Chapter 37 Prince Jing’s Widow
Another day passed, but no letter came from the government, and Shen Ru himself was a little ready to make a move.

Tiankeng is a tiankeng. No matter how big the problem, the fallen trees in the forest can be used.

"My lords, the daughter of the people has a suggestion."

Cui Ti walked up to the officials and said, "The women of the people want to take the official road like everyone else, so the women of the people are thinking that if there are many of you, can you use the wood in the forest to build a wooden bridge?"

Shen Ru happened to go to Chen Qing and wanted to make this suggestion. With so many prisoners, it would be okay to cut down some trees and build a wooden bridge using local materials!
Chen Qing looked at Cui Ti and said calmly: "Young lady, you think these prisoners are too good. I have no right to instruct them to do anything before they arrive at the place of distribution."

"Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man."

Cui Ti said, with a determined look that made Chen Qing look at Shen Ru.

Shen Ru felt baffled. This was not what she said.

"Miss Cui's words sound familiar to Chen. Why, Miss Cui is in a hurry?"

"Yes and no, it's just that the folk girl feels that with such a large group of people here, it is even more important to hurry up!"

"The daughter of the people is willing to be the one called upon, as long as the Lord agrees."

Shen Ru clapped her hands and struck while the iron was hot: "Master Chen, this girl is not only as beautiful as a flower, but also has an ancient heart. Why should Master Chen hesitate?"

“Everyone is used to being on the road, and suddenly staying here for a few days makes people’s hearts wander!”

Shen Ru reminded Chen Qing that if he didn't leave, someone would run away again!
Chen Qing looked at Shen Ru and then at Cui Ti.

"The eldest lady of the Shen family seems to have the same views as Miss Cui. Why don't you two think about it and cultivate your officialdom like this!"

Chen Qing asked Shen Ru to negotiate.

Shen Ru understood instantly and greeted Cui Ti warmly.

"I am Shen Ru, formerly from the Anguo Hou Mansion."

"Cui Ti, the concubine of the Cui family in Qingling."

"I've never heard of his name, but I'm curious. Does Miss Cui care about the exiled people here?"

"Otherwise, why would Miss Cui wade into this muddy water if others avoid her?"

Shen Ru said it straightforwardly.

Cui Ti was also sizing up Shen Ru. She had heard before that the eldest lady of the Anguo Hou Mansion fell into a coma after falling from a horse and then got married.

But on the day of the wedding, the decree of confiscating her house and banishing her came, and she didn't know that Shen Ru was already awake.

"You look at me like this, but you think my family members look much better than other prisoners?"

"I'm really surprised. I'd like to hear the details!"

Cui Ti nodded.

"Of course it's because of money!"

Shen Ru came up to Cui Ti and said, "Hey, it costs money to manage the officials. Once the money is paid, the officials will turn a blind eye."

"After all, they just need to let the prisoners arrive in Liangzhou!"

Cui Ti nodded thoughtfully.

"I see."

"Especially Mr. Chen Qingchen, I have invested thousands of taels of silver in it. Don't ask me where I got so much money. Didn't the whole family find a way to hide it, just to make this exile easier? .”

"Then your carriage..."

"That's my old servant of the Shen family, Xia Gan Yi Dan. When he learned that the Shen family was in trouble, he spontaneously came to escort our family to Liangzhou."

Shen Ru's words seemed to inspire Cui Ti.

"Then...does Miss Shen know who is left in Prince Jing's Mansion?"

"Prince Jing's Mansion, the old lady is here, and then the second daughter-in-law, the third daughter-in-law, the grandson, and..."

Shen Ru talked to a lot of people, Cui Ti gritted her teeth and finally said: "Miss Shen, can you take me to see the old lady!"

"Huh? Why?"

Shen Ru pretended not to know and asked in surprise. "To be honest, my Cui family has an engagement with the Pei family of Prince Jing's palace. However, before the incident happened, my father got wind of it and broke off the engagement."

Cui Ti looked apologetic, "I feel deeply ashamed of my father's behavior. I want to see the old lady and apologize to her in person."

Shen Ru blinked, looking amazed.

"Isn't Miss Cui afraid of getting into trouble?"

"Don't the Shen family also have loyal servants to escort them all the way? I also want to see off the old lady and two aunts from Prince Jing's Mansion."

Cui Ti said softly.

Shen Ru kept saying he admired her, and Cui Ti said humbly just for peace of mind.

The two of them talked to each other about their admiration for each other, and came to the old lady of Prince Jing's Mansion together.

"Old madam, do you recognize this Miss Cui?"

"Are you the second girl of the Cui family?"

The old lady recognized Cui Ti and was extremely surprised.

"The old lady actually recognized her, so Shen Ru retreated first, and you two caught up with each other."

"Miss Cui, as long as Mr. Chen agrees, everything will be easy to discuss!"

Cui Ti understood, so she called her maid Jade and explained the situation.

Shen Ru walked away, while Cui Ti knelt in front of the old lady.

"Miss Cui, why are you doing this?"

The old lady was a little puzzled. No matter how prosperous Prince Jing's Mansion was in the past, it is still falling down. The Cui family does not have to be like this.

"Old Madam, Cui Ti was once saved by the Crown Prince."

Cui Ti said, "If there was no prince, there would be no me, Cui Ti, in this world. Although the engagement between the Cui family and the Pei family was ruined, Cui Ti is willing to be the widow of the prince. When he goes to Liangzhou, Cui Ti will take care of the old lady. Follow the two aunts!"

Cui Ti's words made the old lady and the two daughters-in-law widen their eyes in shock.

The prince is no longer alive. Cui Ti is so old and has outstanding appearance. Why should he be so aggrieved?

"Second Miss Cui, you don't have to be like this."

The old lady helped Cui Ti up.

Cui Ti looked miserable, and the bloody mole at the corner of her eye seemed to be about to shed tears of blood.

"Old madam, I have a deep admiration for the crown prince, but I am only troubled by the fact that the one I am engaged to is my eldest sister."

"I just want to take care of the Pei family and fulfill my wishes for the prince!"

"This is absolutely impossible."

The old lady immediately refused: "Miss Cui, my Pei family is already a prisoner, why should you do anything for someone who is no longer here!"

"I only want to act with a clear conscience. If I do nothing, I will feel that my past feelings for the prince are vain."

Cui Ti said firmly: "Old madam, two aunts, please let me take care of you to Liangzhou!"

"Just think of it as fulfilling me, okay?"

If someone takes care of her, everyone can live a better life on the road of exile. The old lady wants to refuse.

But Cui Ti was very persistent, and in the end, the people in Prince Jing's Mansion had no choice but to let Cui Ti go.

"For me, this is just a small effort, but it can ensure your exile is more stable. You don't need to refuse."

Cui Ti said it calmly, as if everything was just to fulfill her wish.

Shen Ru didn't know how much money Cui Ti gave Chen Qing. In the end, Chen Qing really mobilized officials and prisoners to cut down trees, bulldoze and build bridges!

During this period, Cui Ti also reached an agreement with Chen Qing and could accompany the people from Prince Jing's Mansion to Liangzhou.

When the official road is temporarily open to traffic, there will be an additional carriage in the exile team, and the old lady and young master of Prince Jing's Mansion no longer need to be taken care of by the Shen family!
(End of this chapter)

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