Chapter 368 Your parents invited me here

After the New Year, Shen Ru stopped the workshop and asked Aunt Lian to pay everyone an extra month's wages.

At the ranch, Shen Ru asked Mrs. Yu to give everyone an extra month's wages as a red envelope at the end of the year.

If there were people at home, Shen Ru would let them go home for the New Year in advance.In addition to the original owners of the ranch and his wife, there are several other prisoners, including Lin Moxiang and her daughter, who are celebrating the New Year at the ranch.

Mrs. Yu is going back to the city with her son Pei Chongguang, sister-in-law, and mother-in-law; Dunzhu is invited by Shen Ru to go back to Shen's house for the New Year.

Even at Zhuangzi, Shen Ru personally took people there to visit. Those who could celebrate the New Year in Zhuangzi, she allowed them to take their families over. If they couldn't, they could go home. There were also prisoners she took in here. Since he had nowhere to go, he naturally stayed at Zhuangzi.

There was also the Stone Candle Workshop, where Heishui was guarding. It wasn't until New Year's Eve that Shen Rucai arranged everything.

On New Year's Eve, the Shen family was extremely lively. Compared with last year's improvised arrangements, this year's Shen family was full of joy.

The school was on holiday early. Shen Xuan and Shen Nian knew that Shen Ru would get married in the next year, and even Shen Ru wanted to pester her when he had time.

After being busy with things outside, I didn't even have time to go to the Governor's Mansion to see Xiao Wujin!Shen Ru couldn't help but feel a little regretful in his heart.

"Miss, the young master of the Yan family is here!" Cuixi said with a smile.

"Here it comes!" Shen Ru's eyes lit up, Yan Shaoqing came to deliver a message to Xiao Wujin!
Yan Shaoqing threw Xiao Wujin's letter to Shen Ru, looking disgusted.

"Aren't you two pretentious? You are both in Liangzhou. Why do you need me to be your messenger?"

Shen Ru smiled and opened Xiao Wujin's letter, which was about daily chores, but when she read what was written in the letter, her eyes lit up, as if the two of them were talking face to face.

"Thank you for your kindness, Yan Shaoqing. I know that you will contribute the most to the wedding in a few days. Thank you!"

Although Yan Shaoqing was disgusted, the corners of his mouth still rose slightly when Shen Ru thanked him.

"Today is New Year's Eve. I am the eldest son of the Yan family, and I am running errands for you, so you have some idea!" Yan Shaoqing said, "It's okay, I'll go back. Why don't you ask me to reply to you today?"

"No need."

Shen Ru decided to go and accompany him in the evening when everyone was watching the New Year!

"Yan Shaoqing, you should go home too. Today is a good day. There are so many people in your family, and we can't live without you!"

"Yes, you are right, the family can't survive without me." Yan Shaoqing said proudly, "Okay, I'm leaving!"

"Sister, you don't want to visit your brother-in-law, do you? Mom said it's not advisable to meet before the wedding." Shen Xuan kept a close eye on Shen Ru.

"How could it be? Sister is not going." Shen Ru smiled and invited everyone to play the pot throwing game together.Isn't it just to enjoy family happiness with your family if you choose to get married later in the year?
"I'll come, I'll come!" Dunzhu was most interested. There was no such game on the prairie.

Wuya still looked indifferent. She was a killer and would not play a game where she could crush other people with just one strike.

Mother Shen and Aunt Lian, who were too busy to stand still, couldn't help but smile knowingly when they heard the children's laughter.

"You guys said that this Aru is getting married. How about we invite Xiao Wujin to our house to spend New Year's Eve today?" Shen Yan stood in front of the house and suddenly said. "This is not allowed. How can men and women meet before the wedding?" Shen's mother immediately objected, "Besides, he is an outsider at our family's New Year's Eve dinner..."

When the words came to her lips, Mother Shen couldn't speak anymore, "It seems that he is in Liangzhou and has no relatives. In fact... otherwise..."

"Sister, I think you have a sharp tongue and a soft heart. If Mr. Xiao comes, Aru will be the happiest!" Aunt Lian laughed in a low voice, "It would be great if Aru is happy."

"Yes, as long as Ah Ru is happy, then... just go and invite her!" Mother Shen finally frowned and then relaxed.

"Uncle Fu!" When Shen Yan saw this, he called Uncle Fu. After Mulqin returned home, he had no choice but to ask Uncle Fu to go to the Governor's Mansion.

When Xiao Wujin arrived, Shen Ru was having a snowball fight with his younger siblings. The snow in the backyard had not been cleared from the snow the day before.

When Shen Ru saw Xiao Wujin, she thought she was dazzled. She had planned to wait until late at night to accompany him, but why was she hallucinating before it got dark.

As a snowball was thrown over, Xiao Wujin received a solid blow. Shen Ru was also sure that this was not an illusion!
"You, you, you... why are you here?" Shen Ru said "you" in a row, making Xiao Wujin laugh.

"Why, you don't want to see me?" Xiao Wujin joked, "I thought not seeing you for one day was like three autumns!"

"You should leave quickly. If my mother sees her, she will be nagging her for a while. We are getting married soon. It is not suitable to meet before the wedding." Shen Ru pushed Xiao Wujin and wanted him to leave.

"Aru, my uncle and aunt invited me here." Xiao Wujin held Shen Ru's hand and said with a smile, "Really!"

"Really?" Shen Ru didn't believe it.

"Yes, Uncle Fu went to the Governor's Mansion and brought me here." Xiao Wujin explained, "My uncle and aunt felt that I was all alone in the Governor's Mansion, so they invited me over to have the New Year's Eve dinner with you."

Shen Ru's eyes widened, why are his parents so open-minded?

"Aren't you happy to see me?" Xiao Wujin couldn't help but joked when he saw Shen Ru looking like this.

"Happy, so happy!" Shen Ru threw herself into Xiao Wujin's arms. She had never been free since New Year's Eve!
"Sister!" Shen Xuan and Shen Nian looked at Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin not far away with resentment. "Didn't you agree to have a snowball fight?"

"You come and play too!" Shen Ru chuckled and pulled Xiao Wujin to play with his younger siblings.

At this moment, outside the gate of the Shen family, Ms. Qian was holding her son and her daughter, Shen Ping, together, looking very embarrassed.

"At this time, it's unreasonable for us to come to your door to beg for something, Ping'er." Qian wanted to turn around and leave.

"Mom, why not? Today is New Year's Eve. The Shen family must have prepared good wine and good food. Aren't we the Shen family?" Shen Ping's eyes were a little extreme. "If we don't let it be easy for us, I don't want it to be easy for them either. I He is already a shameless person, so just bring Shen Ru along with him to embarrass him!"

"Shush, don't yell, Ping'er, don't yell like that!" Ms. Qian said with a bitter look on her face. Her family was not too poor to raise the blame, but her daughter Shen Ping just wanted to come to the Shen family to ask for something.

"What's the matter? Why can't I say anything? Can't the money from the eldest room of the Shen family be given to us as the second room? Mom, they bully us orphans and widowed mothers. Mom, we can't be trampled under their feet like this. !”

Shen Ping's face was very ugly. As she spoke, she stepped forward and pushed the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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