Chapter 367 The notorious Mr. Xiao
"Miss Shen, we found out that Hu San is a habitual criminal. This time he took advantage of others and wanted to come to your workshop to steal something."

I really got it right for myself!
Shen asked subconsciously: "Could it be Miss Yan Er?"

"This...not really, he is a steward from Qiaoyanfang in the city." The official said with a smile.

Isn’t this still Yan Zhenshan’s shop?Shen Ru looked at the fox-like smile of the officer. This was a mistake!
After seeing off the official, Shen Ru didn't go to the Yan family to investigate the crime. Yan Zhenshan's side should be a little worried.

Those who are allergic to flowers and pollen are only a few people, but if just a few of them get together, wouldn't it make the matter bigger?In addition, Yan Shaoqing was also beating him up in private, so nothing happened on Shen Ru's side.

It was calm for a long time in the near future, except for the occasional wind, rain and snow.

Seeing it, the New Year is almost here!Xiao Wujin came to the Shen family to hire someone!

Father Shen and Mother Shen were sitting upright, while Xiao Wujin and the matchmaker were sitting opposite.

When this thing arrived, it felt like marrying a daughter, and Father Shen was still a little unhappy!
"Uncle, aunt, I am truly lucky to have Aru of the Shen family as my wife. I promise you that I will never let Aru be wronged in my house." Xiao Wujin repeatedly told the Shen family Parents expressed their sincerity.

"Mr. Xiao, you and Aru are in love. As parents, we will not fight against each other. It is also a blessing for Aru to have you take care of her in the future." Father Shen said it in a more general and polite way, but the matter was determined, and they also I'd be happy to see it happen!

"It is the blessing of this younger generation. Aru is a rare and precious woman in the world."

Is Shen Ru enjoying himself leisurely in his room?I knew that Xiao Wujin came to apply for the job, and I had read the appointment letter myself, so there was nothing surprising about it.

"Miss, the servants also have to follow the eldest lady. I'm still a little nervous for no reason!" An Qiao thought about it for a while, "The Governor's Mansion doesn't have many rules, right?"

"It's quite friendly over there. In Liangzhou, the folk customs can be said to be open or conservative, and the Governor's Mansion is the most peaceful place." Shen Ru thought for a while and said, "Xiao Wujin doesn't care about the affairs of the back house, plus Everyone is quite poor, it’s good to have food and clothing, and we don’t have to worry about other things.”

"Then, miss, are we... going to reveal our wealth?" Yaoyao asked from the side, "If you follow the people over there, miss, you will suffer!"

"Well, you eldest lady, I didn't marry just to endure hardship." Shen Ru also told Xiao Wujin about this. Her Shen family has always lived such a life. There is no reason why she should start to endure hardship after arriving at the Xiao family. .

"Then, Miss, are you going to give our money to the Xiao family?" An Qiao asked again.

"First of all, the dowry cannot be used for household purposes. Xiao Wujin said that a man who uses a woman's dowry to support his family is really not a man!"

Shen Ru laughed and said, "Secondly, Mr. Xiao has a salary and his own way of making money, so he will never treat his concubine badly."

An Qiao and Yaoyao are really worried. It's not like they haven't heard that the governor is poor!
Soon, Cui Xi came back and explained Xiao Wujin's appointment in detail.

"Miss, Madam said that you will be responsible for taking care of these things. On the wedding day, you will bring them all back with the dowry."

"No, I'll just give these to my mother. After all, I've been raised so much that I can't bring back any of the betrothal gifts given by my husband's family." Shen Ru asked Cui Xi to reject her mother. "Besides, some of these things are just for my father's liking."

"Then... I will go back to Madam now." Cui Xi responded, "In addition, Madam also asked me to ask the young lady. The dowry is almost ready. When will the young lady go to see what is missing?"

Shen Ru said before that she was preparing a dowry, but after thinking that she didn't have that experience, she finally gave Shen's mother the money and asked Shen's mother to watch the preparations.

"Why should I worry about my mother's work? I don't want to see it!" Shen Ru was a little uninterested in the dowry matter. Just in time, someone came to buy cotton pads again!The woman who came was the woman I met at Qiaoyanfang that day, who came with a familiar maid.

"Miss Shen, I haven't seen you for a long time. This thing is better from your family. I, the maid, came to buy it in the past, but this time I came in person." The woman's husband's surname was Sun, and she was registered with the Sun family before.

"But Mrs. Sun? Has the disease been cured?" Shen Ru asked politely.

"Okay, look, the doctor said it was rubella, and the Yan family's stuff is harmful to people!" Mrs. Sun said, rolling up her sleeves, "But actually this is also my problem. I just have nothing to do with flowers. I heard from Yan before The people at my store said that the cotton pads were scented with fresh flowers, so I thought it would be fine, hey..."

Mrs. Sun was a talkative person, and she kept talking about how she would sneeze when she smelled the fragrance of flowers when she was a child, and would get rubella when she came into contact with pollen.

"But doesn't this mean that the cotton pads in the Yan family are not just scented with flowers, there must be pollen in them!"

Shen Ru nodded in approval. Mrs. Sun was right. Maybe when collecting petals to make incense, the pollen was not processed completely!
"I deeply sympathize with Mrs. Sun's experience, but I guess not everyone is like this. Some people will still like the Yan family's things."

"Miss Shen is still grand, not like the people from the Yan family."

Shen Ru asked Mrs. Sun how much she wanted this time, while listening to Mrs. Sun's complaints.

"What happened to the people over there?"

"It's just to belittle your family and elevate his family's, saying that their cotton comes from Gaochang State in the Western Regions, and even the incense comes from the Western Regions. They also say that Liangzhou's cotton is not very good."

"Oh, that's it. In fact, the seeds of my cotton also come from Gaochang State. The weather in Liangzhou is good this year, and the cotton grown in the ground is better than before." Shen Ru smiled and said, "Speaking of which, aren't these the same thing? ?"

Mrs. Sun was very hot-tempered and ranty-tongued. If she told her, it would spread quickly.

"Is that so? The Yan family's items are too expensive." When Mrs. Sun heard this, she immediately said, "You pay two cents here, but she sells them for three cents!"

Three cents, I'm afraid it's a loss-making business, but Shen Ru thought about it, Yan Zhenshan's shop also has rouge and gouache, maybe the cotton pad will lose money, and the other side will make money.

Soon, everything Mrs. Sun asked for was packed, An Qiao and Yaoyao made notes, and Cuixi handed the goods to Mrs. Sun's maid.

"After the new year, I will also open a shop. In addition to cotton pads, I will sell all women's personal items. Then I will invite Mrs. Sun to join in the fun."

"It's easy to talk, but Miss Shen, I heard that you are getting married to the governor. After this marriage, will you still go out to do business?"

Shen Ru raised his eyebrows, this matter has spread!

"Yes, who said a woman can't do business after she gets married?"

"Think about it, Mr. Xiao is notoriously poor!" Mrs. Sun said with emotion, "Miss Shen, thank you for your hard work!"

Shen Ru looked a little embarrassed, this... spread quite widely!

(End of this chapter)

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