Chapter 376 Remember to go home more often

Shen Ru didn't spend much time in the back house of the governor's house. The people in the house were indeed as simple as Xiao Wujin said.With Cuixi and the other three helping her handle things, she was happy and at ease.

Soon it was time to go back. Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin returned to the Shen family and saw their long-awaited family members.

"You are finally here. My sister and the master have been waiting since they got up early!" Aunt Lian laughed softly, looking at Shen Ru up and down, and smiled meaningfully.

Naturally, the new uncle was pulled by Father Shen to talk, while Shen Ru was pulled by Mother Shen and Aunt Lian for questioning.

"Mom, it's fine, everything is fine. There's nothing I'm not used to over there." Shen Ru's expression couldn't be faked, and the smile on her face made Shen's mother and aunt really feel relieved. .

"Aru, this yard is still yours. You can come back anytime." Mother Shen said with emotion, "But Mr. Xiao is indeed a good husband. He truly loves you and respects us, so this is The so-called love house and bird!"

"Yes, I have never seen anyone marrying their daughter and attending her daughter's wedding." Aunt Lian said very curiously, "My uncle is really serious about it!"

"Well, he also lets me take care of him at home, but I have been the housekeeper for a long time, so Cuixi and the others have been left busy in the backyard!" Shen Ru chuckled. In the past, in the Marquis Mansion in the capital, the original owner didn't learn much about housekeeping. , after all, the original owner wanted to find a son-in-law.

"Nothing, Mr. Xiao doesn't have any elders. Aren't your family just the two of you?" Aunt Lian said, "And we, Aru, are good at employing people, right?"

"Auntie is right, I work hard to make money, and then I spend money to hire people to do things." Shen Ru nodded in approval.

"Hey, how can you let your daughter's family make money to support the family?" If she was still dissatisfied with Xiao Wujin, that was probably it. Shen's mother looked at Shen Ru and couldn't help but sigh.

"Even the property on hand, I can't ignore!" Shen Ru explained, "Everyone is resting during the New Year period. After the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, we will start to open one after another. By the way, Aunt Lian, Take some time and help me go to Mrs. Mo's place and give her some New Year's goods, so you can wish her happy New Year."

"The store I was optimistic about before will repaint the walls in a while, and I will open it on an auspicious day!"

"Aru, you are not stopping for a moment!" Mother Shen couldn't help but said, "On the third day of the wedding, what else do you want to do with this?"

"We prepared it years ago. Besides, Yan Zhenshan already sells cotton pads. How could my improved one not be on the market?"

"You are trying to compete with Second Miss Yan!" Aunt Lian understood.

"By the way, Ah Ru, did something happen to the Yan family?" Shen's mother asked curiously, "The eldest lady has been next door for the past two days, and it feels like there's been a lot of noise every day."

Shen Ru didn't hide it either, but she told him that Yan Shuhui failed to plot against him and was eventually plotted against by others.

"This is so infuriating!" Mother Shen was angry, "You are actually being plotted against. If my mother were here, I would have to tear her apart!"

"Yes, Aru, we are all in the Governor's Mansion, why haven't we heard anyone mention it?" Aunt Lian asked curiously, "Oh, by the way, the groom and the groom got up to do something during this period. Could it be that he went to solve this matter? ?”

"That should be the case!" Shen Ru responded, "Mom, aunt, my daughter, I am saved from danger, and I am also blessed with a lucky star."

Shen Ru's joke made Shen's mother and Aunt Lian feel a little embarrassed. What if this happened...that was something they couldn't even think about.

"Sister!" Two clear and childish voices sounded outside the hospital, and then Shen Xuan and Shen Nian were seen running over.

"Sister Shen Ru!" Behind the two children, there was Dunzhu with a red face.

"While you were away, these two children were already playing with Dunzhu!" Shen's mother said with a smile, and also invited Dunzhu to sit in the room. "When I come home today, I will go to the kitchen to see how the food is being prepared." Mother Shen stood up and said. "I'll go take a look too." Even my aunt left with an excuse, giving Dunzhu and Shen Ru space to talk.

"Sister Shen Ru, I live alone in this yard. I'm so bored!" Dunzhu was very straightforward and said a little aggrievedly, "How about I go live in the ranch!"

"Don't rush for these two days. The ranch will start working on the tenth day of the lunar month, and today is only the seventh day of the lunar month!" Shen Ru persuaded, "If you really can't stand being alone, then go to Aunt Yu's place for a walk."

"Didn't I say it before? If we start work, we will give red envelopes to everyone. You and Aunt Yu will calculate how much money it will cost."

"But, I don't know where Aunt Yu lives?" Dunzhu said that he didn't know the way!
Now...why don't you leave Xiao Wujin and go to Pei's house?By the way, would you like to wish the old lady a happy new year?

Shen Ru thought in her mind and prepared to talk to Xiao Wujin after dinner.

"I'll take the time to go over with you and have a look!"

"Sister, you just came home and you're going out again!" Shen Xuan was a little dissatisfied, "We haven't seen you for three days. It's not good to get married."

"Little girl, after the New Year, it's one year closer to the hairpin, why are you still so clinging to your sister!"

"No matter how old I am, you are my favorite sister." Shen Xuan muttered next to Shen Ru, "We will go to school in a few days, and it will be even harder to see you then."

"Sister, if Sister Dunzhu goes to the ranch, can we stay there for a few days?" Shen Nian, who is one year older, has more ideas! "And take our foal with us."

"Then I want to go too. It's the Chinese New Year and the ponies have grown up." Shen Xuan said immediately.

Shen Ru smiled. After a year, his younger brothers and sisters have grown a bit more!
"If you want to live on the ranch, your parents must agree, understand?" Shen Ru pinched her brother Shen Nian's fat face.

"Sister, don't pinch me!" Shen Nian covered his face and protested. "You can pinch the second sister, the second sister has gained weight!"

"You just gained weight, I am obviously taller!" Can a girl say she is fat? Shen Xuan's reaction was very big!

"Tall and fat!"

Listening to the quarreling sounds of her younger brothers and sisters, Shen Ru was really overjoyed. What a cute child!

The whole family also enjoyed lunch.While Xiao Wujin was being dragged into playing chess by Shen's father, Shen Ru said something and went to visit the Pei family with Dunzhu taking some New Year's gifts!

After walking a few alleys, Shen Ru and Dunzhu arrived in front of the Pei family.

"Aunt Yu lives there. It's quite close to the Shen family!" Dunzhu looked around, feeling a little surprised.

"Yeah!" Shen Ru responded. She didn't want to talk about how Cui Ti and the others disgusted her in the first place. Didn't they choose a place close to the Shen family because they wanted her to help take care of the Pei family?
The door opened and it was Pei Chongguang. His eyes lit up when he saw Shen Ru.

"Shen...Mrs. Chongguang pays homage to Master." Pei Chongguang bowed to Shen Ruzuo.

"Xiao Chongguang, you don't need to be polite, you look so tall!" Shen Ru said with a smile: "Let's pay New Year's greetings to the old lady and talk to your mother about something."

(End of this chapter)

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