Chapter 38 The good man who gives food and money
Shen Ru didn't know whether their journey into exile was unprecedented or unprecedented, but his parents greatly praised Cui Ti's behavior.

"It's really sad that the Cui family has such a beautiful woman." Shen's mother sighed, "It's a pity that Prince Jing, I don't know that there is such a woman in the world who is so infatuated with him."

"The second young lady of the Cui family could have stayed out of the matter, but she came to escort the old lady. She is extremely affectionate!"

Shen Yan also said with emotion.

Shen Ru remained silent as she recalled the description of Cui Ti in the book.

Pei Wenjing, the eldest son of Prince Jing, likes the eldest daughter of the Cui family, a gentle and quiet woman who is well-read in poetry and books.

This second lady, Cui Ti, Prince Jing has always thought is too charming in appearance and good at calculation.

Speaking of which, it was Cui Ti who had a crush on him. She had a secret love for him before, but after she thought Prince Jing was no longer alive, she made this secret love public, as if to fulfill her sincerity when she was young.

The plot in the book really writes a lot about the reunion of the two.

Prince Jing still didn't like women like Cui Ti, but everyone in the Pei family told him how good Cui Ti was and how affectionate and loyal she was to the Pei family, so Pei Wenjing would never let Cui Ti down.

Anyway, these two people were very abusive, but we have to say that this Cui Ti is excellent in appearance and skills, but she just doesn't like Pei Wenjing.

Midway through, Cui Ti gave up, and Pei Wenjing realized later that he could no longer leave Cui Ti, and staged a chase for his wife in the crematorium.

"Aru, why are you so lost in thought?"

Aunt Lian joked, "What do you think of this girl from the Cui family?"

"It's very good. She combines beauty and talent. She dares to challenge the world's vision and is persistent in her own heart."

Shen Ru praised: "Well, she is very rich!"

"It's a pity that Prince Jing is no longer alive, otherwise it would have created a good story."

Mother Shen finally said, her eyes falling on Shen Ru.

"Aru, Lin Shi'an's death was so annoying that you became a widow in vain. From now on..."

"Mom, you think too much. Prisoners like us will never have a good marriage in the future."

Shen Ru said directly, "Anyway, I won't consider getting married. If there is an amnesty in the future and we are no longer prisoners, let's make plans again!"

These words made the Shen parents silent. The daughter who was raised in the family was naturally reluctant to get married.

But with his status as a prisoner and the place in Liangzhou, Mother Shen sighed!

"Aru, it doesn't matter, your parents will stay with you forever."

Shen Yan said suddenly: "We A'ru are no worse than Miss Cui. If we don't have that good talent, then there is no need to give in."

"If I can take root in Liangzhou, I can recruit someone to come to my door."

Aunt Lian suggested, "Teach yourself, you should be able to find someone reliable!"

Shen Ru couldn't laugh or cry when she saw her family actually talking about her life events.

"Dad, Mom, what are we going to do in Liangzhou? Is there a big house to live in?"

Shen Nian suddenly spoke, making the atmosphere suddenly awkward again.

Everyone's eyes fell on Shen Yan's face.

"After being exiled to the distribution area, all the prisoners have to work hard. This Liangzhou... I have never been to, so I don't know what I will do when the time comes."

"It's useless to think so much now. Let's talk about it when we get to Liangzhou. I asked Cuixi and the others to go early. There will always be a place to stay then."

Shen Ru said, "Father, mother, and aunt, I will do my best to let everyone live a good life."

Shen Yan felt relieved that her daughter was thoughtful!

In order to catch up with the delayed journey, the officials almost rushed the exiles on the road, and they were not even given a break at noon!

It doesn't matter to Shen Ru's family and Prince Jing's family, but it would be miserable for the other prisoners!Along the way, more than a dozen people fainted from exhaustion, and all of them had blisters on their feet. When they spent the night at the inn, they complained a lot.

Cui Ti learned from the old lady about Shen Ru's care for Prince Jing's family, and came specifically to talk to Shen Ru.

"Miss Shen, on behalf of the Pei family, I would like to thank you for your care in the past. I wonder if Miss Shen can ask for anything."

Cui Ti said quietly that the guest room where she lived in the inn was much better than the place where prisoners were held.

Shen Ru looked around and couldn't help but subconsciously asked: "How much does a guest room in this inn cost? Isn't it meant for officials who work for the imperial court?"

"I'm not short of money."

Cui Ti said directly, "As you said before, for these officials, as long as the money is in place, anything can be discussed."

"Oh, that's it. Then I have to let Uncle Fu stay in the guest room. It's too hard to spend the night in the carriage!"

Shen Ru said that she was not willing to get too close to Cui Ti. Well, the heroine has her own halo, and she felt that there would be a conflict between herself and the heroine.

"Then from now on, your loyal servant will live with my people in the guest room of the inn!"

Cui Ti said simply.

"This... I feel so sorry!"

"It doesn't matter, just get an extra room!"

Cui Ti's generosity made Shen Ru sigh in her heart. If Cui Ti hadn't been a lover, she would have become an imperial merchant.

Of course, Cui Ti eventually became Pei Wenjing's wife and regent princess!
"Miss Cui, if there is nothing else, I will go back to accompany my parents."

Shen Ru excused himself, "In the past, Mrs. Zhao and the young master were doing nothing but nothing."

"No, I heard from aunt that you were paid, so are you short of money?"

Cui Ti said, "If you are short of money, I can give it to you!"

"Oh, there are such good things!"

Shen Ru's eyes lit up.

"There is definitely a shortage of money, but on this exile, money can only be used for official duties."

Shen Ru said slowly: "What I want is actually very simple. I just hope that after arriving in Liangzhou, my parents, aunts, and younger brothers and sisters can be exempted from hard labor and be able to live peacefully in Liangzhou."

"Unfortunately, I have almost used up all the money I have left in this process, so I can only watch it when the time comes!"

Cui Ti nodded. As Shen thought, it was not too much. Who doesn't want their family to be safe?
"I will grant your request on behalf of the Pei family."

"After arriving in Liangzhou, I will pay for everything for you."

Oh, so nice. Shen Ru thanked him quickly without mentioning a word. He had already sent someone to take care of it in Liangzhou!

"Also, if the official asks you to pay money on the road in the future, I will pay it for you."

Cui Ti continued, "I am grateful to people like Miss Shen who can help me in times of crisis."

This is a woman who completely thinks of herself as Prince Jing!

Shen Ru thanked Cui Ti again. This is great, she can save a lot of money!

"Oh, by the way, Miss Shen, I heard that when you were in the woods, you took out a lot of rice and gave all the prisoners hot food."

Cui Ti continued, "Everything started because of Prince Jing's Mansion. I am very grateful for your contribution to Prince Jing's Mansion. I specially bought a stone of rice and sent it to your carriage."

"Miss Cui, you are such a good person!"

Shen Ru has a smile on her face and is extremely sincere. The heroine's light shines on the earth. How wonderful it is to send her food and money!

(End of this chapter)

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