

"Are you... Shen Ru?" Someone recognized Shen Rulai.

"Miss Shen Ru, I used yours before and nothing happened. Now Yan's has opened a shop, so I have to patronize it. I didn't expect that I get itchy after using their products. I can't touch the pollen. Could it be him? Is there pollen in the things at home?”

"Me too. As soon as I smelled the fragrance, I started to sneeze. My nose felt so itchy that I thought it was nothing important."

"Well, you can ask the doctor about all of this." Shen Ru didn't say that Yan Zhenshan's stuff was bad, but once she mentioned it, I believe others would care.

Not everyone is allergic to pollen or sensitive to floral fragrance, and Yan Zhenshan will not admit that there is something wrong with her own things.

But throwing dirty water on the customers opened her eyes. The Yan family and the store were bullying customers!
Yan Zhenshan was not in the store, but the clerk recognized Shen Rulai and immediately sent someone to inform Yan Zhenshan.

Shen Ru didn't want to go in and take a look. After talking to the onlookers about allergies, she went home. She didn't want to see official officials coming again in the afternoon!
(End of this chapter)

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