Chapter 377 Ask Mr. Xiao to make decisions for the people
The old lady of the Pei family has silver hair, but she has a calm demeanor, and the character in her bones is still there.Even though her current life was relatively poor compared to before, Shen Ru was impressed by the peace and calmness between her features.

"Shen Ru, thank you for still thinking about me, an old woman." Mrs. Pei, who was already old, looked at Shen Ru with a smile and said.

"Old madam, you're all right." Shen Ru didn't know if Pei Wenjing had met the old madam in private. It would have been too much to say, so she didn't mention it at all.

"Well, thanks to you for taking care of the Pei family this year." The old lady thanked her, "Ms. Yu also told me that she has a leisurely time working in the ranch, but the salary is not low. And you let her take care of the Pei family every day. The goat milk that comes back is indeed nourishing and very beneficial to me."

"The two families had some friendship in the past. I just did what I could."

Shen Ru discovered that there were two servants in this house, but looking at the stable territory, they were obviously practicing martial arts.So, is this the manpower Pei Wenjing placed here?
Mrs. Zhao brought tea out. This year, she had been taking care of the old lady at home, so she was not too tired.Although she is dressed in ordinary clothes, the aura of a noble lady from the past has settled down, and it is difficult to hide her nobility.

"Shen Ru, come here, have a sip of hot tea. Congratulations on finding a good son-in-law. Mr. Xiao is a rare and valuable good man."

"Thank you." Shen Ru said casually, unconsciously looking at the two servant girls with low eyebrows.

"Before, Qingshan worked as a bodyguard at home, and also helped the family to work outside to make money. Later, he said that he had found a job in an escort agency, and he went out as an escort again a year ago. He was afraid that there would be no one at home to do anything, so he found the two of them for us. Also. They are all suffering people who came to escape from the injustice in the world."

When Zhao saw Shen Ruduo looking at the two people, she opened her mouth to explain.

"The old lady and Aunt Zhao are also kind-hearted. There are indeed a lot of refugees coming into Liangzhou. It is a blessing for them to be taken in by you." Shen Ru said casually without wanting to point it out.

"Not as kind as you." Mrs. Zhao looked at Shen Ru kindly: "Liniang also told us that you took in some hard-working prisoners in the ranch. Shen Ru, most people are not as kind as you. I believe you are the same as the governor. Together, Liangzhou will become more prosperous."

Shen Ru thanked him respectfully, and then talked about other things, chatting wordlessly.

Dunzhu and Yu also communicated about the red envelopes given after the ranch started construction. As time passed, Shen Ru was ready to leave.

"Master, when can I return to Master?" Pei Chongguang also asked curiously.

"Why, didn't you ask before you went home?" Shen Ru found it funny. Why did she ignore it?

"If you want to go back to the Governor's Mansion, you can do it at any time, but I still suggest that you wait until your mother starts working. Isn't it nice to be together as a family?"

"Chongguang worked hard. Every day at home, he would do his homework with the rooster crowing, and there were many obscure articles. I always wanted to go to the Governor's Mansion to ask Mr. Xiao!" Mrs. Yu looked at her son lovingly and said .

In fact, aren’t life pretty good now?Shen Ru couldn't help but think that Pei Wenjing might soon bring his people to Liangzhou to pick up the Pei family.

"It's a good thing to be studious, but Xiao Chongguang still needs to balance work and rest!" Shen Ru joked, "Dunzhu and I are going back first. See you at the ranch, Aunt Yu!"

"Well, see you at the ranch." Mrs. Yu responded.Shen Rupei's family took care of her when working on the ranch!
On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year in Liangzhou, no shops on the streets were open, but people were coming and going in the alleys, all of them walking around to pay New Year greetings.

Shen Ru and Dunzhu were also wandering around, but after walking around for a while, there was nothing interesting, so they simply returned to Shen's house.

At home, Xiao Wujin was playing with his younger brothers and sisters, and everything was peaceful. "I'm back. My new uncle is dizzy from the two children calling him brother-in-law again and again. He's playing with me!" Aunt Lian said with a smile.

"Sister!" Seeing Shen Ru coming back, Shen Xuan and Shen Nian also ran over.

"Sister, my brother-in-law said that my legs and feet are strong and I can move well." Shen Nian seemed to be showing off.

"Sister, my brother-in-law also said that my handwriting is good." Shen Xuan said not to be outdone.

"Brother-in-law said you are good, then you are really good, keep working hard!" Shen Ru held two bowls of water flat and praised his younger brothers and sisters.

"Miss, we have guests." Several people were joking, and a servant came to report.

Shen Ru turned around, her smile gone, her second aunt Qian came again with Shen Ping and Shen Feng!
Faced with Shen Ru's unwelcoming look, Qian shivers, but Shen Ping next to her looks like she's in peace.

"Oh, you're the bad woman who ruined Sister Shen Ru's wedding." Dunzhu was still standing aside. When he saw Shen Ping, he rudely accused her.

"We are here today to wish my eldest uncle and eldest aunt a happy New Year. By the way, I want to say something to Mr. Xiao." Shen Ping looked serious, passing Shen Ru and looking at Xiao Wujin.She had calculated that today was the day for Shen Ru to return home. No matter what, could Shen Ru still beat and scold them in front of Xiao Wujin?

"Master Xiao, you have to make decisions for civilian women!" Qian took Shen Ping's advice, pulled Shen Feng, and knelt down in front of Xiao Wujin with a thud.

"The husband-in-law and brother-in-law of the civilian wife died unexpectedly. It's a pity that my son saw the murderer with his own eyes, but was so stimulated that he forgot about it. Now that my son Shen Feng has remembered the scene that day, he also asked Mr. Xiao to catch the murderer for us and bring him to justice. To the law.”

"If you have any grievances, you can go to the Yamen to play drums. I am on vacation for my wedding, and today I am just the aunt of the Shen family." Xiao Wujin said calmly.

Shen Ping was shocked, wasn't this Xiao Wujin dedicated to the people?
Shen Ru pursed her lips and said nothing, and came to Shen's house on a day when she would come home. Shen Ping deliberately made things difficult for her.

"I know who the murderer is, Master Xiao. No one dares to touch them. Can't you also make decisions for the people?" Shen Ping said anxiously.

"Shen Ping, maybe you don't understand. Today, Xiao Lang is my uncle of the Shen family." Shen Ru said, "Even if it weren't for today, your case is not something that should be handled by the governor. You can file a lawsuit with the Ministry of Punishments." What's the use of the Yushitai? And this over-the-level complaint, is it your family that opened the government office for you?"

Shen Ping was angry. She naturally didn't understand Xiao Wujin's relationship with the Yan family. To show her presence in front of Xiao Wujin, she just wanted to compete with Shen Ru. Secondly, how could she suppress Yan? Isn’t he the governor of Liangzhou?
"Master Xiao, don't you want to take care of it?" Shen Ping said angrily.

"Don't you understand, Miss Shen, what a governor is?" Xiao Wujin continued, saying that he really didn't want to deal with this matter.

"No matter, then, did my husband-in-law and brother-in-law die in vain?" Qian stood up, pulled Shen Feng, and accused: "The child saw the murderer and has nightmares every night. If the murderer cannot be punished on the spot, what are you going to do? What kind of official?"

"Second Aunt, if you want to report to the official, please go out and turn right; if you want to pay New Year's greetings, then go into the hall and drink a cup of hot tea; if Shen Feng has a nightmare, then see a doctor." Shen Ru said calmly. Seeing Shen Ping's aggrieved look, she I don’t care anymore, and I can’t get anything out of it!

(End of this chapter)

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